Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Example Apa Research Paper
Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Example Apa Research Paper Type of Example Apa Research Paper If your instructor provides you with the APA guidelines then excellent for you. You can also see course outline. You can also see program outline. You might also see biography outline. Normally a bibliography just contains references information, but in some instances, you might choose to make an annotated bibliography. Among the biggest reasons to make an APA format bibliography is just to produce the research and writing process simpler. The Supreme Approach to Example Apa Research Paper It's only normal to be anxious about hiring an on-line essay writer as you can't ever be sure whether you are employing the perfect service or not. Some readers will be considering research methods utilised in your work while others might read certain points mentioned in your research. As the title of the writing implies you must conduct the research in the certain region of knowledge. It's extremely important to read carefully essay services reviews, because you would like to avoid low excellent services. Nobody will argue that It's quite challenging to compose an academic paper if there's no structure for it. You will be happy you filled up the purchase form. Your document may have a complicated structure, especially in the event the most important body will be big. If you read an illustration of APA paper, you can observe that running heads aren't always mandatory. A template is a kind of design that's already formatted in your document so you can get started writing on opening it. Examine examples of such works to comprehend how to write them and what style you ought to use for formatting them. The format to be used is related to the topic that you have chosen. The format of your abstract also is dependent upon the sort of paper you're writing. Example Apa Research Paper and Example Apa Research Paper - The Perfect Combination You have to keep in mind that the thesis statement is normally a kind of introduction to the assigned subject issue. Occasionally a thesis can be formulated as a question that should be answered or a problem that should be resolved. Most theories suggest that only very disturbed folks do horrible actions if they're ordered to achieve that. The aim of the research introduction is to notify the readers about this issue and your opinion on the subject. A research paper is a rather significant kind of academic wri ting. Before you begin your essay or research paper, you should get familiar with some overall APA rules. The significance of the outline in the research paper is clear. Thus, it's apparent that example of recommendation in research paper is always based on specific data and cannot be speculated because of the fact that it isn't a hypothesis. So, first of all, a college research paper has to be informative. You've got to compose several academic papers over the span of a year. College students are predicted to deliver premium quality research papers that fulfill strict requirement as to contents and form. Research Paper preparation means handling a great amount of information. Research projects may still be presented visually. Research Paper isn't a task for a single day. An individual should realize that every Research Paper is a sophisticated writing because it must contain distinctive research and distinctive idea. The War Against Example Apa Research Paper Precise word counts can change from journal to journal. If you aren't mindful of APA requirements just type in Google (or some other search engine) APA format and you are certain to find a lot of results. Bear in mind that the format of the reference is dependent on the source material or whether it's a book, journal, newspaper or internet resource. The reference list ought to be alphabetized based on the author's last name. In case the structure of the primary body has many levels, it is preferable to use different numbering styles. A bibliography is comparable in many methods to a reference section, but there are a f ew critical differences. College students should use a suitable numbering for unique sections.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Bilingual Cooperative Integrated Reading And Composition
-- Describe the topic. What is the intended target of the intervention and the goal? Bilingual Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (BCIRC) is the intervention program designed to help Spanish-speaking English Language Learners(ELL) students successfully read in Spanish and make a successful transition to English reading. The target of the intervention was the Spanish-dominant ELL students who attended seven elementary schools which had the highest rates of poverty and the lowest levels of student achievement in El Paso, Texas. The 222 Spanish-speaking ELL students in the second (n = 120) and third (n = 102) grades initially participated in the study and were assigned to the mixed-ability (high, medium, and low achieving)†¦show more content†¦Although the study authors found some statistically significant differences in the mean reading achievement test scores between the BCIRC students and the comparison group students in the subgroup findings, the WWC did not confirm the statistically significant positive effects of this finding because only one study was reviewed. †¢ English language development: The study authors did not find any statistically significant differences in the mean language development test scores between the BCIRC students and the comparison group students both in the study findings and the subgroup findings. However, the WWC reported that the intervention had potentially positive effects on English language development reading achievement because the study showed the substantively important positive effect with the large effect sizes (.29 in the study finding /.38, .22, .53 in the subgroup findings), and it also did not show a statistically significant or substantively important negative effect. However, the WWC did confirm the statistically significant positive effects of this finding because only one study was reviewed. The WWC also provided the Improvement index for reading achievement (+23 percentile points) and English language development (+11 percentile points) based on the effect size. Each improvement index represents the positive difference between the percentile rank of theShow MoreRelatedEnglish Language Learners7210 Words  | 29 Pagesenvironment that will enhance learning for all of your students. WHO ARE THEY? Although ELL students come from diverse backgrounds, they have several common needs. Certainly, they need to build their oral English skills. They also need to acquire reading and writing skills in English. And they must attempt to maintain a learning continuum in the content areas (e.g., mathematics, science, and social studies). Some ELL students will have other needs that will make the task of learning much more difficultRead MoreSupporting the Development of English Literacy in English Language Learners22851 Words  | 92 Pagesstudents in U.S. schools, increasing from 6% in 1970 to 16% in 1995 and 19% in 1997 (Ruiz de Velasco Fix, 2000). While their numbers have increased, English language learners (ELLs) lag significantly behind their fluent English-speaking peers in reading. For example, in California, ELLs participating in statemandated standardized testing performed worse at all grade levels and were substantially more likely to score below the nationally ranked 25th per centile. In addition, ELLs are substantiallyRead MoreTrends Issues and Policies in Philippine Education 15257 Words  | 22 Pagesall levels, be it elementary, secondary, tertiary, technical-vocational, non-formal, sports and culture; supervise all educational institutions, both public and private and provide for the establishment and maintenance of a complete, adequate and integrated system of education relevant to the goals of national development. Organic and Management Structure of DECS The DECS is divided into two major structural components: the central office and field offices. The central office has five (5) serviceRead MoreNew Developments in Technology Management7684 Words  | 31 Pagesengineering schools have responded to these developments by designing new courses and curricula related to technological entrepreneurship. Some countries with centralized educational systems (e.g., Japan, Singapore, and Ireland) are graduating â€Å"bilingual engineers†with capabilities in technology and business. Yet, this trend of marrying technology with management education is still far from being in the mainstream. Another important development in stimulating and changing the nature of the demandRead MoreA Research Study On Linguistics7646 Words  | 31 Pagesstudent and texts constructed by group, and a program of home reading ââ€" Activation of previous knowledge: Teachers must consider bridging bicultural knowledge with the embodiment of relevant and meaningful language and theme based units with games and visuals ââ€" Approaches of Instruction: Focusing on the development of vocabulary is important that includes activities such as reading aloud with storytelling and discussion, writing, and cooperative learning. This requires the grouping of flexible abilityRead MoreFactors Affecting Literature Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools in Uganda19646 Words  | 79 Pages 2.3 The use of appropriate instructional resources and methods in teaching the subject of 13 2.3.1 Methods used in teaching of Literature in English 19 a) Grammar translation or traditional method 19 b) The Direct Method 19 c) The Reading Method 20 d) The Audio lingual Method 20 e) The Audiovisual Method 21 f) Communicative Method 21 2.4 The impact of Environment on teaching and Learning of Literature in English 22 2.5 The Attitudes of Secondary School Students towardsRead MoreRole Of Data Driven Learning And Traditional Instruction Essay9233 Words  | 37 PagesVocabulary Learning Strategies in the Second / Foreign Language.......................................... 9 1.3. Student-Centered Approach in Teaching ................................................................................. 20 1.4. The Role of Cooperative Learning Cognitive Approaches to Teaching ............................. 27 1.5. The Role of Computer-Assisted Language Learning .............................................................. 28 1.6. Corpus Studies and Data-Driven Learning ...Read Morepreschool Essay46149 Words  | 185 Pageseach student. In addition, a recent report from the American Academy of Pediatrics concludes that play is vitally important for healthy brain development. These reports, as well as many others, make clear that preschool children’s play and integrated learning are vital components of high-quality preschool programs. With the goal of ensuring that all preschools in California offer highquality programs, the California Department of Education collaborated with leading early childhood educatorsRead MoreStrategic Human Resource Management View.Pdf Uploaded Successfully133347 Words  | 534 Pagestasks or operate new equipment. Employers may structure jobs so that these skills may be learned from other employees. They may also give employees time to learn new procedures or how to operate new equipment through self-instruction, such as by reading technical manuals, or by learning new software through self-instruction. Employers may also absorb the costs of lower productivity while workers lacking relevant skills learn through interaction with skilled employees or through trial-and-error processesRead MoreHuman Resources Management150900 Words  | 604 Pagessystems technicians, physical therapists, plumbers, air conditioning repair technicians, and many others. Consequently, HR professionals have faced greater pressures to recruit and train workers. LOGGING ON . . . Workforce Composition Data on workforce composition and trends from the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics are available at this site. sahome.html WORKFORCE QUALITY DEFICIT Many occupational groups and industries will require more educated
Monday, December 9, 2019
Paramore-Riot! free essay sample
Paramore is probably the most talented Alternative Rock band out there right now. Their music is truly amazing. Its more than just something to listen to when youre bored. Single, â€Å"CrushCrushCrush†shows how they can put meaningful lyrics with great vocals and instrumentals and produce a song that gets nominated for both MTV Music Video Awards and Teen Choice Awards. Single, â€Å"Misery Business†was said to be the song that got the band noticed with its catchy up-beat rhythm and a story behind it that can get you wanting to hear more. â€Å"Keep me safe inside, your arms like towers†lyrics from Paramores, â€Å"We Are Broken†has so much emotion to just a tiny metaphor in the amazing song. Paramores lyrics might be simple but unlike a lot of other bands you can actually understand the meaning of the song and relate to them. Its like you can feel a connection with the band because the lyrics are written about personal experiences band members have been through. We will write a custom essay sample on Paramore-Riot! or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Behind the music is passion, and thats personally what I liked best about the band. It seems there songs block out the rest of the world when youre listening to them. Theyre an overall great band who almost automatically got noticed and continues to prove to us how amazing they are. There really isnt anything to hold against the band except most of there songs sound very alike and they sound like a lot of other Alternative bands such as Flyleaf. Id recommend Paramore to teenagers because the lyrics are something that they could relate to. Theyve been nominated for various awards. Just a few of them being Americas Music Awards, Grammy Awards and multiple Teen Choice Awards. A band who received that many awards and much more, you should really give a chance to. Id give this band five stars.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Demand for Chicken, a Proposal Essay Example
The Demand for Chicken, a Proposal Essay The demand for chicken refers to the quantity of chicken demanded by households (in lbs) in the identified areas (one rural and one urban), at the available prices within the specified areas. It must be noted at this point, that the true population in any given situation is never really known. As such samples are usually collected and estimated using econometric methods. The results are then used to infer or make judgments about the true population. Basically, econometrics is based on economic theory, mathematical economics and statistics. Where the relationships among variables are measured using numerical values and estimates are then interpreted. This assignment has been embarked on to apply the theoretical knowledge learnt in the classroom to real world situations using actual data. I. e. the quantity of chicken demanded (dependent variable), subject to constraints such as the selling price of chicken, available substitutes, etc. In doing an econometric research, there are four stages. These stages are 1. Specification of the model. 2. Estimation of the model. 3. Evaluation of the estimates. 4. Evaluation of the model. These steps will be further explained in the proposal. REVIEW OF LITERATURE This comprises of two parts; 1. The general theory of demand 2. Previous models done and comparisons. Theory of Demand A fundamental characteristic of demand is†¦[1]. †All else equal, as price falls, the quantity demanded rises, and as price rises, the quantity demanded falls. †What this implies is that there is a negative or inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded. We will write a custom essay sample on The Demand for Chicken, a Proposal specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Demand for Chicken, a Proposal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Demand for Chicken, a Proposal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer However, price is not the only factor that affects or determines the quantity of a product demanded. Other factors such as the taste and preferences of consumers, the prices of related goods, number of buyers in the market, changing expectations (of price, availability, income) etc. The prices of related goods can increase or decrease the demand for a good depending on whether the related good is a substitute (can be used in place of another) or complement (used together with another). Example, assuming that good (A) is a complement of good (B), as the price of good B rises; the demand for good A will decrease, I. . , a negative relationship exist. On the other hand, if the goods are substitutes of each other, as the price of one good rises, the quantity demanded of the other good will also increase because the consumers will substitute the more expensive good with a cheaper substitute. A change in consumers’ taste and preferences also affects demand. For instance, if the good becomes more desirable to consumers, the quantity demanded will increase and vice versa. In the same way, if the number of buyers in the market increases, the quantity demanded will also increase and vice versa. Should consumers expect the future price of a commodity to increase, the present demand will more than likely increase because persons will purchase more in anticipation of the price increase and the opposite will apply for an expected decrease in prices. Additionally, if consumers expect the availability of the product to change, they will also change their demand. E. g. , should consumers expect a shortage of chicken in February; they are likely to increase their demand in January to stock up in expectation of the shortage. Changes in the income status of consumers may also prompt consumers to change their current spending pattern. Whereby, they may increase or decrease the amount purchased, depending on if there is an increase or decrease in their income levels. So in essence, the quantity of a product demanded depends on the price of the product, prices of related goods, changes in consumers’ taste and preferences, changing expectations in prices, availability of the product and income etc. PREVIOUS MODELS DONE AND COMPARISONS In preparing this model, the researcher looked at other persons work on the demand for chicken. It was realized that others also choose the same three dependent variables in constructing a demand function for chicken. One researcher even went through the process of identifying the variables and going through the process of justifying their selection in the model based on the t statistic. A copy of this researcher’s process will be included in the appendix of the final paper SPECIFICATION OF THE MODEL Specification deals with expressing the economic theory (relationship between variables) in a mathematical form. It is the specification of the model with which the economic phenomenon will be explored empirically. In this proposal, it is the relationship between the quantity of chicken demanded and the factors that influence or determine the quantity demanded that are being examined. Specification of the model entails 1. The dependent and explanatory variables which will be include in the model. 2. The apriori theoretical expectations about the size and sign of the parameters of the function. 3. The mathematical form of the model 4. The econometric form of the model. In this proposal, the quantity of chicken demanded (Dc) is the dependent variable. The independent variables are the price of chicken (Pc), the price of substitutes (Ps) because chicken is usually substituted with other products such as fish, beef etc and the income of households (Yd) and other unspecified variables. This is shown in the following equation; Dc = ((Pc, Ps, Yd,†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. ) Where: Dc ( quantity of chicken demanded. Pc ( Price of chicken. This price will be the price each household pays for a lb of chicken. Ps ( Price of substitute. The reason the price of a substitute is used in the model instead of the price of a complement is because chicken is a good that is usually substituted by other goods such as beef, fish etc. Yd ( This represents the net income of households. It is known from theory that changing expectations in income affects demand. So the affect of income on demand cannot be truly represented by a straight line, a curve is more realistic. To represent this ln Yd is going to be used in the function. Even though there are other factors which affect demand, only the three independent variables stated above will be used in the model because theory and previous models done suggest that these are the core (most important ) variables for a demand function, particularly the demand for a consumer product such as chicken. There are usually coefficients for the explanatory variables. These coefficients are known as the (s’. So the mathematical form of the model is: Dc = ((0 + (1Pc + (2Ps + (3LnYd ) Another term used to describe the mathematical form of the model is the deterministic model. The econometric form of the model is formed when the stochastic or random term is added to the mathematical form of the model. Therefore the econometric form of the model is; Dc = ? 0 + ? 1Pc + ? 2Ps + ? 3LnYd +  µ. Where  µ the stochastic term,? represents all other less significant independent variables and it collects all errors of the model. Additional, the expected sign of the parameters (? s’) are as follows; ? 0 this is the constant. The expected sign of this is +. The reason being, this represents the autonomous consumption of chicken/ it represents the demand for chicken hen the value of the dependent variables are 0. ?1 -ve. The reason being, there is an inverse relationship between the price of chicken and the quantity demanded of chicken. ?2 +ve. The reason being, if the price of chicken increases, the quantity demanded of the substitute for chicken will increase. ?3 +ve. The reason being chicken is considered to be a normal good. Therefore if income increa ses, quantity demanded will increase and vice versa. The sizes of the elasticities are dependent on the nature of the commodity and the existence of substitutes. For example if the good is a necessity, price and income elasticity’s are expected to be small. On the other hand, if the product is a luxury, the elasticity’s are expected to be high. Therefore for this proposal the elasticity’s (income and price) are expected to be small. Additionally, if the commodities are close substitutes, the cross elasticity will be high. ESTIMATION OF THE MODEL. Estimation is concerned with obtaining numerical values for the variables used in the model and estimates for the parameters. This step involves †¢ Gathering of statistical observations (data) on the variables included in the model. †¢ Choice of the appropriate econometric technique. The researcher proposes to use cross-sectional data. This type of data gives information on the variables concerning individual agents (households) at a given period of time. I. e. using the demand function stated previously (econometric form) and inserting values for a number of households in order to compute an estimate of the demand function. i. e. Dc = ? 0 +? 1Pc +? 2Ps + ? 3LnYd + à µ. The proposed econometric technique is the OLS/ Classical least squares. What this does is select values for the coefficients that minimize the sum of the squared errors. (? ei? ) The assumptions of this econometric technique are: 1. Linearity. This refers to linearity in coefficients; the model must be correctly specified and has the additive error term. 2. The mean of the error term is 0 3. Observations of the error term are uncorrelated with each other, i. e. there is no autocorrelation. 4. The explanatory or independent variables are uncorrelated with the error term so that E (Xe) = 0 5. The error term has a constant variance, i. e. there is no heteroscidastiscity. 6. No explanatory variable is a perfect linear function of other variables, i. e. there is no multicollinearity. 7. The error term is normally distributed. EVALUATION OF THE ESTIMATES. In a nutshell, this is the interpretation of the reliability of the coefficients estimated. That is, if the results are theoretically meaningful and statistically satisfactory. There are basically three criteria’s for evaluating the estimates. †¢ The economic apriori criteria. This is determined by economic theory. †¢ The statistical criteria. This is determined by statistical theory. †¢ The econometric criteria. Determined by econometric theory. †¢ The selection of the confidence interval. Economic apriori is determined by the principles of economic theory and refers to the sign and size of the parameters. In this case, the reliability of the estimated coefficients will be determined based on economic theory. For instance, the expected sign of ? 1 is expected to be negative because theory states that demand and price are inversely related. The statistical or first order conditions are determined by statistical theory. At this point in the assignment, the researcher will look at the basic statistics such as the mean, median, mode, correlation coefficient etc to examine the data. Additionally the R2 and adjusted R2 values, the F statistics and t statistics will be used to also examine the coefficients. The relevance of all these test will also be further explained, for instance the R2 and adjusted R2 speaks about the fit of the model. The next stage is the second order tests or econometric criteria. These tests determine the reliability of the statistical tests. They help to establish whether or not the estimates have the desirable properties of OLS. These properties are linearity, unbiased estimator ie E (? ) = ? , minimum variance (the distribution of the estimates around the true line fits tightly) and consistency (as the sample size gets larger, the variance gets smaller). Simply, the econometric criterion is aimed at detecting violations of the assumptions of OLS. To this end a number of tests are proposed. 1. The Durbin – Watson (d) statistic) to test for autocorrelation. 2. The Spearman Rank Test. Performed to test whether or not the assumption of homoscedastiscity is violated. 3. The experimental technique based on Frisch’ confidence analysis. That is testing for the level of multicollenearity. 4. The Ramsey – Reset Test. This test is done to determine whether or not the model is properly specified. Selection of the confidence interval. In order to carry out any statistical test, the null and alternative hypothesis will have to be correctly specified. Additionally the confidence interval will have to be determined, i. e. the level of significance of the hypothesis test. This is especially critical in minimizing errors’1 and errors’ 2. For instance, at the 95% confidence level, only 5% of the time error 1 occurs. This means that only 5% of the time a true null is rejected. However at the 99% confidence level, the possibility of error 2 occurring increases, i. e. the possibility of not rejecting a true null. For this paper, the 95% confidence interval is proposed. EVALUATION OF THE MODEL Before using a model to forecast, it is first important to ensure that the model satisfies the economic, statistical and econometric criteria’s’. After which the stability of the model has to be examined. The Chow Test will be done to examine the stability of the model. After which the final results will be reported. These results include discussing the R2, adjusted R2, the resulting F and t statistics, the elastic ties etc. The conclusion follows. Then there will be an appendix, consisting of the data sets, a sample of the questionnaire used, statistical graphs etc. The final page will be a bibliography of all books and websites used in the assignment.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Minority Executives Handbook by Randolph W. Cameron
The Minority Executives Handbook by Randolph W. Cameron Introduction Randolph W. Cameron is an author, and former management associate in New York’s Avon distribution centre in Rye. He has also served as the director of inner city market development in the company’s New York head office. Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Minority Executives’ Handbook by Randolph W. Cameron specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More He has also served as the vice president of D. Parke Gibson Associates, Inc, which is one of America’s first black marketing and communications consulting firm. He later on became the owner of Cameron Enterprises, a management consulting firm in New York. In this book, he expresses his own thoughts and aspirations of mentoring minority leaders in the business world, especially ‘black’ executives. Author Cameron glances at the 1980s business events, which has concurrently represented some bad and good times for blacks, in the n ew corporate America. Such good times can be marked by the achievement of Barry Rand, who was the president of Xerox’s U.S. Marketing Group, while the bad times during this period was signified by a stock market crash that mostly led to black managers feeling the axe of being downsized from various corporations around America. From this context, the Minority Executives’ Handbook becomes quite significant. Book Review In this book, Cameron describes the scene in corporate environment, which is mainly characterized by the corporate attitude, punctuality, personal presentation, personal grooming, career planning, and the unbridled politicking. He also emphasizes on having the right look for business and implores on black men to confine their facial hair to the more traditional mustache and nothing less short of that until they climb the corporate ladder and get into ‘real’ management. By having and owning a corporate image, it creates a perception of knowl edge and reliability, which will relatively matter both inside and outside the corporate. In his own view, author Cameron observes that every corporate has an exceptional way of doing business, which later defines the overall corporate culture. Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More He also confers in his sentiments, that black individuals who have aspirations in the business world, should first acquaint themselves on how information is passed informally while also being part of the relevant ‘office grapevines’. Although such office grapevines may help in keeping one a notch higher with significant information, Cameron however, cautions for a complete distinction from the mundane office gossip (Cameron, 1997). Through case studies, Cameron enlightens the readers on the vivid picture of racism in the corporate world while also providing a check list, which describes a manager’s challenge in setting up an appropriate ambiance where people can realistically encourage themselves in utmost confidence. Such conditions set up a tone for corporate business since managers find it hard to motivate workers. From Cameron’s perspective, a good number of young black managers usually step into the business arena with a ‘sizzling fire’ to impact the business world only to be smothered by the veterans. In chapter three of this book, new minority managers are highly implored on self presentation, which is a fair perception than ones likeability. Cameron stresses need to maintain self identity due to the lily-white corporate scenery, which may occasionally rip through a young black manager’s background and leave them in a contradictory dilemma. Through case studies, Cameron explores such unfortunate scenarios and this exemplifies his flamboyant managerial experience in the corporate communications business field (Cam eron, 1997). Mentoring and networking is vividly explored in the fourth chapter of this book with a major emphasis on diplomacy, personality engagement, tidy appearance, good memory, high energy and articulateness, which is generally characterized by good networkers. Therefore, these elements will help in establishing inside and outside network of leads, which better positions the minority managers to have a superior understanding of competing in the market place. Someone who has a high level of willingness to display some degree of dedication to a career confirms Cameron’s definition of mentorship. Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Minority Executives’ Handbook by Randolph W. Cameron specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More He also suggests some question and answers on picking, choosing and being a relevant mentor (Cameron, 1997). He also adds that a good mentor is someone who will alert you to opportuni ties you would not be acquainted with on normal occasions. In this regard, Cameron suggests to minority managers to set up advance appointments with senior managers for the purpose of opening early channels for such opportunities when they arise. By seeking and volunteering in various corporate projects, Cameron sees it as a good opportunity for the minority managers because it will put them in a better light and intently wipe out the past stigmas associated with them. He also illustrates how to save money for future ownership of business. The book closes from a networking guide to trade publications and groups point of view. Conclusion From Cameron’s book, I do observe his assertion that blacks are not as successful as whites in the business world due to the lack of inspiration. This bearing is quite contradictory in itself because to succeed in corporate America, there has to be a tremendous inspirational determination. All minorities aspiring to shift on the new executive positions that arises must learn and know the written and unwritten rules that govern the corporate world since new employees are selected due to their expertise and ability to fit and judge the prevailing business environment. This will therefore discourage employers from seeking ‘’their own kind’’ to indemnify acceptance of authority, loyalty and any other pattern of behavior that may lead to conformity. African-Americans’ physical traits may differ them from the mainstream business executive but through assimilation, it may compromise for their integrity and credibility among their fellow employees and ultimately to their own selves. Reference Cameron, R. (1997). The Minority Executives Handbook. New York. Amistad Publishing. ISBN-156743021X, 9781567430219.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Biography of Black Bart Roberts, Successful Pirate
Biography of 'Black Bart' Roberts, Successful Pirate Bartholomew Black Bart Roberts (1682–Feb. 10, 1722) was a Welsh pirate and the most successful buccaneer of the so-called Golden Age of Piracy, capturing and looting more ships than contemporaries such as Blackbeard, Edward Low, Jack Rackham, and Francis Spriggs combined. At the height of his power, he had a fleet of four ships and hundreds of pirates to go with his organizational skills, charisma, and daring. He was killed in action by pirate hunters off the African coast in 1722. Fast Facts: Bartholomew Roberts Famous For: Highly successful pirateAlso Known As: Black Bart, JohnBorn: 1682 near Haverfordwest, WalesDied: Feb. 10, 1722 off the Guinea coast Early Life Little is known of Roberts early life, other than that he was born near Haverfordwest, Wales in 1682 and his real first name was possibly John. He took to sea at a young age, proving himself a competent sailor, as by 1719 he was second mate on the slave ship Princess. The Princess went to Anomabu, in present-day Ghana, to pick up slaves in mid-1719. That June, the Princess was captured by Welsh pirate Howell Davis, who forced several crew members, including Roberts, to join his band. Only six weeks after Black Bart was forced to join the crew, Davis was killed. The crew took a vote, and Roberts was named the new captain. Although he was a reluctant pirate, Roberts embraced the role of captain. According to contemporary historian Capt. Charles Johnson (who might have been Daniel Defoe), Roberts felt that if he must be a pirate, it was better being a commander than a common man. His first act was to attack the town where Davis had been killed in order to avenge his former captain. Rich Haul Roberts and his crew headed for the coast of South America to look for booty. After several weeks they found a treasure fleet bound for Portugal getting ready in All Saints Bay off northern Brazil. Waiting nearby were 42 ships and their escorts, two massive men-of-war with 70 guns each. Roberts sailed into the bay as if he were part of the convoy and took one of the ships without anyone noticing. He had the ships master point out the richest ship at anchor, then sailed up and attacked. Roberts captured the ship and both vessels sailed away; the escort ships couldnt catch them. Double-Crossed Soon after, while Roberts was chasing another prize, some of his men, led by Walter Kennedy, made off with the treasure ship and most of the loot. Roberts was infuriated. The remaining pirates devised a set of articles and made newcomers swear to them. They included payments for those injured in battle and punishments for those who stole, deserted, or committed other crimes. The articles excluded Irishmen from becoming full members of the crew, most likely because of Kennedy, who was Irish. Overwhelming Ships Roberts quickly added weapons and men to reach his former strength. When authorities in Barbados learned that he was nearby, they outfitted two pirate hunter ships to bring him in. Roberts saw one of the ships and, not knowing it was a heavily armed pirate-hunter, tried to take it. The other ship opened fire and Roberts was forced to flee. After that, Roberts was always harsh to captured ships from Barbados. Roberts and his men made their way north to Newfoundland in June 1720 and found 22 ships in the harbor. The crews and townspeople fled at the sight of the pirates flag. Roberts and his men looted the ships, destroying and sinking all but one, which they commandeered. They then sailed out to the banks, finding several French ships and keeping one. With this small fleet, Roberts and his men captured many more prizes in the area that summer. They then returned to the Caribbean, where they captured dozens of vessels. They changed ships often, selecting the best vessels and outfitting them for piracy. Roberts flagship was usually renamed Royal Fortune, and he would often have fleets of three or four ships. He began calling himself the Admiral of the Leeward Islands. He was sought out by two ships of would-be pirates looking for pointers; he gave them advice, ammunition, and weapons. Roberts Flags Four flags are associated with Roberts. According to Johnson, when Roberts sailed to Africa, he had a black flag bearing a skeleton, representing death, that held an hourglass in one hand and crossbones in the other. Nearby were a spear and three drops of blood. Another Roberts flag also was black, with a white figure, representing Roberts, holding a flaming sword and standing on two skulls. Beneath them was written ABH and AMH, standing for A Barbadian Head and A Martinicos Head. Roberts hated the governors of Barbados and Martinique for sending pirate hunters after him and was always cruel to ships from either place. When Roberts was killed, according to Johnson, his flag featured a skeleton and a man with a flaming sword, signifying defiance of death. The flag most commonly associated with Roberts was black and displayed a pirate and a skeleton holding an hourglass between them. Deserters Roberts often faced discipline problems. In early 1721, Roberts killed one crew member in a brawl and was attacked later by one of that mans friends. This caused a division among the already disgruntled crew. One faction wanted out, convincing the captain of one of Roberts ships, Thomas Anstis, to desert Roberts. They did, setting out on their own in April 1721. Anstis proved to be an unsuccessful pirate. Meanwhile, the Caribbean had become too dangerous for Roberts, who headed for Africa. Africa Roberts neared Senegal in June 1721 and began raiding shipping along the coast. He anchored at Sierra Leone, where he heard that two Royal Navy ships, the Swallow and the Weymouth, had been in the area but had left a month before. They took the Onslow, a massive frigate, renamed her the Royal Fortune, and mounted 40 cannons. With a fleet of four ships and at the height of his strength, he could attack anyone with impunity. For the next few months, Roberts took dozens of prizes. Each pirate began amassing a small fortune. Cruelty In January 1722, Roberts showed his cruelty. He was sailing off Whydah, a well-known slaving area, and found a slave ship, the Porcupine, at anchor. The captain was ashore. Roberts took the ship and demanded a ransom from the captain, who refused to deal with pirates. Roberts ordered the Porcupine burned, but his men didnt release the slaves on board. Johnson describes the slaves miserable choice of perishing by fire or water, writing that those who jumped overboard were seized by sharks and tore limb from limb alive ... A cruelty unparalelld! Beginning of the End In February 1722, Roberts was repairing his ship when a large vessel approached. It turned to flee, so Roberts sent his consort vessel, the Great Ranger, to capture it. The other ship was actually the Swallow, a large man-of-war that had been looking for them under the command of Capt. Challoner Ogle. Once they were out of Roberts sight, the Swallow turned and attacked the Great Ranger. After a two-hour battle, the Great Ranger was crippled and her remaining crew surrendered. Ogle sent the Great Ranger limping away with the pirates in chains and went back for Roberts. Final Battle The Swallow returned on Feb. 10 to find the Royal Fortune still at anchor. Two other ships were there: a tender to the Royal Fortune and a trading vessel, the Neptune. One of Roberts men had served on the Swallow and recognized it. Some men wanted to flee, but Roberts decided to fight. They sailed out to meet the Swallow. Roberts was killed in the first broadside as grapeshot fired from one of the Swallows cannons tore out his throat. Obeying his standing order, his men threw his body overboard. Without Roberts, the pirates lost heart and within an hour they surrendered. One hundred and fifty-two pirates were arrested. The Neptune had vanished, but not before looting the abandoned smaller pirate ship. Ogle set sail for Cape Coast Castle on Africas west coast. A trial was held at Cape Coast Castle. Of the 152 pirates, 52 Africans were sold back into slavery, 54 were hanged, and 37 were sentenced to serve as indentured servants and sent to the West Indies. Those who could prove they had been forced to join the crew against their will were acquitted. Legacy Black Bart Roberts was the greatest pirate of his generation: it is estimated that he took 400 ships during his three-year career. He isnt as famous as some contemporaries, such as Blackbeard, Stede Bonnet, or Charles Vane, but he was a much better pirate. His nickname seems to have come from his dark hair and complexion instead of a cruel nature, although he could be as ruthless as any contemporary. Roberts owed his success to many factors, including his charisma and leadership, his daring and ruthlessness, and his ability to coordinate small fleets to maximum effect. Wherever he was, commerce came to a halt; fear of him and his men made merchants stay in port. Roberts is a favorite of true pirate buffs. He was mentioned in Robert Louis Stevensons Treasure Island. Iin the movie The Princess Bride, the name Dread Pirate Roberts refers to him. He often appears in pirate video games and has been the subject of novels, histories, and movies. Sources Cordingly, David. .Under the Black Flag Random House, 1996.Johnson, Capt. Charles (Defoe, Daniel?). A General History of the Pyrates. Dover Publications, 1972/1999.Konstam, Angus. The World Atlas of Pirates. Lyons Press, 2009.Bartholomew Roberts: Welsh Pirate. Encyclopedia Brittanica.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
English writting and reading experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
English writting and reading experience - Essay Example Their childish actions left me feeling depressed and mad. The United States is noted for being a globally diverse country and accepting of cultural diversity as it assimilates into their own culture. However, the way I was being treated and what I saw in the actions of my classmates turned out to be the exact opposite of this idealistic dream. I was not treated with respect at all considering that I was a new foreign student at their school. Later on I realized that I was being ridiculed precisely because of that. I was a foreign student who could not express myself in English fluently. I came from another country whose culture and traditions these students did not understand nor obviously respect. My family has always valued the importance of a good education. We have always given emphasis to reading, comprehension, and writing skills in our learning activities due to its importance in our daily lives and interaction with people. As far back as I can remember, I have always been interested in learning about anything and everything that I could see, hear, or feel. During my educational lifetime, I have met many teachers whose influence on my learning abilities have varied from positive to negative. I have had teachers who influenced and encouraged me to learn as much as I could about certain things, and I had teachers whose strictness and unfriendliness caused me to retreat from learning about certain things altogether. I believe a lot of people have the experience of ridicule at some point in their lives by people who could negatively affect their learning process. People judge and stereotype others based upon their education, property, race and looks, making it difficult for them to control their words and deeds. My parents had been ridiculed during their time as well but they learned from those people who judged them or made fun of them. What my father taught me was that a
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Business Research Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business Research Report - Essay Example Of course the products required customer service. And Apple Inc. positioned Customer Technical Support mostly in the USA but partly outsourced to India because of the 50% lower cost. In the US alone, there are about 10,000 AppleCare Advisors applications in 24 States aside from 3,300 home based Advisors, and 600 part-time employees who are college students. In 2010, Apple Inc. realized 58% of total revenues from countries outside of the USA (Kane and Rohwedder 2010). The management therefore launched iPhone 4 in 88 countries to compete against other brands of iPhones manufactured by other companies. In 2009, Apple Inc.’s iPhone 3GS reached 64 countries. Unlike the Apple Macintosh computers which could not compete, the iPod music players of Apple Inc., the iPad Tablet Computers, and the iPhones were able to penetrate the international markets. And the sales of Apple Inc. are gradually being improved via retails stores specialized with Apple products. It was done through aggress ive marketing effort wherein new stores of Apple Inc. in places like London and Shanghai accounted for more than 50% of all the new stores of the industry wherein Apple Inc. belongs. By May 2013, as a result of sustained globalization effort to penetrate the markets in many countries, Forbes (2013) identified Apple Inc. as the # 1 most powerful brand in the world, # 1 in market value, # 2 in profits earned, # 26 most innovative company, # 15 in sales, and # 15 in the world’s top 2000 global companies. The products sold are made up of mobile phones, portable media, personal computers, music players that are digital and portable, software, services, and peripherals. Well known brands that were sold included the iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, iOS, iCloud, iTunes, iBookstore, and so on. Apple Inc. capitalization exceeded $ 400 billion. And the channels of distribution now include direct sales aside from online sales and actual retail stores. Wholesales and resellers were tapped along wi th cellular network carriers.. Technology, as a whole, has been changing the lifestyle, pace, and pattern of people in different parts of the globe. For example, in April 24, 2013, software developers around the globe will learn from Apple Inc. engineers about deploying followed by integrating iOS and OS X technologies in 100 sessions during a conference in June 10-14, 2013. Programmers worldwide will gain the knowledge of creating new features and applications from that Worldwide Developers’ Conference directly from 1,000 Apple engineers who will be there to teach programmers in hands-on laboratories. Such an opportunity to be updated in terms of technology normally takes many months or even years of further education via schools or online universities. This will take only days. And the value for participants will be in the form of better business performance through better services to customers who need improvements in their Apple devices. (Apple Inc. 2013b) Just to give an idea of the size of that business opportunity from just one application alone, the well-known iTunes, Apple Inc. (2013c) reported that over 25 billion musical downloads had been sold worldwide by the online iTune Stores for nusic, TV shows, and movies. The store averages 15,000 iTune songs being downloaded per minute. The owner
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Security Council Action Essay Example for Free
Security Council Action Essay According to United States and the 4 permanent members of the Security council, Veto Power grants the 5 members an authority essential on upholding global peace. The question at hand claims oppositely, that the veto powers of these members were a serious obstacle during the Cold War (1945-1991). Sources A-E, when analysed, agrees, and also disagrees with this claim. Sources A, D and E intrinsically agrees with the notion that veto power were a serious obstacle to action during the Cold war. Statistical data in Source A shows the number of vetoes exercised, mainly by USA and USSR. This source can be considered as the most reliable source, simply as statistics show a deeper understanding of the situation at the time. Number of vetoes practiced by these countries, are seen to be concentrated on specific periods, where the tensions between USA and USSR heightened in the Cold War. For instance, the most number of vetoes in UN history has been noted between 1946-55, during the period where the Truman doctrine, and the Berlin blockade was in act. Hence, actions by the Security Council failed to take effect, since veto delayed or halted international action. Source A shows that USA had used the veto power most during the Reagan era, from 1976-85. This reflects the use of veto as a tool by the nations to uphold the national interests, such Reagan’s anti-communist policies to contain communism, as cited in Source D. The source accurately highlights Reagan’s ‘blind-eyed’ support to Israel, which again, postponed international action against human-rights and international-treaties violations by Israel. This viewpoint is also supported in Source E, in which two academics explicitly state that global action were taken back due to veto powers of the permanent members. It can be considered largely valid, since academics usually research on the situation in an academic perception, and so is less likely to be biased. They have shown two sides to the story. Sources, A, D and E interpreted in this standpoint seems to indicate that veto powers were indeed a serious obstacle during the Cold war. However, sources D and E discussed above can be deemed flowed for the reasons outlined below. The fact that the number of vetoes shows to be concentrated in specific period connotes the fact that veto power was not a serious obstacle to Security Council action throughout the whole time-period of Cold War. Source A shows the time periods where vetos show small numbers, where Detente or easing of relations between USA and USSR. During these times, number of vetoes seems to show a decline in numbers, reflecting compromise between nations. Moreover, Source D originates from a writer/journalist on Middle-Eastern affairs. The writer may have interests to attract Middle-Eastern readers, and can be deemed to have a sentimental anti-Israeli and anti-American tone to his writing. He mentions the mis-use of veto powers by the West, failing to note the ‘abuse’ by USSR which had used the veto powers most, evident in Source A. When the sources are analysed in this manner, it seems to discredit the viewpoint in the sources, which support the view. Source B and C disagrees with the claim that veto powers of permanent members posed a serious hindrance to Security council action, lying on the argument that veto has played a positive role in global action by the Security Council. Source B originates from an academic and seem to have a sound understanding of the workings of the United Nations. Both Sources B and C notes that the public fails to highlight the positive impacts of veto power. Former UN official, cited in sou rce C is observant and can be deemed credible due to his position. This is partially accurate, as veto power has vested a sense of responsibilities in powers. It is true that UNGA, where no veto power exists, had failed miserably on coming with action, but became a ‘debating club’ of the UN, which is explicitly stated in Source E. Source B also connotes the view that the scope of the effect of Veto power is exaggerated and takes a narrow viewpoint, which cites Taiwan as a permanent member of UNSC during the Cold War, but did not represent the major world powers of the world. This point can be reflected in the Iran-Iraqi war, in which the permanent members did not exercise veto powers. This is also supported in Source C, which highlights the growth in the number of countries in UNSC, which culminated a democratic atmosphere. This is shown in the statistics of source A, which clearly shows a declining trend of the use of veto power, and has not been used throughout the Cold War on posing as a barrier to Security council action. Sources B and C, analysed in this fashion, indicates that veto power was not a serious barrier to global action during Cold War. But the viewpoint of the sources discussed in the above paragraph can be deemed null for the reasons outlined below. Source B mentions the shortcomings of veto-power, and supports the view of sources A, D, and E that veto power has blocked important international resolutions. It also highlights the need for reforms, such as that called upon in the Brahmis report, to make the use of Veto more effective. It is also important to consider that the writer believes in the core aims of UN, and would have an interest to defend the basic framework existing in the United Nations. Similarly, source C originates from an ex-employee of United Nations, who could favour UN’s existing structure sentimentally. He fails to mention the use of veto to uphold national interests upheld, especially by USA and USSR during the Cold war, mentioned in Source D. The sources analysed fully in this light, discredits the view that veto power did not pose as a hindrance to action by SC during Cold War. Sources A-E, and the realities of the situation during the given time period, seems to offer an alternative viewpoint. It is rather true that Veto Power posed as a hindrance to action, shown in sources A, D and E, but not throughout the Cold War, as pointed out in Sources A and E. Veto Powers were concentrated and ‘effectively’ delayed action mostly during the ignition of cold war, and the Reagan era. The use of Veto power during other times have been unparallel to the times mentioned above, and hence cannot be concluded that it has been a serious threat to Security council action throughout Cold War.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Search for Identity in Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club Essay -- Joy Luck C
Search for Identity in The Joy Luck Club "Imagine, a daughter not knowing her own mother!" And then it occurs to me. They are frightened. In me, they see their own daughters, just as ignorant, just as unmindful of all truths and hopes they have brought to America. They see daughters who grow impatient when their mothers talk in Chinese, who think they are stupid when they explain things in fractured English. (Tan 40-41) Amy Tan frames The Joy Luck Club with Jing-mei Woo's search for identity. When Jing-mei's mother's friends tell Jing-mei that her sisters have at long last been found and insist that she tell her sisters about their mother's life, Jing-mei emotionally replies that she does not know her mother. However, her mother's friends' generosity helps Jing-mei to realize how much she wishes that she had understood her mother, how desperately she would like to question her if only she could. It is in this moment that Jing-mei recognizes the necessity of understanding her mother's life in order both to figure out who her mother was and to understand herself. Jing-mei's placement at the mah jong table already suggests a link between Jing-mei and her mother that parallels Jing-mei's position in the rest of the novel, for wherever Suyuan should be telling her story, it is told through the voice of Jing-mei instead. While Suyuan should be the one to reconcile with her lost daughters, Jing-mei will go in her place. This planned act of reconciliation where Jing-mei will fulfill her mother's dream foreshadows the other mother-daughter stories in the novel where An-mei, Lindo, and Ying-ying are just as eager to reclaim their daughters as Suyuan, in order to help in their daughters' struggles ... ...perately to connect with her mother. In her quest to close the cultural gap between her Chinese heritage and her American upbringing, she questions what it means to be Chinese. Suffering from a disadvantage compared to the other daughters in the story, since her mother is dead, Jing-mei struggles to remember the foods her mother cooked, her relatives' names, and the stories her mother told. However, it is when Jing-mei finally embraces her sisters, and they observe in the polaroid shot how they all look like their mother, that it occurs to Jing-mei that her family is the part of her that is Chinese. Therefore, in order to understand that part of her identity, she must embrace the memory of her dead mother. With the sisters linked by their mother in their family likeness, the photograph symbolically reconciles the two generations, as well as the two cultures.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Last Rajah Ratan Tata Case Study
Among Asia's business titans, Ratan N. Tata stands out for his modesty. The chairman of the Tata Group  India's biggest conglomerate, with businesses ranging from software, cars, and steel to phone service, tea bags, and wristwatches  usually drives himself to the office in his$12,500 Tata Indigo Marina wagon. He prefers to spend weekends in solitude with his two dog sat a beachfront home he designed himself. And disdainful of pretense, he travels alone even on long business trips, eschewing the retinues of aides who typically coddle corporate chieftains.But the 69-year-old Tata also has a daredevil streak. An avid aviator, he often flies a corporate Falcon 2000 jet around India. And in February he caused a sensation at the Aero India 2007 airshow by co-piloting Lockheed (LMT) F-16 and Boeing (BA) F-18 fighter jets. Tata's business dealings reflect the bolder side of his personality. In the past four years he has embarked on an investment binge that is building his gr oup from a once-stodgy regional player into a global heavyweight. Since 2003, Tata has bought the truck unit of South Korea's DaewooMotors, a stake in one of Indonesia's biggest coal mines, and steel mills in Singapore, Thailand,and Vietnam.It has taken over a slew of tony hotels including New York's Pierre, the Ritz-Carlton in Boston, and San Francisco's Camden Place. The 2004 purchase of Tyco International's(TYC) undersea telecom cables for $130 million, a price that in hindsight looks like a steal,turned Tata into the world's biggest carrier of international phone calls. With its $91 million buyout of British engineering firm Incat International, Tata Technologies now is a major supplier of outsourced industrial design for American auto and aerospace companies, with 3,300 engineers in India, the U.S., and Europe.The crowning deal to date has been Tata Steel's $13 billion takeover in April of Dutch-British steel giant Corus Group, a target that would have been unthinkable just a f ew years ago. In one swoop, the move greatly expands Tata Steel's range of finished products, secures access to automakers across the U.S. and Europe, and boosts its capacity five fold, with mills added in Pennsylvania and Ohio. Now, a new gambit may catapult Tata into the big leagues of global auto manufacturing: The company is said to be weighing a bid for Jaguar Cars and Land Rover, which Ford Motor Co. (F)wants to sell. On top of all this, the group plans $28 billion in capital investments at home over the next five years in steel, autos, telecom, power, chemicals, and more.â€Å"We rescaled our thinking in terms of growth,†Tata says over tea at Bombay House, the group's headquarters since 1926, a tranquil oasis with well-worn marble floors, a vast collection of modern Indian art,and staffers who circulate with bowls of vanilla ice cream every day at 3 p.m. â€Å"We just forced and cajoled our businesses to make this happen.The forcing and cajoling has worked brillia ntly.The market value of the 18 listed Tata companies has swelled to $62 billion, from $12 billion,since 2003. Group sales and profits have doubled, to $29 billion and $2.8 billion, respectively.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Discussion Board: Ann & David
With the current hard economic times, it is necessary for a business organization to put into consideration all the factors that are likely to affect its success in the market. It is true that every company will have to work harder so that it can realize its goals due to the current economic instability. This economic instability has been brought about by the current global economic recession that the whole world is facing. It should therefore be noted that with the currently development in technology in the world, the world is turning out to be a global village and one can buy any product from any part of the world.As Porter, (2000) puts it, even though location may be integrated with the company’s wellbeing financially, socially and in terms of available resources, technology has a major part to play as it is the one that determines the market area of the product the company comes up with. Response to David’s posting Time is the only constant thing in this world. This means that in every organization, there will be some changes needed after some time. However, one cannot just wake up one morning and decide to change.According to Satterlee, (2009) the fast growing technological development in the world today is making some organization’s traditional practices are becoming obsolete and they are being replace by new ones. This means that the organization must change so that it can adapt to the new environment for it to survive. There are some three steps that need to be followed so that one can know how and what to change. In as much as an organization must follow the three steps to change suggested by Nolifer Merchants, it must be well prepared as change comes along with the use of some extra resources. References Porter, M. (2000). Economic Development Quarterly. Location, Competion, and Economic Development. Retrieved July 8, 2010, from Satterlee, B. (2009). Cross Border Commerce. Roanoke, VA: Synergistics, Inc.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on To Kill A Mockingbird Essay
To Kill a Mockingbird is about two kids; a brother and sister named Jem and Scout. The book actually has two stories within. The first story, about finding out about the mysterious Arthur â€Å"Boo†Radley who they have heard so many rumors about. The second story about a kind, intelligent young, black man who is accused of raping Miss Mayella Ewell. In a way, these two stories are linked; they are linked by Jem and Scout. With a little advice from their father Atticus, they seem to figure out some of life’s most valuable lessons. In Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird, the symbolic mockingbird is personified in the characters of Tom Robinson and Arthur â€Å"Boo†Radley in the way that these characters enrich the lives of other people and require protection from those who seek to harm them. Tom Robinson displays the characteristics of the mockingbird in that he enriches the lives of others and needs protection from those who seek to harm him. Tom Robinson worked for Mr. Link Deas, who is the opposite of prejudice. He looks past racism and respects Tom’s character very much. Mr. Deas claims that Tom is a good fellow and never gets into trouble. Mr. Robinson lives a moral life. Atticus said, â€Å"He is a member of Calpurnia’s church and Cal knows his family well, she says there clean living folks.†(75) Tom enriches lives in an important way, but this way got him in trouble. Miss Mayella Ewell accuses Tom of rape. She always needs his help with chores around the house and would always call for Tom to help her. He had been doing this for quite a long time and it had never been an issue, until one time when he went to help her. Mr. Bob Ewell walked in and saw Tom in his house being kissed by his daughter and forced Mayella to accuse him of rape . Tom Robinson seeks protection because he is black and accused of rape. The story takes place during the Great Depression and racism was very big problem. This is how T... Free Essays on To Kill A Mockingbird Essay Free Essays on To Kill A Mockingbird Essay To Kill a Mockingbird is about two kids; a brother and sister named Jem and Scout. The book actually has two stories within. The first story, about finding out about the mysterious Arthur â€Å"Boo†Radley who they have heard so many rumors about. The second story about a kind, intelligent young, black man who is accused of raping Miss Mayella Ewell. In a way, these two stories are linked; they are linked by Jem and Scout. With a little advice from their father Atticus, they seem to figure out some of life’s most valuable lessons. In Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird, the symbolic mockingbird is personified in the characters of Tom Robinson and Arthur â€Å"Boo†Radley in the way that these characters enrich the lives of other people and require protection from those who seek to harm them. Tom Robinson displays the characteristics of the mockingbird in that he enriches the lives of others and needs protection from those who seek to harm him. Tom Robinson worked for Mr. Link Deas, who is the opposite of prejudice. He looks past racism and respects Tom’s character very much. Mr. Deas claims that Tom is a good fellow and never gets into trouble. Mr. Robinson lives a moral life. Atticus said, â€Å"He is a member of Calpurnia’s church and Cal knows his family well, she says there clean living folks.†(75) Tom enriches lives in an important way, but this way got him in trouble. Miss Mayella Ewell accuses Tom of rape. She always needs his help with chores around the house and would always call for Tom to help her. He had been doing this for quite a long time and it had never been an issue, until one time when he went to help her. Mr. Bob Ewell walked in and saw Tom in his house being kissed by his daughter and forced Mayella to accuse him of rape . Tom Robinson seeks protection because he is black and accused of rape. The story takes place during the Great Depression and racism was very big problem. This is how T...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Short Comma Quiz
A Short Comma Quiz A Short Comma Quiz A Short Comma Quiz By Mark Nichol Here are five sentences that, through poor punctuation, lead readers astray. Determine how to punctuate them correctly, and then compare your solutions with the ones in the paragraph below each example. 1. â€Å"Now there’s a formula for disaster.†As written, this statement reads like a pitch to be followed by an exclamation point (or inflected as if there is one) in a commercial or an advertisement for a new product: a disaster formula. To correctly communicate that the sentence is a commentary on an ill-advised proposal, the introductory adverb should be set off from the rest of the sentence by a comma: â€Å"Now, there’s a formula for disaster.†(Of course, in context, the latter meaning will be clear, but the comma is still required; it’s a signal that the emphasis is on there. In the pitch, the speaker would emphasize now.) 2. â€Å"United States bombs hotel killing three journalists.†This newspaper headline conjures an image of a rampaging journalist-killing hotel halted, Godzilla-style, by the intervention of US bomber planes. What it means, however, is that US forces accidentally bombed a hotel, resulting in the deaths of three journalists. This meaning is clarified by the simple insertion of a sentence separating the clauses describing cause and effect: â€Å"United States bombs hotel, killing three journalists.†3. â€Å"The next antiwar demonstration scheduled on April 7 may take aim at companies.†By omitting commas from this sentence, the writer implies that of a series of antiwar demonstrations being sequentially scheduled on April 7, the next one may focus its attention on companies. However, â€Å"scheduled on April 7†is intended as a parenthetical statement (one that could be omitted with no loss of sense), so it must be set off by commas: â€Å"The next antiwar demonstration, scheduled on April 7, may take aim at companies.†4. â€Å"The corporation’s waterfront plan is criticized by the deputy attorney general who says it violates land-use laws.†This sentence prompts the same misunderstanding as the previous one: the implication that multiple things (or, in this case, people) exist when the writer intends to refer to only one. The false impression that of two or more deputy attorney generals, only one has voiced the stated criticism is eliminated by insertion of a comma: â€Å"The corporation’s waterfront plan is criticized by the deputy attorney general, who says it violates land-use laws.†5. â€Å"You’ll get a coveted window card autographed by the cast and other memorabilia.†Readers of this sentence might believe that not only the cast but also other memorabilia will autograph the coveted window card. To clarify, however, that the memorabilia will not participate in the signing (but will be provided along with the card signed by the cast), a comma must be inserted; note, too, that I’ve replaced the simple conjunction and with plus, which helps distance the closing phrase from the rest of the sentence: â€Å"You’ll get a coveted window card autographed by the cast, plus other memorabilia.†(â€Å"As well as†would serve the same function.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Math or Maths?Does "Mr" Take a Period?Drama vs. Melodrama
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Management of Colleges Athletic Programs Assignment
Management of Colleges Athletic Programs - Assignment Example They must quickly develop time-management skills and often have little down time. Student-athletes also have 'a lifestyle that often involves living in a fishbowl-like atmosphere,'" reports Porter (2008) as the author refers to Ender & Wilkie (2000, p. 125). A problem that many colleges and student-athletes face is one where the athletic program leaders, such as a coach or athletic director, demands that the student skip a class in order to attend practice. However, the class that is in conflict with practice is also required. In other words, the student-athlete finds himself/herself torn between missing a class or missing practice. It is a case of athletics versus academics and it is not one to be taken lightly as the college sports become more popular, more entertaining, more in demand, and more commercialized. There is a negative impact of college sports on higher education. However, this is not new. Splitt (2007) cites the Chicago Tribune: [College football] is not a student's game as it once was. It is a highly organized commercial enterprise. The athletes who take part in it have come up through years of training; they are commanded by professional coaches; little if any initiative of ordinary play is left to the player. The great matches are highly profitable enterprises. Sometimes the profits go to finance college sports, sometimes to pay the cost of the sports amphitheater; in some cases the college authorities take a slice for college buildings. The American culture places sports at its core, especially intercollegiate sports. Splitt (2007) refers to her essay, "Sports America 2005" when she reports that, "It seems that only in sports-obsessed and seemingly complacent America can we find a general public that views sports as super cool while the study of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEMs) are considered to be nerdy, and where athletes have a definite edge when it comes to college admission and retention--often in "diploma-mill-like" alternative education programs with questionable accreditation." The author compares the culture of the United States to that of China. The country focuses on education, particularly engineering education. Large investments are made in order to Last Name 3 build schools and to improve university systems. Learning English is another top priority as the Chinese want to learn the language that is used in global business. American colleges and educational institutions are being sacrificed for the constantly-growing and all-consuming beast called commercialism. "Excessive commercialization has brought academic corruption, financial shenanigans, increasing expenditures on athletics, and money-focused presidents who often view sports programs as an economic necessity and undergraduate education as an expensive nuisance and who have little patience with reform efforts by their faculty," states Splitt (2007). College sports, for many decades now, have been a target for scandals and commercials. Sack (1998, p.B7) in his article, "Big-Time Athletics vs. Academic Values: It's a Rout" refers to his years playing for the University of Notre Dame in the 1960's. Although sports were already being highly commercialized, universities still saw the importance of student-athletes
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Petroleum Resources and the Economy of Angola Essay
Petroleum Resources and the Economy of Angola - Essay Example In this literature review this issue is studied taking a look at the conflictive positions regarding the "resource curse" that have been taken by different researchers along the years. We have to keep in mind that any kind of resource can't be a curse in itself as it is logical to assume. Everything depends on the use we give to a specific resource. In this line of thought it is obvious that ultimately the effects of petroleum resources on a nation have to be positive. Indeed they should be a blessing rather than a curse as we will see in this literature review. "Even until the mid-(1950s), coal was still the world's foremost fuel, but oil quickly took over. Following the 1973 energy crisis and the 1979 energy crisis, there was significant media coverage of oil supply levels. This brought to light the concern that oil is a limited resource that will eventually run out, at least as an economically viable energy source." (Wikipedia, 2006i). Petroleum is a finite resource, and besides this fact there are some negative environmental side effects that are valid reasons to discourage its use as the Ecology Center argue among other important facts about petroleum. Let's see: "No corner of the world is left untouched by the effects of petroleum ex... Many negative effects are well documented, such as global warming, habitat destruction, and political conflicts over oil supplies. But the petroleum economy extends its often hidden reach into many other aspects of life on our planet. Petroleum, used for transportation, industry, and mechanized agriculture, is the backbone of globalization. Institutions of global trade, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), work hand in hand with oil companies, while militaries provide the armed backup to protect these interests." (Ecology Center, 2003). The position of Ocean Engineering and Energy Systems (OCEES) favors Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) as an alternative fuel produced by the power of the sea. OCEES points out the negative effects of wars as detrimental environmental consequence of the political conflicts around oil control (OCEES International, n. d.). One relevant aspect to be considered about the finiteness of petroleum resources is the "oil peak" established by the Hubbert Peak Theory regarding the terminal depletion of all petroleum resources. The Wikipedia states the following about the oil peak and its practical consequences. "Given past oil production data and barring extraneous factors such as lack of demand, the model predicts the date of maximum oil production output for an oil field, multiple oil fields, or an entire region. This maximum output point is referred to as the peak. The period after the peak is referred to as depletion. The graph of the rate of oil production for an individual oil field over time follows a bell-shaped curve: first, a slow steady increase of production; then, a sharp increase; then, a plateau (the "peak"); and, finally, a steep decline." (Wikipedia, 2006f). Even though the Hubbert Peak Theory has faced
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Marketing Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Marketing Planning - Essay Example 256). In an effective way to overcome, this particular barrier, the top management should be actively involved in the process of marketing planning. Continuous update of the planning process also needs to be provided to them at regular intervals. Lack of line Support Hostility and non co operation on the part of the functional as well as divisional managers and personnel of the organization regarding the implementation of the newly designed marketing planning process is another factor that has to be taken into account in this case. It can be said that in order to overcome this particular barrier, the managers of the respective functions and division has to be increasingly convinced about how the effectiveness of the new process of marketing planning will lead to the process of better value proposition for the customers and thereby will promote significant growth of the company. Failure of in depth analysis The failure to conduct an in-depth analysis of the capability of the resources available to the company is another reason that can lead to the process of failure of marketing planning. To overcome this particular barrier, an internal audit has to be carried out by the company which will increasingly focus on the process of highlighting the resource capability and its probable effective utilization by the company. Lack of Synchronization The lack of proper co-ordination and synchronization between the departments of marketing and production of the company can also emerge as a barrier to effective marketing planning. In an attempt to overcome this particular barrier, it can be said that the application of an information system throughout the organization will be highly relevant. The application of the information system throughout the company will lead to the process of eradication of this particular barrier by significantly promoting a common platform which will promote synchronization of the marketing and production department. Regard Marketing Consultant. 4b . Strategic Planning process is a very important activity for any business organization (Simerson, 2011, p.1). It is a key factor in the business in regards to strategic management, which enables the company to provide directions, guidelines and boundaries to the functional and operational processes of an organization (Steiner, 1997, p.4). It can be increasingly said that the entire process of strategic planning is intended to focus on the forward progress of the business through the process of market development, product development as well as achieving significant share of the market and growth in revenue. The presence of a large number of macro factors that can bring a significant range of impact in the firm’s area of business environment leads to the process of providing a significant level of importance to the strategic planning process of the firm. It can be said that the strategic planning process undertaken by various business organizations helps them to prepare for t he impending uncertainties lingering in the business environment and thereby prepare backup plans and options, which will empower them to avoid complete disruption of the firms’ business processes. On the other side, it can be said that the marketing planning process enables the marketing teams of organization to focus on the processes of generation, communication, distribution and capture of values from the target audience, while
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Critical Issue Promoting Technology Use In Schools Education Essay
Critical Issue Promoting Technology Use In Schools Education Essay Although there has been a strong push to get educational technology into the hands of teachers and students, many obstacles to implementation still exist. Equipment may not be placed in easily accessible locations. Hardware and software often pose problems for teachers in the classroom, and just-in-time technical support may be unavailable. Teachers may lack the time and the motivation to learn technology skills. Professional development activities may not provide ongoing, hands-on training for teachers or practical strategies for implementing technology into lesson plans. Initial technology funding may not be sustained and thus not capable of providing upgrades, maintenance, and ongoing professional development. Fortunately, these obstacles can be addressed and overcome. This Critical Issue provides practical information for promoting technology use in schools. OVERVIEW: The push to provide technology in schools has been successful in recent years. According to Goldman, Cole, and Syer (2000), most schools have computer labs and many have computers in every classroom. More than 90 percent of all schools are connected to the Internet, and more than 33 percent of teachers have Internet access in their classrooms. Yet teachers readily admit that they are not making as much use of technology as they could. According to an Education Week survey, nearly 30 percent of teachers said their students use computers only one hour per week; nearly 40 percent said their students do not use computers in the classroom at all (Trotter, 2001). Although technology is more prevalent in the schools, several factors affect whether and how it is used. Those factors include placement of computers for equitable access, technical support, effective goals for technology use, new roles for teachers, time for ongoing professional development, appropriate coaching of teac hers at different skill levels, teacher incentives for use, availability of educational software, and sustained funding for technology. Placing Computers for Equitable Access Access to technology is an important issue for teachers and students. Although schools may have computers available, one factor that determines their use is where those computers are located. If computers are connected to the Internet but are not in a convenient location, the availability to students and teachers will be limited. Across the case study sites, there were five different strategies for allocating computers for student use:  · Distribution among the regular classrooms  · Computers in labs  · Mobile computer labs  · Incremental roll-out  · School-within-a-school The standard computer lab is commonly used in schools. If the use of the computer lab is carefully scheduled, it will provide high equipment utilization; on the other hand, keeping the computers in one place may be a barrier to using them on a continual but intermittent basis as a part of the curriculum. Some schools prefer to place computers in the regular classroom. These computers often are distributed through incremental rollout. In incremental rollout, technology is given to a limited number of classrooms at first and then expanded to an additional classroom each year. Sometimes the computers are distributed on a grade-by-grade basis with primary grades first and upper grades later receiving the most up-to-date equipment. This approach requires continual, yearly funding. Some schools have chosen to start with their Internet connection in the school library. This location necessitates that the library-media specialist is aware of educational sites to supplement students classroom activities. The library-media specialist also needs to work with teachers and the technology specialist to determine the best use of the equipment. In situations where software also is a limited commodity, the school library may house and catalog the software, as is done with other educational materials. This situation makes the software available to all teachers and allows teachers flexibility in assigning work to students. Whatever decisions are made on allocation of equipment, it is imperative that all staff members are included in the decision making and that long-term plans are made for acquisition and upgrading of materials. Such collaborative decision making and planning helps ensure staff buy-in, equity of access, and effective use of technology in teaching and learning. Providing Technical Support Without continuous technical support, technology integration in the classroom will never be satisfactorily achieved (Bailey Pownell, 2002). Most teachers have heard horror stories about equipment failure, software complexity, data loss, embarrassments, and frustration. They dont want to be left hanging with 30 students wondering why nothing is working the way it is supposed to be. When teachers are trying to use technology in their classrooms and they encounter difficulties, they need immediate help and support. Providing Time for Ongoing Professional Development Learning the new roles and ways of teaching that go hand-in-hand with technology integration requires that teachers have opportunities to participate in an extended process of professional development. Teachers need time to acquire technology skills and develop new teaching strategies for integrating technology into the classroom. Except for occasional in-service programs, teachers often have no time built into the school day for their own professional development. When professional development activities are conducted after school, teachers may not have the energy necessary for engaging in learning. Burgos (2001) notes, The research on staff development tells us that its least effective when its done at the end of the school day. Some researchers suggest that the ideal time for teachers to participate in professional development activities is during the summer, when students are not a consideration and teachers do not have as many demands on their time. But teachers are more likely to apply new instructional strategies if they receive feedback and support while trying the new strategies in their classrooms. Coaching Teachers at Different Skill Levels A school may be home to educators with a wide variety of skill levels in technology: computer gurus anxious to put the capabilities of the newest hardware and software to use; moderate technocrats, who implement basic computerized tasks; and the technologically limited. The problem faced by administrators and professional development staff of such a school is providing adequate training to bring all teachers to an adequate level of technical expertise so learning goals can be met. After the teachers skill levels are identified, administrators, teachers, and the technology specialist can brainstorm to determine what support and resources teachers need to advance to the next stage. Teachers can develop personal plans for professional development that include goals for using technology. These professional development plans can be competency driven, identifying specific areas where technology can be used effectively; they can specify outcomes to be achieved using technology, such as implementing specific projects with students; and they can list software applications that should be mastered by specific dates. By putting individual goals in writing, these plans formalize teachers commitment to using technology in the classroom, states Tenbusch (2002). Choosing Appropriate Software One barrier to technology integration is the difficulty many teachers face in finding and using appropriate software for instruction (Glenn, 2003). Teachers at novice or apprenticeship stages of technology integration may need guidance in locating multimedia software and Internet sites to support the schools learning goals, either because they are unfamiliar with these media or because they feel overwhelmed by the profusion of software on the market and sites on the Internet. Lack of time and experience to make good decisions about what particular products or sites have the potential of fostering learning goals can make technology integration a frightening prospect. Glenn (2003) succinctly summarizes the challenge: Problems exist with finding and using appropriate software or courseware for instruction. The number of high-quality curriculum materials has increased, and there is a wider variety; however, creating innovative learning opportunities for all students remains a fundamental challenge and elusive for far too many teachers. GOALS:  · The schools technology plan clearly identifies learning goals to be achieved through technology.  · Technology supports the instructional learning goals. It is integrated into instruction in meaningful ways so that it contributes to the attainment of high standards by all students.  · Technology is used for challenging, long-term projects that promote students higher-order thinking skills instead of merely for drill-and-practice programs to improve basic skills.  · All students have opportunities to use a variety of technologies to support their work on authentic tasks.  · All technology is in operable condition and is being used effectively and to the maximum extent possible.  · Just-in-time technology support is available for teachers and students.  · There is a flexibility in managing the technology to ensure that all students and teachers have equity of access.  · Professional development is considered an important part of the technology plan and the technology budget.  · The professional development component of the technology plan ensures that every teacher has allotted time throughout the school year for professional development relating to technology and its integration into the classroom.  · Professional development in technology is directly applicable to the classroom situation.  · A diverse portfolio is in place to ensure that funding is available to support technology and ongoing professional development. Administrators:  · Pursue funding strategies to provide the necessary technology, professional development, technical support, equipment upgrades, and equipment maintenance to achieve educational goals.  · Develop strategies for ensuring equitable use of education technology for all students and teachers.  · Acknowledge the benefits of plugging educators into technology improved student performance, increased student motivation, lower student absenteeism, and higher teacher morale.  · Understand the implications of preparing teachers for the Digital Age.  · Ensure that the school is providing professional development for effective technology use.  · Determine expectations for teachers in regard to their use of technology in their classrooms. Develop strategies for teaching the teachers and eventually winning teachers over.  · Read about technology implementation strategies in Teachers and Technology: Making the Connection.  · Provide all teachers and administrators with an Internet e-mail address. Use e-mail for all school announcements.  · Provide a networked computer on the desk of every teacher and administrator.  · Provide all teachers with on-site training in technology use. Ensure that teachers have adequate time to practice new skills, explore software, and become proficient with the schools technology.  · Involve teachers in identifying and pursuing technology professional development that is appropriate to their needs and skills.  · Encourage teachers to set their own technology integration goals as part of their individual professional development plans.  · Ensure that adequate technical support is available.  · Address any problems that arise with new uses of technology in the classroom quickly and efficiently.  · Use a variety of time and monetary incentives as well as job requirements that encourage teachers to use technology in their classrooms. o Provide release time for teachers to participate in technology professional development activities during the school day. o Pay for additional professional development activities, such as outside conferences and workshops that address specific classroom technology issues. o Pay teachers to act as technology mentors for teachers with novice technology skills. o Provide classroom-embedded mentoring, tutoring, and follow-up activities. o Financially reward teachers for designing good instructional uses of technology. o As an additional incentive, offer technology for classroom or personal use: laptop computers, technology equipment, and software. o Make teachers base pay contingent upon participation of technology professional development. o Include technological competence as one aspect of teacher evaluation. o Tie job security to technology professional development by adding technology competence to teacher evaluation, requiring technology-related professional development for contract renewal, or making technology professional development a requirement for re-certification.  · Periodically visit classrooms to determine teachers technology needs and to observe and encourage their integration strategies.  · Provide opportunities for teachers to observe effective technology use in other classes or schools.  · Recognize teacher successes with technology. Share these stories with the school and the community. Encourage teachers to share their successes with colleagues at conferences.  · Participate in professional development programs, study groups, and other technology activities with teachers and other staff members.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Marriage: Easy Divorce :: essays research papers
Marriage: Easy Divorce      Although I do not agree with getting married until you are positive that you want to have a huge commitment to another person, I favor the easier divorce. I think that a divorce is not really anyone's fault. (unless it is) The divorce should be done as quickly as possible in either case.      If you find yourself getting married to the person that you thought you loved-but later on in life you find that you weren't ready for marriage, then it's not really anyone's fault. You may have made a mistake by getting married to quickly, but people make mistakes.      Sometimes, you may find that your spouse and you make better friends than husband and wife. That could happen and I'm sure it's probably already happened once or twice. In this case, it is not really anyone's fault. You just go on with life just as you always had before.      I think that people shouldn't get married until they are totally positive that their spouse is the person that they want to have a lifetime commitment with. If they even think twice, then they are not ready for marriage. I know that not everyone will feel the same way that I do on this subject, but if everyone did, it could improve the divorce rate. I think that we should just get the divorce over with as quickly as possible and get to living our lives again.      I know someone's dad who got into a relationship with another woman. This person's mother got married at a very young age. She thought she was ready, but she wasn't. After being married and having three children, her husband told
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Choledocholithiasis (which called bile duct stones or gall bladder stones in the bile duct) is the presence of stones from gall bladder in the common bile duct. Stones usually form in gall bladder but they sometimes pass through the cystic duct into common bile duct. There are many symptoms of gallstone in common bile duct. For example; abdominal pain (in the right upper or middle upper abdomen), fever, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting and clay-colored stools.) Healthline, 2016) So, this condition diagnosed and treated by ERCP. ERCP (Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) is a procedure that enables doctor to examine the pancreatic and bile ducts by insert lighted tube which called endoscope (like the thickness of your index finger) is placed through the mouth and into stomach and first part of the small intestine (duodenum) exactly in (ampulla) and passed of cannula (which a small plastic tube) through the endoscope and into this opening with injected contrast material and X-rays are taken to study the common bile duct. (Suissa et al., 2018) (Turk, 2011) Fluoroscopy is a radiographic procedure that provides a dynamic image of the inside of the body frequently after the administration of the contrast media with the use of persistent x-ray beam that passes through the area of interest and later the attenuated beam that come out of the patient is received by a video monitor to view the body part motion in details. The fluoroscopic studies can efficiently detect variety of abnormalities of different body systems such as the skeletal, digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory, reproductive and urinary system. (University of Rochester Medical Center,2018). In this assignment I will discuss about equipment used in ERCP, role of radiographer in ERCP, technical and exposure consideration of ERCP and case study. ?ERCP Equipment ERCP contain endoscopy and fluoroscopy. Fluoroscopy consists of C-arm and monitor. Endoscopy consist of flexible tube which called endoscope with at the end it contain a tiny video camera and light. There is a canal inside components of the scope through which thin instruments are passed and can be poked out the tube's end. These instruments include a catheter, balloon, basket, sphincterotome, biopsy forceps and cytology brush and stents. So, for injecting contrast media into the ducts by used of catheter. Used of balloon is to stretch tight areas of the bile duct or pancreatic duct. Also, for removing and manipulating stones used of basket, and to incise tissue and make the bile duct or pancreatic duct opening larger used of a sphincterotome. Biopsy forceps and cytology brush use to obtain microscopic exam, and use stent to bridge blockages. Other openings allow the doctor to suck out water or air inside digestive system as well as clean the camera lens. Control the movement of the tube by gently pushing and pulling on its outside end is done by the doctor while also steering the inside end with control knobs that the doctor holds in his hand. Video television screen in the procedure room is received images from the endoscope. Also, obtain an x-ray image of the bile duct and pancreatic duct by the fluoroscopy. (ASGA, 2016).Role of Radiographer in ERCP:Before examination: First, asked to remove any clothing or jewelry that may get in the way of the body area to be examined and wear gown. Then, check name and an identification number of the patient. Third, prepare the C-arm machine and the monitor. Fourth, positioned on the x-ray table depending on what the doctor want. Fifth, make sure everyone who stays in ERCP room wear lead apron. (ASGA, 2016). During examination: Regarding on department's equipment, radiographer may have to stay out in the control panel or may be able to stand in the room to x-ray. stand in the room to x-ray In the latter, it is important to pay close attention so as not to miss cue to x-ray.The doctor will ask the radiographer to x-ray when it is required if screen or spot. Also, the radiographer be attention for doctor and patient condition. (ASGA, 2016).After examination:The radiographer save the image and sent it. Make sure the machine is clean. (ASGA, 2016).Technical of ERCP: Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a technique that to diagnose and treat diseases regarding to the pancreatobiliary system by used of endoscopy and fluoroscopic imaging. The endoscopic portion of the examination uses endoscope that is passed through the esophagus and stomach and into the second portion of the duodenum. For obtaining high-quality radiographic images and for the prevention of pulmonary aspiration and considered optimal for cannulation of the papilla, so ERCP is performed with the patient in the prone position. But, patients who can not able for prone position for ERCP are often placed in the left lateral decubitus or supine positions. ( Malas, 2017) Radiation exposure consideration of ERCP: In ERCP the fluoroscopy time is shorter when ERCP is performed by doctor who has many years experience of done ERCP and carried out a large number of ERCPs in the past year. In general, radiation exposure is higher during therapeutic ERCP than during diagnostic ERCP. Radiation dose to patients during ERCP depends on many factors, and the doctor unable to control some variables which are patient size, procedure type, or fluoroscopic equipment used. In a recent prospective study where ERCP instruments used for example, stent insertion, lithotripsy, needle-knife, biopsies, the use of a guide wire or additional wires other than the standard, a balloon and catheter, that will significantly increase fluoroscopy duration. (Boix and Lorenzo-Zà ºÃƒ ±iga, 2011)Patient preparation and care: Before the examination, the stomach should be empty. The patient who does the ERCP must not eat anything after midnight on the evening before the exam. Regarding for examination time, if the procedure is done early in the morning, no drinks must be taken, but if examination is done at noon time, a cup of tea, juice, milk, or coffee can be taken four hours earlier. medications of heart and blood pressure must always be taken with a little amount of water in the early morning. The patient needs to have a companion drive them home after the procedure, since the procedure will require intravenous sedation. (Jay and Marks, 2018) To cause relaxation and sleepiness, the patient will be given medications through a vein. Local anesthetic is given to the patient to decrease the gag reflex. Some doctors prefer to give the patients more intravenous medications for sedation, so do not use local anesthetic. This also applies to those patients who cannot tolerate the bitter taste of the local anesthetic or who have a history of allergy to xylocaine and the numbness sensation in the throat. The intravenous medication is given, while the patient is lying on the left side on the X-ray table, and then the instrument is inserted gently through the mouth into the duodenum. The instrument advances through the food passage and not the air passage. It does not interfere with the breathing and gagging is usually prevented or decreased by the medication. After the examination, patients must be observed in the recovery place until most of the effects from the medications have worn off. This sometimes takes one to two hours. (Jay and Marks, 2018) Case study: This case study is about 77 years old female patient with H/O common bile duct stones. The condition start 8 months ago by right upper abdominal pain and clay colored stools. The patient came to Royal Hospital and the doctor decided to take x-ray first. So, they found 3 large stones in common bile duct. Then the doctor decided to do ERCP. The ERCP was done in 7/5/2018. The doctor saw a perimapullary diverticulum and with injected contrast through common bile duct, the cholangiogram showed 3 large stones proximally back to back, the balloon was used to remove the stones. However, this patient was uncooperative, so stenting done in long time with use 9cm plastic biliary stent with good bile drainage. (Royal, 2018) Conclusion: Overall, ERCP is procedure to examine different diseases regarding to biliary system. One of these conditions is choledocholithiasis which is stone in gallbladder or common bile duct. ERCP can diagnose and treat choledocholithiasis. ERCP used fluoroscopy to examine the endoscope inside the patient, so radiographer is one of most important member in ERCP room. Also, ERCP used endoscope insert through the mouth into stomach with insert some instrument inside its canal. Technique of insertion endoscope with lower radiation dose for the experienced endoscopists, patient and who stay in ERCP room. Nowadays, ERCP is most common done in world, so most of the people know about it. Choledocholithiasis Choledocholithiasis (which called bile duct stones or gall bladder stones in the bile duct) is the presence of stones from gall bladder in the common bile duct. Stones usually form in gall bladder but they sometimes pass through the cystic duct into common bile duct. There are many symptoms of gallstone in common bile duct. For example; abdominal pain (in the right upper or middle upper abdomen), fever, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting and clay-colored stools.) Healthline, 2016) So, this condition diagnosed and treated by ERCP. ERCP (Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) is a procedure that enables doctor to examine the pancreatic and bile ducts by insert lighted tube which called endoscope (like the thickness of your index finger) is placed through the mouth and into stomach and first part of the small intestine (duodenum) exactly in (ampulla) and passed of cannula (which a small plastic tube) through the endoscope and into this opening with injected contrast material and X-rays are taken to study the common bile duct. (SAGES, 2018) Fluoroscopy is a radiographic procedure that provides a dynamic image of the inside of the body frequently after the administration of the contrast media with the use of persistent x-ray beam that passes through the area of interest and later the attenuated beam that come out of the patient is received by a video monitor to view the body part motion in details. The fluoroscopic studies can efficiently detect variety of abnormalities of different body systems such as the skeletal, digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory, reproductive and urinary system. (University of Rochester Medical Center,2018).In this assignment I will discuss about equipment used in ERCP, role of radiographer in ERCP, technical and exposure consideration of ERCP and case study. ? ERCP Equipment ERCP contain endoscopy and fluoroscopy. Fluoroscopy consists of C-arm and monitor. Endoscopy consist of flexible tube which called endoscope with at the end it contain a tiny video camera and light. There is a canal inside components of the scope through which thin instruments are passed and can be poked out the tube's end. These instruments include a catheter, balloon, basket, sphincterotome, biopsy forceps and cytology brush and stents. So, for injecting contrast media into the ducts by used of catheter. Used of balloon is to stretch tight areas of the bile duct or pancreatic duct. Also, for removing and manipulating stones used of basket, and to incise tissue and make the bile duct or pancreatic duct opening larger used of a sphincterotome. Biopsy forceps and cytology brush use to obtain microscopic exam, and use stent to bridge blockages. Other openings allow the doctor to suck out water or air inside digestive system as well as clean the camera lens. Control the movement of the tube by gently pushing and pulling on its outside end is done by the doctor while also steering the inside end with control knobs that the doctor holds in his hand. Video television screen in the procedure room is received images from the endoscope. Also, obtain an x-ray image of the bile duct and pancreatic duct by the fluoroscopy. (University et al., 2018)Role of Radiographer in ERCP:Before examination:First, asked to remove any clothing or jewelry that may get in the way of the body area to be examined and wear gown. Then, check name and an identification number of the patient. Third, prepare the C-arm machine and the monitor. Fourth, positioned on the x-ray table depending on what the doctor want. Fifth, make sure everyone who stays in ERCP room wear lead apron.During examination:Regarding on department's equipment, radiographer may have to stay out in the control panel or may be able to stand in the room to x-ray. stand in the room to x-ray In the latter, it is important to pay close attention so as not to miss cue to x-ray. The doctor will ask the radiographer to x-ray when it is required if screen or spot. Also, the radiographer be attention for doctor and patient condition.After examination:The radiographer save the image and sent it. Make sure the machine is clean. Technical of ERCP:Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a technique that to diagnose and treat diseases regarding to the pancreatobiliary system by used of endoscopy and fluoroscopic imaging. The endoscopic portion of the examination uses endoscope that is passed through the esophagus and stomach and into the second portion of the duodenum. For obtaining high-quality radiographic images and for the prevention of pulmonary aspiration and considered optimal for cannulation of the papilla, so ERCP is performed with the patient in the prone position. But, patients who can not able for prone position for ERCP are often placed in the left lateral decubitus or supine positions. ( Malas, 2017) Radiation exposure consideration of ERCP:In ERCP the fluoroscopy time is shorter when ERCP is performed by doctor who has many years experience of done ERCP and carried out a large number of ERCPs in the past year. In general, radiation exposure is higher during therapeutic ERCP than during diagnostic ERCP. Radiation dose to patients during ERCP depends on many factors, and the doctor unable to control some variables which are patient size, procedure type, or fluoroscopic equipment used. In a recent prospective study where ERCP instruments used for example, stent insertion, lithotripsy, needle-knife, biopsies, the use of a guide wire or additional wires other than the standard, a balloon and catheter, that will significantly increase fluoroscopy duration. (Boix and Lorenzo-Zà ºÃƒ ±iga, 2011) Patient preparation and care:Before the examination, the stomach should be empty. The patient who does the ERCP must not eat anything after midnight on the evening before the exam. Regarding for examination time, if the procedure is done early in the morning, no drinks must be taken, but if examination is done at noon time, a cup of tea, juice, milk, or coffee can be taken four hours earlier. medications of heart and blood pressure must always be taken with a little amount of water in the early morning. The patient needs to have a companion drive them home after the procedure, since the procedure will require intravenous sedation. (Jay and Marks, 2018)To cause relaxation and sleepiness, the patient will be given medications through a vein. Local anesthetic is given to the patient to decrease the gag reflex. Some doctors prefer to give the patients more intravenous medications for sedation, so do not use local anesthetic. This also applies to those patients who cannot tolerate the bitter taste of the local anesthetic or who have a history of allergy to xylocaine and the numbness sensation in the throat. The intravenous medication is given, while the patient is lying on the left side on the X-ray table, and then the instrument is inserted gently through the mouth into the duodenum. The instrument advances through the food passage and not the air passage. It does not interfere with the breathing and gagging is usually prevented or decreased by the medication. After the examination, patients must be observed in the recovery place until most of the effects from the medications have worn off. This sometimes takes one to two hours. (Jay and Marks, 2018)Case study:This case study is about 77 years old female patient with H/O common bile duct stones. The condition start 8 months ago by right upper abdominal pain and clay colored stools. The patient came to Royal Hospital and the doctor decided to take x-ray first. So, they found 3 large stones in common bile duct. Then the doctor decided to do ERCP. The ERCP was done in 7/5/2018. The doctor saw a perimapullary diverticulum and with injected contrast through common bile duct, the cholangiogram showed 3 large stones proximally back to back, the balloon was used to remove the stones. However, this patient was uncooperative, so stenting done in long time with use 9cm plastic biliary stent with good bile drainage. (Royal, 2018)Conclusion:Overall, ERCP is procedure to examine different diseases regarding to biliary system. One of these conditions is choledocholithiasis which is stone in gallbladder or common bile duct. ERCP can diagnose and treat choledocholithiasis. ERCP used fluoroscopy to examine the endoscope inside the patient, so radiographer is one of most important member in ERCP room. Also, ERCP used endoscope insert through the mouth into stomach with insert some instrument inside its canal. Technique of insertion endoscope with lower radiation dose for the experienced endoscopists, patient and who stay in ERCP room. Nowadays, ERCP is most common done in world, so most of the people know about it. Choledocholithiasis Choledocholithiasis is one common disease in common bile duct. It defined as stones found it in biliary tree by usually formed in gall bladder. The bile drainage from gall bladder through the bile duct to the intestine. The location of gall bladder is under the liver and the shape of it is like a pear. The place of these stones either stay in gall bladder or go to common bile duct. The patient who has this disease, may feel one or some of these symptom like; abdominal pain which exactly felt in middle or right upper abdomen, fever or jaundice (mean yellowish color in eye and skin). Also, loss appetite, nausea, vomiting or clay colored stools. ) Healthline, 2016) So, this condition diagnosed and treated by ERCP. ERCP stands for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatrography. The definition of ERCP is a minor operation done by the doctor to examine biliary tree with insert lighted tube which called endoscope, so it is placed in second part of duodenum exactly in ampulla through the mouth into esophagus and stomach. The size of endoscope is similar to index finger size. At the site of endoscope in ampulla, the cannula passes through the endoscope and into this hollow with injected contrast media and the fluoroscopy taken by the radiographer to study the common bile duct. (Suissa et al., 2018) (Turk, 2011) Fluoroscopy is a radiographic procedure that provides a dynamic image of the inside of the body frequently after the administration of the contrast media with the use of persistent x-ray beam that passes through the area of interest and later the attenuated beam that come out of the patient is received by a video monitor to view the body part motion in details. The fluoroscopic studies can efficiently detect variety of abnormalities of different body systems such as the skeletal, digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory, reproductive and urinary system. (University of Rochester Medical Center,2018). In this assignment I will discuss about equipment used in ERCP, role of radiographer in ERCP, technical and exposure consideration of ERCP and case study. ? ERCP Equipment ERCP contain endoscopy and fluoroscopy. Fluoroscopy consists of C-arm and monitor. Endoscopy consist of flexible tube which called endoscope with at the end it contain a tiny video camera and light. There is a canal inside components of the scope through which thin instruments are passed and can be poked out the tube's end. These instruments include a catheter, balloon, basket, sphincterotome, biopsy forceps and cytology brush and stents. So, for injecting contrast media into the ducts by used of catheter. Used of balloon is to stretch tight areas of the bile duct or pancreatic duct. Also, for removing and manipulating stones used of basket, and to incise tissue and make the bile duct or pancreatic duct opening larger used of a sphincterotome. Biopsy forceps and cytology brush use to obtain microscopic exam, and use stent to bridge blockages. Other openings allow the doctor to suck out water or air inside digestive system as well as clean the camera lens. Control the movement of the tube by gently pushing and pulling on its outside end is done by the doctor while also steering the inside end with control knobs that the doctor holds in his hand. Video television screen in the procedure room is received images from the endoscope. Also, obtain an x-ray image of the bile duct and pancreatic duct by the fluoroscopy. (ASGA, 2016).Role of Radiographer in ERCP:Before examination: First, asked to remove any clothing or jewelry that may get in the way of the body area to be examined and wear gown. Then, check name and an identification number of the patient. Third, prepare the C-arm machine and the monitor. Fourth, positioned on the x-ray table depending on what the doctor want. Fifth, make sure everyone who stays in ERCP room wear lead apron. (ASGA, 2016).During examination: Regarding on department's equipment, radiographer may have to stay out in the control panel or may be able to stand in the room to x-ray. stand in the room to x-ray In the latter, it is important to pay close attention so as not to miss cue to x-ray. The doctor will ask the radiographer to x-ray when it is required if screen or spot. Also, the radiographer be attention for doctor and patient condition. (ASGA, 2016).After examination:The radiographer save the image and sent it. Make sure the machine is clean. (ASGA, 2016). Technical of ERCP: Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a technique that to diagnose and treat diseases regarding to the pancreatobiliary system by used of endoscopy and fluoroscopic imaging. The endoscopic portion of the examination uses endoscope that is passed through the esophagus and stomach and into the second portion of the duodenum. For obtaining high-quality radiographic images and for the prevention of pulmonary aspiration and considered optimal for cannulation of the papilla, so ERCP is performed with the patient in the prone position. But, patients who can not able for prone position for ERCP are often placed in the left lateral decubitus or supine positions. ( Malas, 2017) Radiation exposure consideration of ERCP: In ERCP the fluoroscopy time is shorter when ERCP is performed by doctor who has many years experience of done ERCP and carried out a large number of ERCPs in the past year. In general, radiation exposure is higher during therapeutic ERCP than during diagnostic ERCP. Radiation dose to patients during ERCP depends on many factors, and the doctor unable to control some variables which are patient size, procedure type, or fluoroscopic equipment used. In a recent prospective study where ERCP instruments used for example, stent insertion, lithotripsy, needle-knife, biopsies, the use of a guide wire or additional wires other than the standard, a balloon and catheter, that will significantly increase fluoroscopy duration. (Boix and Lorenzo-Zà ºÃƒ ±iga, 2011) Patient preparation and care: Before the examination, the stomach should be empty. The patient who does the ERCP must not eat anything after midnight on the evening before the exam. Regarding for examination time, if the procedure is done early in the morning, no drinks must be taken, but if examination is done at noon time, a cup of tea, juice, milk, or coffee can be taken four hours earlier. medications of heart and blood pressure must always be taken with a little amount of water in the early morning. The patient needs to have a companion drive them home after the procedure, since the procedure will require intravenous sedation. (Jay and Marks, 2018) To cause relaxation and sleepiness, the patient will be given medications through a vein. Local anesthetic is given to the patient to decrease the gag reflex. Some doctors prefer to give the patients more intravenous medications for sedation, so do not use local anesthetic. This also applies to those patients who cannot tolerate the bitter taste of the local anesthetic or who have a history of allergy to xylocaine and the numbness sensation in the throat. The intravenous medication is given, while the patient is lying on the left side on the X-ray table, and then the instrument is inserted gently through the mouth into the duodenum. The instrument advances through the food passage and not the air passage. It does not interfere with the breathing and gagging is usually prevented or decreased by the medication. After the examination, patients must be observed in the recovery place until most of the effects from the medications have worn off. This sometimes takes one to two hours. (Jay and Marks, 2018)Case study: This case study is about 77 years old female patient with H/O common bile duct stones. The condition start 8 months ago by right upper abdominal pain and clay colored stools. The patient came to Royal Hospital and the doctor decided to take x-ray first. So, they found 3 large stones in common bile duct. Then the doctor decided to do ERCP. The ERCP was done in 7/5/2018. The doctor saw a perimapullary diverticulum and with injected contrast through common bile duct, the cholangiogram showed 3 large stones proximally back to back, the balloon was used to remove the stones. However, this patient was uncooperative, so stenting done in long time with use 9cm plastic biliary stent with good bile drainage. (Royal, 2018) Conclusion: Overall, ERCP is procedure to examine different diseases regarding to biliary system. One of these conditions is choledocholithiasis which is stone in gallbladder or common bile duct. ERCP can diagnose and treat choledocholithiasis. ERCP used fluoroscopy to examine the endoscope inside the patient, so radiographer is one of most important member in ERCP room. Also, ERCP used endoscope insert through the mouth into stomach with insert some instrument inside its canal. Technique of insertion endoscope with lower radiation dose for the experienced endoscopists, patient and who stay in ERCP room. Nowadays, ERCP is most common done in world, so most of the people know about it.
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