Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Example Apa Research Paper
Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Example Apa Research Paper Type of Example Apa Research Paper If your instructor provides you with the APA guidelines then excellent for you. You can also see course outline. You can also see program outline. You might also see biography outline. Normally a bibliography just contains references information, but in some instances, you might choose to make an annotated bibliography. Among the biggest reasons to make an APA format bibliography is just to produce the research and writing process simpler. The Supreme Approach to Example Apa Research Paper It's only normal to be anxious about hiring an on-line essay writer as you can't ever be sure whether you are employing the perfect service or not. Some readers will be considering research methods utilised in your work while others might read certain points mentioned in your research. As the title of the writing implies you must conduct the research in the certain region of knowledge. It's extremely important to read carefully essay services reviews, because you would like to avoid low excellent services. Nobody will argue that It's quite challenging to compose an academic paper if there's no structure for it. You will be happy you filled up the purchase form. Your document may have a complicated structure, especially in the event the most important body will be big. If you read an illustration of APA paper, you can observe that running heads aren't always mandatory. A template is a kind of design that's already formatted in your document so you can get started writing on opening it. Examine examples of such works to comprehend how to write them and what style you ought to use for formatting them. The format to be used is related to the topic that you have chosen. The format of your abstract also is dependent upon the sort of paper you're writing. Example Apa Research Paper and Example Apa Research Paper - The Perfect Combination You have to keep in mind that the thesis statement is normally a kind of introduction to the assigned subject issue. Occasionally a thesis can be formulated as a question that should be answered or a problem that should be resolved. Most theories suggest that only very disturbed folks do horrible actions if they're ordered to achieve that. The aim of the research introduction is to notify the readers about this issue and your opinion on the subject. A research paper is a rather significant kind of academic wri ting. Before you begin your essay or research paper, you should get familiar with some overall APA rules. The significance of the outline in the research paper is clear. Thus, it's apparent that example of recommendation in research paper is always based on specific data and cannot be speculated because of the fact that it isn't a hypothesis. So, first of all, a college research paper has to be informative. You've got to compose several academic papers over the span of a year. College students are predicted to deliver premium quality research papers that fulfill strict requirement as to contents and form. Research Paper preparation means handling a great amount of information. Research projects may still be presented visually. Research Paper isn't a task for a single day. An individual should realize that every Research Paper is a sophisticated writing because it must contain distinctive research and distinctive idea. The War Against Example Apa Research Paper Precise word counts can change from journal to journal. If you aren't mindful of APA requirements just type in Google (or some other search engine) APA format and you are certain to find a lot of results. Bear in mind that the format of the reference is dependent on the source material or whether it's a book, journal, newspaper or internet resource. The reference list ought to be alphabetized based on the author's last name. In case the structure of the primary body has many levels, it is preferable to use different numbering styles. A bibliography is comparable in many methods to a reference section, but there are a f ew critical differences. College students should use a suitable numbering for unique sections.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Bilingual Cooperative Integrated Reading And Composition
-- Describe the topic. What is the intended target of the intervention and the goal? Bilingual Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (BCIRC) is the intervention program designed to help Spanish-speaking English Language Learners(ELL) students successfully read in Spanish and make a successful transition to English reading. The target of the intervention was the Spanish-dominant ELL students who attended seven elementary schools which had the highest rates of poverty and the lowest levels of student achievement in El Paso, Texas. The 222 Spanish-speaking ELL students in the second (n = 120) and third (n = 102) grades initially participated in the study and were assigned to the mixed-ability (high, medium, and low achieving)†¦show more content†¦Although the study authors found some statistically significant differences in the mean reading achievement test scores between the BCIRC students and the comparison group students in the subgroup findings, the WWC did not confirm the statistically significant positive effects of this finding because only one study was reviewed. †¢ English language development: The study authors did not find any statistically significant differences in the mean language development test scores between the BCIRC students and the comparison group students both in the study findings and the subgroup findings. However, the WWC reported that the intervention had potentially positive effects on English language development reading achievement because the study showed the substantively important positive effect with the large effect sizes (.29 in the study finding /.38, .22, .53 in the subgroup findings), and it also did not show a statistically significant or substantively important negative effect. However, the WWC did confirm the statistically significant positive effects of this finding because only one study was reviewed. The WWC also provided the Improvement index for reading achievement (+23 percentile points) and English language development (+11 percentile points) based on the effect size. Each improvement index represents the positive difference between the percentile rank of theShow MoreRelatedEnglish Language Learners7210 Words  | 29 Pagesenvironment that will enhance learning for all of your students. WHO ARE THEY? Although ELL students come from diverse backgrounds, they have several common needs. Certainly, they need to build their oral English skills. They also need to acquire reading and writing skills in English. And they must attempt to maintain a learning continuum in the content areas (e.g., mathematics, science, and social studies). Some ELL students will have other needs that will make the task of learning much more difficultRead MoreSupporting the Development of English Literacy in English Language Learners22851 Words  | 92 Pagesstudents in U.S. schools, increasing from 6% in 1970 to 16% in 1995 and 19% in 1997 (Ruiz de Velasco Fix, 2000). While their numbers have increased, English language learners (ELLs) lag significantly behind their fluent English-speaking peers in reading. For example, in California, ELLs participating in statemandated standardized testing performed worse at all grade levels and were substantially more likely to score below the nationally ranked 25th per centile. In addition, ELLs are substantiallyRead MoreTrends Issues and Policies in Philippine Education 15257 Words  | 22 Pagesall levels, be it elementary, secondary, tertiary, technical-vocational, non-formal, sports and culture; supervise all educational institutions, both public and private and provide for the establishment and maintenance of a complete, adequate and integrated system of education relevant to the goals of national development. Organic and Management Structure of DECS The DECS is divided into two major structural components: the central office and field offices. The central office has five (5) serviceRead MoreNew Developments in Technology Management7684 Words  | 31 Pagesengineering schools have responded to these developments by designing new courses and curricula related to technological entrepreneurship. Some countries with centralized educational systems (e.g., Japan, Singapore, and Ireland) are graduating â€Å"bilingual engineers†with capabilities in technology and business. Yet, this trend of marrying technology with management education is still far from being in the mainstream. Another important development in stimulating and changing the nature of the demandRead MoreA Research Study On Linguistics7646 Words  | 31 Pagesstudent and texts constructed by group, and a program of home reading ââ€" Activation of previous knowledge: Teachers must consider bridging bicultural knowledge with the embodiment of relevant and meaningful language and theme based units with games and visuals ââ€" Approaches of Instruction: Focusing on the development of vocabulary is important that includes activities such as reading aloud with storytelling and discussion, writing, and cooperative learning. This requires the grouping of flexible abilityRead MoreFactors Affecting Literature Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools in Uganda19646 Words  | 79 Pages 2.3 The use of appropriate instructional resources and methods in teaching the subject of 13 2.3.1 Methods used in teaching of Literature in English 19 a) Grammar translation or traditional method 19 b) The Direct Method 19 c) The Reading Method 20 d) The Audio lingual Method 20 e) The Audiovisual Method 21 f) Communicative Method 21 2.4 The impact of Environment on teaching and Learning of Literature in English 22 2.5 The Attitudes of Secondary School Students towardsRead MoreRole Of Data Driven Learning And Traditional Instruction Essay9233 Words  | 37 PagesVocabulary Learning Strategies in the Second / Foreign Language.......................................... 9 1.3. Student-Centered Approach in Teaching ................................................................................. 20 1.4. The Role of Cooperative Learning Cognitive Approaches to Teaching ............................. 27 1.5. The Role of Computer-Assisted Language Learning .............................................................. 28 1.6. Corpus Studies and Data-Driven Learning ...Read Morepreschool Essay46149 Words  | 185 Pageseach student. In addition, a recent report from the American Academy of Pediatrics concludes that play is vitally important for healthy brain development. These reports, as well as many others, make clear that preschool children’s play and integrated learning are vital components of high-quality preschool programs. With the goal of ensuring that all preschools in California offer highquality programs, the California Department of Education collaborated with leading early childhood educatorsRead MoreStrategic Human Resource Management View.Pdf Uploaded Successfully133347 Words  | 534 Pagestasks or operate new equipment. Employers may structure jobs so that these skills may be learned from other employees. They may also give employees time to learn new procedures or how to operate new equipment through self-instruction, such as by reading technical manuals, or by learning new software through self-instruction. Employers may also absorb the costs of lower productivity while workers lacking relevant skills learn through interaction with skilled employees or through trial-and-error processesRead MoreHuman Resources Management150900 Words  | 604 Pagessystems technicians, physical therapists, plumbers, air conditioning repair technicians, and many others. Consequently, HR professionals have faced greater pressures to recruit and train workers. LOGGING ON . . . Workforce Composition Data on workforce composition and trends from the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics are available at this site. sahome.html WORKFORCE QUALITY DEFICIT Many occupational groups and industries will require more educated
Monday, December 9, 2019
Paramore-Riot! free essay sample
Paramore is probably the most talented Alternative Rock band out there right now. Their music is truly amazing. Its more than just something to listen to when youre bored. Single, â€Å"CrushCrushCrush†shows how they can put meaningful lyrics with great vocals and instrumentals and produce a song that gets nominated for both MTV Music Video Awards and Teen Choice Awards. Single, â€Å"Misery Business†was said to be the song that got the band noticed with its catchy up-beat rhythm and a story behind it that can get you wanting to hear more. â€Å"Keep me safe inside, your arms like towers†lyrics from Paramores, â€Å"We Are Broken†has so much emotion to just a tiny metaphor in the amazing song. Paramores lyrics might be simple but unlike a lot of other bands you can actually understand the meaning of the song and relate to them. Its like you can feel a connection with the band because the lyrics are written about personal experiences band members have been through. We will write a custom essay sample on Paramore-Riot! or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Behind the music is passion, and thats personally what I liked best about the band. It seems there songs block out the rest of the world when youre listening to them. Theyre an overall great band who almost automatically got noticed and continues to prove to us how amazing they are. There really isnt anything to hold against the band except most of there songs sound very alike and they sound like a lot of other Alternative bands such as Flyleaf. Id recommend Paramore to teenagers because the lyrics are something that they could relate to. Theyve been nominated for various awards. Just a few of them being Americas Music Awards, Grammy Awards and multiple Teen Choice Awards. A band who received that many awards and much more, you should really give a chance to. Id give this band five stars.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Demand for Chicken, a Proposal Essay Example
The Demand for Chicken, a Proposal Essay The demand for chicken refers to the quantity of chicken demanded by households (in lbs) in the identified areas (one rural and one urban), at the available prices within the specified areas. It must be noted at this point, that the true population in any given situation is never really known. As such samples are usually collected and estimated using econometric methods. The results are then used to infer or make judgments about the true population. Basically, econometrics is based on economic theory, mathematical economics and statistics. Where the relationships among variables are measured using numerical values and estimates are then interpreted. This assignment has been embarked on to apply the theoretical knowledge learnt in the classroom to real world situations using actual data. I. e. the quantity of chicken demanded (dependent variable), subject to constraints such as the selling price of chicken, available substitutes, etc. In doing an econometric research, there are four stages. These stages are 1. Specification of the model. 2. Estimation of the model. 3. Evaluation of the estimates. 4. Evaluation of the model. These steps will be further explained in the proposal. REVIEW OF LITERATURE This comprises of two parts; 1. The general theory of demand 2. Previous models done and comparisons. Theory of Demand A fundamental characteristic of demand is†¦[1]. †All else equal, as price falls, the quantity demanded rises, and as price rises, the quantity demanded falls. †What this implies is that there is a negative or inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded. We will write a custom essay sample on The Demand for Chicken, a Proposal specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Demand for Chicken, a Proposal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Demand for Chicken, a Proposal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer However, price is not the only factor that affects or determines the quantity of a product demanded. Other factors such as the taste and preferences of consumers, the prices of related goods, number of buyers in the market, changing expectations (of price, availability, income) etc. The prices of related goods can increase or decrease the demand for a good depending on whether the related good is a substitute (can be used in place of another) or complement (used together with another). Example, assuming that good (A) is a complement of good (B), as the price of good B rises; the demand for good A will decrease, I. . , a negative relationship exist. On the other hand, if the goods are substitutes of each other, as the price of one good rises, the quantity demanded of the other good will also increase because the consumers will substitute the more expensive good with a cheaper substitute. A change in consumers’ taste and preferences also affects demand. For instance, if the good becomes more desirable to consumers, the quantity demanded will increase and vice versa. In the same way, if the number of buyers in the market increases, the quantity demanded will also increase and vice versa. Should consumers expect the future price of a commodity to increase, the present demand will more than likely increase because persons will purchase more in anticipation of the price increase and the opposite will apply for an expected decrease in prices. Additionally, if consumers expect the availability of the product to change, they will also change their demand. E. g. , should consumers expect a shortage of chicken in February; they are likely to increase their demand in January to stock up in expectation of the shortage. Changes in the income status of consumers may also prompt consumers to change their current spending pattern. Whereby, they may increase or decrease the amount purchased, depending on if there is an increase or decrease in their income levels. So in essence, the quantity of a product demanded depends on the price of the product, prices of related goods, changes in consumers’ taste and preferences, changing expectations in prices, availability of the product and income etc. PREVIOUS MODELS DONE AND COMPARISONS In preparing this model, the researcher looked at other persons work on the demand for chicken. It was realized that others also choose the same three dependent variables in constructing a demand function for chicken. One researcher even went through the process of identifying the variables and going through the process of justifying their selection in the model based on the t statistic. A copy of this researcher’s process will be included in the appendix of the final paper SPECIFICATION OF THE MODEL Specification deals with expressing the economic theory (relationship between variables) in a mathematical form. It is the specification of the model with which the economic phenomenon will be explored empirically. In this proposal, it is the relationship between the quantity of chicken demanded and the factors that influence or determine the quantity demanded that are being examined. Specification of the model entails 1. The dependent and explanatory variables which will be include in the model. 2. The apriori theoretical expectations about the size and sign of the parameters of the function. 3. The mathematical form of the model 4. The econometric form of the model. In this proposal, the quantity of chicken demanded (Dc) is the dependent variable. The independent variables are the price of chicken (Pc), the price of substitutes (Ps) because chicken is usually substituted with other products such as fish, beef etc and the income of households (Yd) and other unspecified variables. This is shown in the following equation; Dc = ((Pc, Ps, Yd,†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. ) Where: Dc ( quantity of chicken demanded. Pc ( Price of chicken. This price will be the price each household pays for a lb of chicken. Ps ( Price of substitute. The reason the price of a substitute is used in the model instead of the price of a complement is because chicken is a good that is usually substituted by other goods such as beef, fish etc. Yd ( This represents the net income of households. It is known from theory that changing expectations in income affects demand. So the affect of income on demand cannot be truly represented by a straight line, a curve is more realistic. To represent this ln Yd is going to be used in the function. Even though there are other factors which affect demand, only the three independent variables stated above will be used in the model because theory and previous models done suggest that these are the core (most important ) variables for a demand function, particularly the demand for a consumer product such as chicken. There are usually coefficients for the explanatory variables. These coefficients are known as the (s’. So the mathematical form of the model is: Dc = ((0 + (1Pc + (2Ps + (3LnYd ) Another term used to describe the mathematical form of the model is the deterministic model. The econometric form of the model is formed when the stochastic or random term is added to the mathematical form of the model. Therefore the econometric form of the model is; Dc = ? 0 + ? 1Pc + ? 2Ps + ? 3LnYd +  µ. Where  µ the stochastic term,? represents all other less significant independent variables and it collects all errors of the model. Additional, the expected sign of the parameters (? s’) are as follows; ? 0 this is the constant. The expected sign of this is +. The reason being, this represents the autonomous consumption of chicken/ it represents the demand for chicken hen the value of the dependent variables are 0. ?1 -ve. The reason being, there is an inverse relationship between the price of chicken and the quantity demanded of chicken. ?2 +ve. The reason being, if the price of chicken increases, the quantity demanded of the substitute for chicken will increase. ?3 +ve. The reason being chicken is considered to be a normal good. Therefore if income increa ses, quantity demanded will increase and vice versa. The sizes of the elasticities are dependent on the nature of the commodity and the existence of substitutes. For example if the good is a necessity, price and income elasticity’s are expected to be small. On the other hand, if the product is a luxury, the elasticity’s are expected to be high. Therefore for this proposal the elasticity’s (income and price) are expected to be small. Additionally, if the commodities are close substitutes, the cross elasticity will be high. ESTIMATION OF THE MODEL. Estimation is concerned with obtaining numerical values for the variables used in the model and estimates for the parameters. This step involves †¢ Gathering of statistical observations (data) on the variables included in the model. †¢ Choice of the appropriate econometric technique. The researcher proposes to use cross-sectional data. This type of data gives information on the variables concerning individual agents (households) at a given period of time. I. e. using the demand function stated previously (econometric form) and inserting values for a number of households in order to compute an estimate of the demand function. i. e. Dc = ? 0 +? 1Pc +? 2Ps + ? 3LnYd + à µ. The proposed econometric technique is the OLS/ Classical least squares. What this does is select values for the coefficients that minimize the sum of the squared errors. (? ei? ) The assumptions of this econometric technique are: 1. Linearity. This refers to linearity in coefficients; the model must be correctly specified and has the additive error term. 2. The mean of the error term is 0 3. Observations of the error term are uncorrelated with each other, i. e. there is no autocorrelation. 4. The explanatory or independent variables are uncorrelated with the error term so that E (Xe) = 0 5. The error term has a constant variance, i. e. there is no heteroscidastiscity. 6. No explanatory variable is a perfect linear function of other variables, i. e. there is no multicollinearity. 7. The error term is normally distributed. EVALUATION OF THE ESTIMATES. In a nutshell, this is the interpretation of the reliability of the coefficients estimated. That is, if the results are theoretically meaningful and statistically satisfactory. There are basically three criteria’s for evaluating the estimates. †¢ The economic apriori criteria. This is determined by economic theory. †¢ The statistical criteria. This is determined by statistical theory. †¢ The econometric criteria. Determined by econometric theory. †¢ The selection of the confidence interval. Economic apriori is determined by the principles of economic theory and refers to the sign and size of the parameters. In this case, the reliability of the estimated coefficients will be determined based on economic theory. For instance, the expected sign of ? 1 is expected to be negative because theory states that demand and price are inversely related. The statistical or first order conditions are determined by statistical theory. At this point in the assignment, the researcher will look at the basic statistics such as the mean, median, mode, correlation coefficient etc to examine the data. Additionally the R2 and adjusted R2 values, the F statistics and t statistics will be used to also examine the coefficients. The relevance of all these test will also be further explained, for instance the R2 and adjusted R2 speaks about the fit of the model. The next stage is the second order tests or econometric criteria. These tests determine the reliability of the statistical tests. They help to establish whether or not the estimates have the desirable properties of OLS. These properties are linearity, unbiased estimator ie E (? ) = ? , minimum variance (the distribution of the estimates around the true line fits tightly) and consistency (as the sample size gets larger, the variance gets smaller). Simply, the econometric criterion is aimed at detecting violations of the assumptions of OLS. To this end a number of tests are proposed. 1. The Durbin – Watson (d) statistic) to test for autocorrelation. 2. The Spearman Rank Test. Performed to test whether or not the assumption of homoscedastiscity is violated. 3. The experimental technique based on Frisch’ confidence analysis. That is testing for the level of multicollenearity. 4. The Ramsey – Reset Test. This test is done to determine whether or not the model is properly specified. Selection of the confidence interval. In order to carry out any statistical test, the null and alternative hypothesis will have to be correctly specified. Additionally the confidence interval will have to be determined, i. e. the level of significance of the hypothesis test. This is especially critical in minimizing errors’1 and errors’ 2. For instance, at the 95% confidence level, only 5% of the time error 1 occurs. This means that only 5% of the time a true null is rejected. However at the 99% confidence level, the possibility of error 2 occurring increases, i. e. the possibility of not rejecting a true null. For this paper, the 95% confidence interval is proposed. EVALUATION OF THE MODEL Before using a model to forecast, it is first important to ensure that the model satisfies the economic, statistical and econometric criteria’s’. After which the stability of the model has to be examined. The Chow Test will be done to examine the stability of the model. After which the final results will be reported. These results include discussing the R2, adjusted R2, the resulting F and t statistics, the elastic ties etc. The conclusion follows. Then there will be an appendix, consisting of the data sets, a sample of the questionnaire used, statistical graphs etc. The final page will be a bibliography of all books and websites used in the assignment.
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