Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Standing Out in a Group Essays
Hanging Out in a Group Essays Hanging Out in a Group Essay Hanging Out in a Group Essay Individual Learning Journal 1 Company Name: Fliers for Fires Mark Pond 12930775 Over the most recent 5 weeks I have come to get familiar with a great deal about my gathering not just as far as working in solidarity as one organization, however every part inside it on an individual level. My early introduction of the gathering was one of shock and vagueness as I was a little reluctant whether we would function admirably as a group. This is because of the reality we have six individuals spread across three very surprising nations/societies with these being America, Australia and Saudi Arabia. When at first getting together and meeting everybody just because our gathering experienced a gentle instance of modest ness which eventually brought about Groupthink. This marvel was most unmistakable when we were introducing our different plans to the remainder of the gathering since we as a whole attempted to limit struggle and arrive at an accord without basically testing, breaking down, and assessing thoughts. 1] Evidently, as time went on and we became acquainted with each other on an increasingly close to home level both inside and outside of the study hall and the development of thoughts and gathering conversation advanced permitting us to bond as a gathering and set up the establishments of a promising organization. All through the most recent 21 years of my life I have come to comprehend that I am an individual of two varying attributes. As such I have come to understand that I am both withdrawn and outgoing. When examining matters as a gathering I become incredibly contemplative, except if I have pre-arranged what I needed to state. This was predominant in our first gathering where we needed to concoct thoughts of what we could accomplish for our undertaking this semester. It was in this gathering I had once again from conversation and simply assimilated what others needed to state. Nonetheless, toward the finish of the gathering and after we found out about conceptualizing in class we as a whole left and detailed the same number of thoughts as we could consider for potential occasions we could have. The next week when we re-accumulated to communicate our thoughts, I took the roar as I was solid and steady and had various recommendations that could be utilized. It was during this gathering our first idea (facilitating a reasonable) was settled upon and it so happened to be my thought that got the approval/agreement from the remainder of the gathering. In the wake of finding out about Belbin’s group jobs and finishing the poll, we as a gathering found a ton around each other. When contrasting our outcomes we found that we as a whole appeared to fall under varying classifications with respect to our character as far as hard working attitude, hierarchical aptitudes and how we could all add to the undertaking. In saying so I had the option to distinguish certain qualities and characteristics from each gathering part, permitting me to appoint them to a job inside the organization. My outcomes are as per the following: James Severance (CEO): Team Coordinator and screen (extraordinary authority aptitudes) Luke Wilson: Shaper (because of his capacity to propose different ideas on a similar thought permitting us to make the best occasion inside the thought we concur on) Alexey Potpov: Team Worker (he is acceptable at contributing thoughts and considerations from all offices) Sarah Osman: Specialist (Sarah has incredible composition and drafting abilities, as such she can have some expertise in altering and improving the report). Mohammed Almelahi: Team Worker, asset examiner Mark Pond (Myself): Team Worker, Completer/finisher, Implementer Subsequent to having our concept of the reasonable being invalidated by BUSA because of OHS issues, we were at last back at the starting point as far as thinking of a thought for our undertaking. In the wake of learning further in class about imagination and kinds of reasoning we plunked down and attempted to actualize what we had realized. We found that there are two kinds of reasoning: 1. Vertical reasoning including sound and consistent advances bringing about an evaluative choice. The subsequent sort being horizontal reasoning, which isn't as innovative or sensible and regularly brings about diverted gathering individuals where their brain is all over however the errand close by. The second kind of reasoning was clear when we plunked down utilizing the Delphi strategy and attempted to think of another thought that would be less inclined to dismissal. As such Luke, Alexey and myself were handily occupied and begun talking about what we would do that night as opposed to attempting to conceptualize new thoughts for the gathering. In any case, when we left from each other and gave conceptualizing a shot our own, Luke thought of an amazing thought that is currently the cutting edge focal point of our organization. The most significant component of our gathering is the way that nobody exclusively commands bunch conversations. James our CEO makes a superb showing with getting the gathering centered and starts discussion however specifically it is amazing the manner in which he will move around the gathering and hear thoughts and thoughts from everyone on each issue. This kind of administration works especially well particularly since Sarah and Mohammed are the calmer ones in the gathering. James’s capacity to identify with the thoughtful ness of a portion of our individuals takes into consideration all people to shout out and give their fair contribution to the dynamic procedure. Because of the energy and activity taken by our CEO James Severance, we can work as a gathering with no individuals acting naturally restricted and overruled because of absence of mastery/information regarding the matter. Moreover as we have all proposed different thoughts and go to a consistent concession to one occasion, nobody has been forced, sabotaged or tormented into consenting to do anything they didn’t feel sure about contrasted with different gatherings that have encountered this difficulty. In the wake of examining the article ‘When individuals raise a White flag’ we had the option to draw numerous parts of how to make and keep up a balanced, ready, task orientated gathering. This article/practice helped us become increasingly acquainted with one another’s nearness and permitted us to gain proficiency with a smidgen about one another regarding cooperation, trust in each member’s capacity to not raise a white banner/surrender and at last build up specific objectives and targets we wish to accomplish at the finish of the occasion. One of the most significant things I have learnt in the course of recent weeks, is that all together for a group to capacity as well as could be expected, trust/kinship my first be set up. Toward the beginning of the semester and after the gatherings had been picked by the diverse CEO’s we thought that it was hard to associate as a gathering. This was on the grounds that we didn’t know each other and the main explanation we needed to meet was a direct result of the current venture. In any case, as the week’s turned over and we started to convey outside of class, I felt that group solidarity was growing, particularly between Luke, James and myself where we have begun to call each other in any event, when it’s not business related. This out of class companionship has reinforced our hard working attitude as a group and has expanded the correspondence level between bunch individuals. I accept this has given me more prominent certainty to communicate my thoughts and feelings and at last shout out significantly more than I did toward the beginning when I was self-constraining myself because of not knowing anybody. In the wake of finishing the Hofstede practice on social measurements in class this week, it was intriguing to take note of the social contrasts between our gathering individuals. Sadly just Mohammed, James and myself were available for this activity however at any rate I had the option to decide the distinctive quality’s between every one of the three societies in our gathering. As James is from USA, their wasn’t a very remarkable distinction between our societies as our nations are fundamentally the same as in pretty much every perspective. The greatest contrast I found was with Mohammed’s social foundation. Mohammed is from Saudi Arabia and as such his nation was found to have a generally high force separation. As a rule this will identify with individuals from that nation communicating their own thoughts and not being smothered by others regardless of whether they are in a dictator position. Above all anyway nations with this powerful separation generally break down and consider a thought before settling on any impulsive choices and plunging into the profound finish of the pool. The way that Mohammed just concurred with everyone’s idea’s and didn’t propose any of his own had me frightened as his way of life would recommend that he do the specific inverse. Moreover, any individual who originates from the Middle-East and specifically Saudi Arabia is by all accounts raised in an exceptionally saved and traditionalist society, where they should build up a type of trust/kinship with somebody before directing business. Maybe as Mohammed essentially concurred with the thoughts and didn’t truly express his genuine thoughts he was scared by how rapidly we got passed the ‘getting to know one another’ stage and was constrained into ‘shy-ness’, along these lines getting contemplative. To date we have tagged along route as a gathering. Together we have defeated obstacles, had our proposition dismissed by BUSA, further figured thoughts, based on our friendship’s on an individual level between bunch individuals and at last have made some extraordinary memories up to this point filling in as group ‘Fliers for Fires’. I feel that I despite everything have significantly more to gain from/about my gathering individuals as they do about me, and I accept once we start to place our proposition enthusiastically we have the dedication and capacity to direct an awesome occasion with all returns going towards Victoria’s fire casualties. [1] http://en. wikipedia. organization/wiki/Groupthink
Saturday, August 22, 2020
If all countries were democracies, there would still be war Essay
In the event that all nations were majority rule governments, there would in any case be war - Essay Example Does it follow then that if all the nations on the planet were vote based systems, there would be no war pitting one with the other Is equitable harmony conceivable I would contend in this paper while there is as yet the chance of war in this situation, it is less inclined to happen when contrasted with a situation wherein undemocratic nations exist. My line of reasoning would be what Achen (1986) called as the determination impacts contention. An investigation of contentions would show that most wars pitted one type of system with another and that popular governments will in general win more frequently than other political frameworks. They do so on the grounds that they are progressively cautious in concluding whether to start war. They select their situation by assessing the impacts and in many cases vote based systems discover wars as a dangerous endeavor. The investigations of prevention of Fearon (1994) and the majority rule harmony by Rousseau et al. (1996) call attention to the job that fair discretionary establishments play in restricting the chance of war between vote based systems. ... Nonetheless, I don't guarantee that this dread takes out the chance of war however it shows that solitary when they make certain of triumph would majority rule governments include themselves. The essential point is that when nations do become majority rule governments, they become progressively productive in taking up arms since they become increasingly wary and lead more assessments on the likeliness of triumph. A genuine case of how this functions was appeared in the 1898 Fashoda Crisis when fair France dodged war with the British after their assessment have given them they military mediocre. This demonstrates vote based systems will in general be increasingly serene and conciliatory with others in light of the fact that their political establishments compel pioneers from seeking after hostile international strategies. A subsequent contention is that majority rule governments rehearses opportunity of articulation and offer higher caliber and amount of data. There are numerous advantages from the bounty of value data one of which is empowering government organizations to improve arrangements. This is conceivable on the grounds that popular governments take into consideration the incredible conversation of option and accommodate an open dispersal of thoughts. A free press, one of the striking highlights of vote based systems, gives another obstacle to taking up arms. At the point when the media has constrained government control and oversight, they are bound to uncover the imperfections in regards to outside and nearby arrangements and improve administration all the while. Measurable examinations directed by Snyder (1991) and Van Evera (1994) demonstrate that the affinity for irresponsible wars diminishes as media control diminishes. Reiter (1995) appeared in an exact investigation that media compositions compel government authorities to discharge higher caliber and less one-sided data. Interestingly, nondemocratic systems have
Thursday, August 13, 2020
See What Book Rioters Are Reading this Week
See What Book Rioters Are Reading this Week In this feature at Book Riot, we give you a glimpse of what we are reading this very moment. Here is what the Rioters are reading today (as in literally today). This is what’s on their bedside table (or the floor, work bag, desk, whatevskis). See a Rioter who is reading your favorite book? I’ve included the link that will take you to their author archives (meaning, that magical place that organizes what they’ve written for the site). Gird your loins â€" this list combined with all of those archived posts will make your TBR list EXPLODE. We’ve shown you ours, now show us yours; let us know what you’re reading (right this very moment) in the comment section below! Amanda Nelson The Transmigration of Bodies by Yuri Herrera, translated by Lisa Dillman: Herreras Signs Preceding the End of the World was one of my favorite reads of last year, and his newest is a noir-ish tale of two crime families battling it out in the middle of a plague. Yes, please. (paperback) Everfair by Nisi Shawl: An alternate history steampunk re-imagining of the Belgian occupation and colonization of the Congo. What more do you want? (ARC, September 6, Tor). Angel Cruz Vassa in the Night by Sarah Porter: I love all of Sarah Porter’s books, so I’m super excited to start this retelling of Vassilissa the Beautiful. (ARC) Adulthood is a Myth by Sarah Andersen: I seem to be reading lots of Sarahs these days. Andersen’s comic strips on Twitter are hilarious, and I fully expect to enjoy this collection. (Paperback) Something in Between by Melissa de la Cruz: Filipina MCs are few and far between, and de la Cruz will likely make me emotional as I read through this novel. (e-ARC) Sarah Nicolas Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins: This one’s been on my radar for a while, but I finally checked out the audiobook after some Book Rioters chattering about the series last week. Just finished it today. (audiobook via library) Their Fractured Light (Starbound, #3) by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner: I just finished This Shattered World and had to wait two days (aka FOREVER) for this one to come available via my library. Fingers crossed for a stellar (*ahem*) end to this series. (audiobook via library) Eleanor Park by Rainbow Rowell: I’ve had a signed copy for a while, but I go through audiobooks 10 times faster than paper books, so I just checked this one out on Overdrive. (audiobook via library) Kate Scott The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead: I just started this and I am SO excited! (ARC) One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel GarcÃa Márquez: I actually checked this out from Overdrive accidentally. Happy accident! (Audiobook) If Eve Only Knew by Kendra Weddle Irons Melanie Springer Mock: An introductory book on Christian feminism. Last month I read a Christianity Today article by Mock in response to the North Carolina Bathroom Bill about how she (a straight, cis-gendered woman) was routinely kicked out of women’s bathrooms because she looked like a boy. It was a compelling article and I discovered her book as a result. (Paperback) Liberty Hardy The Hike by Drew Magary (Viking, August 2): I’m a huge fan of Magary’s book The Postmortal. Also it was pitched as “Cormac McCarthy writes Alice in Wonderland†so of course I had to get it. (e-galley) Culdesac by Robert Repino (Soho Press, Nov. 15): A novella continuing the Mort(e) story! The Fortunes by Peter Ho Davies (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Sept. 6): I don’t know anything about this other than I was told it was amazing. Just about to start! (galley) Katie McLain The Troop by Nick Cutter: I’m using this for a book talk assignment for grad school, but really, I just wanted an excuse to reread one of the scariest books I’ve ever read. (hardcover) Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie: One of my romance reading selections for class. I’m not typically a romance reader, but I’ve heard so many good things about her that I’m excited to start reading! (hardcover) Jesse Doogan A Woman’s Place by Katelyn Beaty: This subject, a Christian/biblical look at feminism and a woman’s role, is extremely close to my heart, and I’ve been gobbling up this book. It’s so encouraging. I want to clear my schedule to finish it so I can buy a copy for everyone I know. Creativity Inc. by Edwin Catmull: I’m reading this in a book club at work, a chapter at a time. This book is about a 50/50 split of the history of Pixar and leadership training, and it’s fascinating. The most readable business book I’ve ever picked up. (hardcover) Aram Mrjoian IQ by Joe Ide: I love a good mystery, but don’t necessarily read them that often. Was stoked to pick up this debut on the premise of Sherlock and hip hop, and it’s proved to be good fit for the midsummer heat. (ARC) Annika Barranti Klein Empress of Fashion: A Life of Diana Vreeland by Amanda Mackenzie Stuart: this is a library borrow for last months wlClub that I am terribly behind on. (Hardcover) A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab: the sequel to A Darker Shade of Magic. Reading on my Kindle, but I also have the hardcover and I wish it was easier to switch between them. (Ebook) Sharanya Sharma The Prince of Shadows by Rachel Caine: I love retellings, and Im on a growing kick for Romeo Juliet retellings that feature Benvolio Rosaline as the protagonists. This particular version also has Benvolio acting as an Italian Robin Hood. SWOON! (E-book) Rebecca Hussey The Art of Waiting by Belle Boggs: I’m reading this for a review. It’s about infertility and all the complications and difficult decisions that come along with it. (Paperback ARC) The Fire This Time, edited by Jesmyn Ward: I’ve read Jesmyn Ward’s two most recent books (Salvage the Bones and Men We Reaped) and loved them both, so I’m excited to start this collection of essays she edited. (egalley) Derek Attig The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers: I needed something light and fluffy, and this Firefly-meets-Futurama-meets-other-great-stuff space jam is exactly that while still being interesting. (ebook) Tasha Brandstatter Drops of God, Vol. ‘04 by Tadashi Agi: I’ve been wanting to read this manga for YEARS and it’s finally available in English! (Or at least the first four volumes are… I’m not sure what I’m going to do with myself when I finish this.) E.H. Kern Shadow Ops: Control Point by Myke Cole: A while back I changed how I pick my next read. Since then I have discovered several really good writers. My most recent discovery according to my new way of doing things is Myke Cole. This is his debut novel from a few years back and I am really enjoying it so far. (Paperback) Ashley Bowen-Murphy Men We Reaped by Jesmyn Ward: Somehow I missed his book when it came out in 2013. I blame grad school. At any rate, I cant really imagine a more appropriate book for the last few weeks. This memoir is so much more than that its a reflection on race, gender, and region that transcends the personal. (Ebook) The Heavenly Table by Donald Ray Pollack: This book pushes all my buttons. Southern gothic, historical fiction? Sign me up. Multiple generations of a family story? Added bonus. (e-gally) Track of the Cat (Anna Pigeon #1) by Nevada Barr: I started this as research for a piece Im planning on the National Parks Service. Its a fun mystery series set in US national parks. Some of this early book (it came out in the early 1990s) is a bit dated but, on the whole, its as fun as any modern mystery novel. (Ebook) Danika Ellis Under Threat by Robin Stevenson: This is YA book about a teen girl whose parents are abortion providers and start getting death threats because of it. She finds comfort with her girlfriend, but her girlfriend doesn’t entirely share her views on a woman’s right to choose. This was such a fascinating premise, I had to pick it up. It’s nice to read a lesbian YA book that begins after the main character has come out. This is in the Orca Soundings series, a hi-lo (high interest, low reading level) book, so it’s a quick read, but it’s definitely interesting, and it skillfully juggles a lot of different elements for how short it is. (Paperback) Jamie Moore Insurrections by Rion Amilcar Scott: Picked up this book because Ive enjoyed this writer’s short stories, and this book brings together his connected shorts to provide a collective portrait of the fictional town Cross River. Not to mention, hes a Kimbilio fellow, and this community of writers have been killing it. (Digital arc) The Veins of the Ocean by Patricia Engel: I loved Vida by this author, and from the premise of this book, I knew Id be pulled into this novel. Grief, love and family also get me. (Hardcover) Shelter by Jung Yun: Very early in this book, and its been buzzy, so I picked it up to be sucked into the lucid descriptions of family drama. (Hardcover) Susie Rodarme Futureland by Walter Mosley: I was looking specifically for a PoC sci-fi author to read on Overdrive and this book caught my eye. I’m already enthralled with it. The writing is luscious. (ebook) Why Diets Make Us Fat: The Unintended Consequences of Our Obsession with Weight Loss by Sandra Aamodt: I saw this at the library and noticed it was written by a neuroscientist, which is 1000% in my wheelhouse. It’s full of sciency goodness. (library hardcover) Swapna Krishna The Outliers by Kimberly McCreight: I did not know what to expect with McCreight’s latest novel (YA? Crossover? I’m not quite sure) but it’s definitely engaging. It’s a little unbelievable, but if you’re good at suspending disbelief to enjoy a novel, you should be good with this one. (galley) The Taming of the Queen by Philippa Gregory: Though I read most of Gregory’s historical fiction, I wasn’t rushing to read this one because I’ve read the story of Katherine Parr, Henry VIII’s sixth wife, so many times in both fiction and nonfiction. But Gregory has a way of putting a spin on things you don’t expect, and I found this novel riveting, regardless of knowing the history intimately.(paperback) Elizabeth Allen So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport: Our fearless captain, Amanda Nelson, suggested this particular book to me after a session of me whining about not knowing what I want to be when I grow up. Although I will admit, I’m still grappling with his disavowal of passion as an important aspect to loving your job. (audiobook) Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake by Sarah MacLean: After I read my first two romance books on Sarah MacLean’s recommendation, I figured I’d give one of hers a shot! So far I love how snarky and quick her female characters are. (ebook) Andi Miller Toil and Trouble issues 1-6 by Mairghread Scott and Kelly and Nichole Matthews: This six-issue series of comics reinvents the three witches from Shakespeare’s Macbeth. In this series they’re not barely-there crones dancing around a cauldron, but sorceress badasses who control Scotland’s fate. (print) Lab Girl by Hope Jahren is perhaps the surprise of the year for me. This memoir touches on the author’s love of science and laboratory life in such a lyrical, soothing, touching wayit has hit me right in the feels. Jahren’s voice on audio is a treat. (audiobook) Amanda Diehl You’ll Grow Out of It by Jessi Klein: I’ve been craving some new non-fiction lately and this sounded so hilarious that I went out and grabbed it as soon as it came out. I’ve also heard a lot of good things and the reviews have been pretty favorable! (hardcover) Offensive Behavior by Ainslie Paton: I saw it described as a “near-Olympian turned pole dancer meets laid-off drunkard virgin tech tycoon.†So clearly I had to get my grubby mitts on it immediately! (ebook) Destined for a King by Ashlyn Macnamara: The cover is so gorgeous that it prompted a second look from me while I was browsing NetGalley. The heroine sounds all sorts of kickass and in romance, I love the whole “nursed back to health†trope. (egalley) Claire Quigley Arcadia by Iain Pears: This one was recommended by one of my go-to Booktubers, Jen Campbell. This book has been likened to Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy, a series that has left a fantasy-and-multiple-worlds-narrative shaped hole in my heart. I’ve only just started Arcadia, but so far things are looking promising! (Paperback) The Great Degeneration by Niall Ferguson: This is a short non-fiction book I picked up a few days ago. I decided to give this one a go because I live in the UK and things are kind of falling apart here politically. This book suggests the key building blocks of civilization, so I’m hoping it might help pull me out of a crisis (if not on a national scale, then at least personally!). (Paperback) Kelly Anderson Necessity by Jo Walton: Reviewing this one soon! Also the first two were pretty amazing if you like thought experiments or alternate worlds or are just a big old classics nerd (especially that last, actually). St. Kilda, Island on the Edge of the World by Charles Maclean: I love books about vanished worlds, and this is a doozy of one about a society on two islands in the Outer Hebrides (emphasis on outer) off the coast of Scotland that disappeared in the face of modernization and changes in politics and culture. It doesn’t hurt that it’s pretty well written, too. Buddha’s Brain by Rick Hanson and Richard Mendius: I’ve just begun a fascination with books about neuroscience (at least ones that this non-medical expert can understand). This one is all about the neuroscientific principles that underlie meditation and mindfulness practice. If you’re curious about the why of how meditation works to improve the brain beyond metaphors, I’d recommend it. Nicole Brinkley Heroine Complex by Sarah Kuhn: Heroine Complex, which just hit shelves this month, has been on my radar for a while now. Lady superheroes, hidden powers, a war against evil demons in San Francisco? Yes, please! I’m a few chapters in and so far it’s really snarky and a lot of fun perfect for those who love the tone of the Marvel Cinematic Universe or comic books like The Adventures of Squirrel Girl. (ARC) NewsPrints by Ru Xu: This graphic novel fell into my lap at work and I immediately loved the artwork. The rest of the book about Blue, a girl disguising herself as a boy to sell newspapers, who stumbles across a strange boy named Crow and a possible conspiracy with her at-war country is beautifully illustrated and a lot of fun. Perfect for ages 8 12, but will be a huge hit with an older audience, especially for fans of Fullmetal Alchemist. (ARC) Nicole Froio My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante, this book is slow but after a while it started feeling like reading really juicy gossip about the characters and I’m not mad about it. (Physical copy) All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr, I’ve been trying to stay interested in this book, but it’s not really working. I really love all the bits about Marie-Laure but I’m not super interested in the rest. Hopefully I’ll come around. Sarah S. Davis Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King. It’s been awhile since I’ve read a King novel, but one night I was having trouble concentrating on reading and picked this up. It’s very entertaining with a thrilling plot and wry observations. It’s also the first in a trilogy with the latest novel released this spring. (MMPB) A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab. I feel like I’m the last person to read this, but now I understand the hype. A sort of lyrical and lush fantasy. (Hardcover) Infomocracy by Malka Older. As an information scientist, I am definitely interested in reading novels about how information can be controlled and manipulated for political gain. This novel is all-encompassing, with brilliant pacing met with relentless action. It’s a terrifying dystopian look at how the government and special forces can contain informationand with it, humanity. (Hardcover) Alex Laffer Acceptance (The Southern Reach Trilogy, Book 3) by Jeff VanderMeer: I couldn’t get the strange, distorted environment of Area X out of my head. Disquieting, compelling, thought-provoking, this is truly great speculative fiction. (Paperback) Being a Beast by Charles Foster: I read a description of the author eating worms to experience being a badger… I had to get the book after that. (Hardcover) Teresa Preston The Wicked Boy: The Mystery of a Victorian Child Murderer by Kate Summerscale: I really enjoyed Summerscale’s previous book, Mrs. Robinson’s Disgrace (and I still haven’t gotten around to her most popular book, The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher). This book is about a 13-year-old boy who murdered his mother in 1885. Bipolar Faith: A Black Woman’s Journey with Depression and Faith by Monica A. Coleman. I’m just getting started on this memoir by a womanist theologian learning to live with bipolar. It was one of Rachel Held Evans’s recommended reads for this summer, and I’m interested in the intersection of faith and mental illness. The added dimension of race is a plus as well. (e-galley) Tracy Shapley How to Set a Fire and Why by Jesse Ball. I super love this book but it’s my “read in bed on my Kindle after my partner goes to sleep†book and he’s been going to sleep so damn late recently that I haven’t made hardly any headway on it. Can’t wait to really give myself some dedicated time to enjoy the subtle humor. (egalley) The Good House by Ann Leary. This book does an incredible job showing how deep denial can be for alcoholics and how frustrating it can be for people watching it. (Hardcover; library) Ghettoside: A True Story of Murder in America by Jill Leovy. God damn is this hard to read. Sad, important, powerful, etc. etc. but so sad! This non-fiction book discusses IN DETAIL the hugely high murder rate in South Central Los Angeles and what a few dedicated homicide detectives are trying to do about it. And when I say IN DETAIL I mean that by the time you finish this book you’ll know what every single person in this book had for breakfast every day of their life. SO MUCH DETAIL. (Hardcover from the Book of the Month Club) Jessi Lewis Best American Science and Nature Writing, 2015, edited by Rebecca Skloot. I try every summer to catch up on the Science and Nature version of Best American. It always has some of the cleanest, clearest examples of eco nonfiction. Music for Wartime by Rebecca Makkai. I really enjoyed Hundred-Year House, so I’m taking on this one now. I’m really excited to hop into this short story collection. Johann Thorsson Dark Water by Barry Napier. A Fox Mulder-type main character with psychic powers has been kicked out of the FBI and is now investigating the mysterious drowning of two boys after children’s laughter and wet footprints appear in one of the victim’s family’s home. Spooky page-turner. (eBook) Crossing the Sea: With Syrians on the Exodus to Europe by Wolfgang Bauer. Two journalists pose as Syrian refugees to experience first-hand what refugees are currently going through to get themselves and their families to Europe to escape the civil war in Syria. Powerful. (eBook) Talent is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else by Geoff Colvin. Want to be good at something? Anything at all? This book explains how prodigies in music and sports are not really prodigies but simply exceptional at practicing, and how you can become world-class at anything (given time and single-mindedness). (eBook) Tara Cheesman Congo: The Epic History of a People by David Van Reybrouck Because I’ve spent years looking for a history book on the Congo region of Africa that moves past its colonial period and into the twenty-first century. Process: The Writing Lives of Great Authors by Sarah Stodola I’m obsessed with writing hacks and Sarah Stodola’s book lets me observe famous authors (like Hemingway, Nabokov, Didion and Zadie Smith) in their natural habitats. Jamie Canaves Rich and Pretty by Rumaan Alam: It was high on my TBR list and it was a BOTM selection making this month’s pick easy! So far its the perfect book for before bed reading.’ (Hardcover) History is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera: Because I loved More Happy Than Not I didn’t read a single thing about this book I just dove inâ€"and immediately got kicked in the heart! (egalley, January 2017, Soho Teen) Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno-Garcia: I really liked Signal to Noise so going back to Mexico City with Moreno-Garciathis time with vampireswas a no brainer! (egalley, Oct. 25, Thomas Dunne Books ) The Possessions by Sara Flannery Murphy: Sufficiently WTF with an underlying ick factor with “ghosts making it hard for me to put down. (egalley, February 2017, Harper) Ines Bellina The Best American Travel Writing edited by Andrew McCarthy: This annual compilation of travel essays and articles is my go-to for keeping up with the evolving nature of the genre. Not to mention that it also opens my mind to destinations I hadn’t even considered. A mermaid camp near Gainesville, Florida? Yes, please! (Paperbook) Travel with Myself and Another: A Memoir by Martha Gellhorn: In my attempt to correct my own narrow reading history, I’ve been seeking more women travel writers. Martha Gellhorn was an obvious choice. A renowned war correspondent and writer in her own time, I love how she reveals the ugly truth and dark crevices of any worthwhile trip. There is zero gloss and froth in this book. Thankfully. (Paperbook) Molly Wetta The Wrath and the Dawn by Renée Ahdieh: This was the first book I checked out from my new library! I’ve heard great things about this and wasn’t sure if it would be for me or not, but thought I’d give it a chance when I saw the pink cover. (hardback) The Animators by Kayla Rae Whitaker: the bright, colorful galley caught my eye at the American Library Association conference last month, and then I discovered it was a debut about female friendship and one character is a lesbian and I was sold. (ARC) Faithful by Alice Hoffman: I’m burning through fall adult fiction galleys, and this one is next on my list! Everything about the description (love! family! fate!) appealed to me and I have yet to read a novel by this author. (ARC) Hannah Oliver Depp Closed Casket: A Hercule Poirot Mystery by Agatha Christie / Sophie Hannah: I admit it, I enjoy a good posthumous dabble provided the writer has the chops. Poirot is in high form and dungeon in this take on Christie’s beloved detective. Not a perfect Christie (not even Christie’s were all perfect Christie’s), but so far a stellar who done it. (ARC) The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club by Dorothy L Sayers: Another golden age mystery. I take my mystery book group all over the place within the genre, but this month I am introducing them to my favorite writer with her take on the inter war period and her take on shell shock and poverty in London. Oh, and the most brilliant, piffle spilling detective to grace the page. (Paperback, Bourbon St Books, Harper Collins) An American Utopia: Dual Power and the Universal Army by Frederick Jameson, ed. By Slavoj Zizek: An aggressive take on what a a liberal society could be, Jameson has never been one to pull punches, whether on the topic of idealized communist societies or the failings of capitalism. Here several cultural critics and philosophers respond to his manifesto in an amazing debate. (Hardcover, Verso) Lumberjanes Vol. 4 by Noelle Stevenson, etc.: Who can say enough good about Lumberjanes? No one. This volume does not disappoint. I loved getting more background on the camp and still having my curiosity for the core mystery at the heart of these kick-ass scouts lives increased. The holy kitten has been good. (Image Comics, Paperback) A.J. OConnell A Taste of Honey by Kai Ashante Wilson: The follow-up to Wilsons Sorcerer of Wildeeps is set in Great Olorum itself. Like Wildeeps, it is a love story, intercut with an emotionally harrowing tale about politics, science and the gods. This novella is maybe 100 pages, but its the densest 100 pages I have read in a long time. (egalley) Jessica Woodbury Under the Midnight Sun by Keigo Higashino: I am hooked on Higashino, who writes the kind of intricate mysteries Agatha Christie would appreciate. This novel is a break from his normal style, following the children of murder victims through the decades that follow. (e-galley) The Story of a Brief Marriage by Anuk Arudpragasam: I saw a blurb by Garth Greenwell (who wrote this year’s excellent What Belongs To You) and saw a setting of a Sri Lankan refugee camp and couldn’t say no. So far it’s incredibly visceral and moving. (galley) Rachel Manwill Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead. Ive been waiting patiently to read this most anticipated book of the year, and so far its living up to all the hype and more. And reading it immediately after finishing Yaa Gyasis debut Homegoing is basically the most epic and timely one-two punch of American fiction. (September 2016, Doubleday)
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Grow Your Own Seed Crystal Instructions
A seed crystal is a small single crystal that you put in a saturated or supersaturated solution to grow a large crystal. Heres how to grow a seed crystal for any chemical that dissolves in water. Materials Needed to Grow a Seed Crystal The chemical you want to crystallize (here are some recommended recipes)Distilled water (tap water is usually OK)Shallow dish (such as a petri dish or a saucer)Heat source (stove, microwave, or hot plate)Nylon line (such as a fishing line) Make a Crystal Growing Solution Ideally, you would know the solubility of your chemical at different temperatures so that you could estimate how much of the chemical is needed to make a saturated solution. Also, this information is useful in figuring out what to expect when you cool your solution. For example, if the substance is much more soluble at a higher temperature than at a lower temperature, then you can expect crystals to form very quickly as you cool the solution (such as sugar crystals). If the solubility doesnt change much over your temperature range, you will have to rely more on evaporation to cause your crystals to grow (for example, salt crystals). In the one case, you cool your solution to stimulate crystal growth. In the other, you keep the solution warm to speed evaporation. If you know your solubility, use that data to make a solution. Otherwise, heres what to do: Heat about 1/4 cup (50 milliliters) of water in a glass container. A metal container may react with your chemical; a plastic container may melt. Suggestion: boil water in the microwave in oven-safe glassware such as a Pyrex measuring cup. (Be careful not to superheat your water. It tends not to be a problem with microwaves that rotate the container, but be careful anyway.) For crystals that fall out of solution easily, you may only need water heated to coffee pot temperatures or even hot tap water. When in doubt, boil the water.Stir in your chemical. Keep adding it until it stops dissolving and a little accumulates in the container. Give it a couple of minutes. Stir the solution again and add more solute (the stuff you are dissolving) if needed.Pour some solution into a petri dish or saucer. Only pour the clear solution into the dish, not any of the undissolved material. You may wish to filter the solution through a coffee filter.Crystals will form as the solution evaporates. You may remove a crystal before the solution fully evaporates if desired. To do this, pour off the solution and carefully scrape off the crystal. Otherwise, you can wait until the solution has evaporated. Select the best crystal and carefully remove it from the dish. Using Your Seed Crystal to Grow Big Crystals Now that you have the seed crystal, its time to use it to grow a big crystal: Tie the crystal onto a nylon fishing line with a simple knot. You want nylon and not normal thread or string because it is porous, so it will act as a wick for your solution, and because it is rough and will attract crystal growth away from your seed crystal. If the container you use to grow your crystals is completely clean and smooth and the line is nylon, your seed crystal should be the most likely surface for crystal growth. You may need to scrape small grooves in your seed crystal so that it wont slip off of the nylon line. Nylon is not the easiest material to use to tie a knot. Suspend your seed crystal in a saturated or supersaturated crystal solution so that it is completely covered. You dont want the crystal to touch the sides or bottom of the container. If your crystal solution isnt concentrated enough, your seed crystal will dissolve. You made a saturated solution for your seed crystal, so you can use that procedure (except with more water and crystal-chemical) to grow the real crystal. To supersaturate a solution, you make a saturated solution at a high temperature, then slowly cool it (with some exceptions). For example, if you dissolve as much sugar as possible in boiling water, the solution will be supersaturated by the time it gets to room temperature. A supersaturated solution will produce crystals quickly (often over the course of a couple of hours). A saturated solution may require days or weeks to produce a crystal. Let your crystal grow in an undisturbed location. You may wish to cover the solution with a coffee filter or paper towel to keep dust or whatever from contaminating the solution. Once you are happy with your crystal, remove it from the solution and allow it to dry.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Summary Of The Metamorphosis - 853 Words
The novel The Metamorphosis, by franz kafka, is centered around the basic plot that the main character, gregor, becoming a giant insect. With such a strange topic coming into play, the many characters who do confronts with a transformed gregor all fit into three categories of the reactions the showed. These include either, being completely disgusted, and disturbed by him, care enough to acknowledge that this is gregor but not care enough, and caring for acknowledging that gregor was once as person as well. Throughout the novella, the treatment of gregor slowly begins to degrade, which personally it isnt right, but the many problems that were caused by him led to this treatment by desperation. Each of the major characters all reacted to†¦show more content†¦The demonstrates her acknowledges that the vermin is her son but also shows displeasure. The same can go with the father as in the text it says,†These, little red apples†¦ lodged into his back.†(31).The demonstrated the reactions of the parents on how, even if it still negative, as the father attempts to hurt Gregor it is a little better than the reaction the previous characters had, as he does this to assert himself. The final of of reactions by characters in the novel towards gregor include Gretes and the charwoman’s reactions. both of these women in the novel seem to at first be acceptant t the fact of the transformation and state that Gregor is stuck in.In the novel, the author writes,†This is how gregor received his food each day now, once in the morning†¦ after everyone had eaten their meal at midday..send the maid away on some errand.†(21). This shows Gretes acceptance of the situations and at first put in a genuine effort to care for her brother. This shows how she had one of the better reactions of the characters. Unlike, Grete, the charwoman, the family;s cleaning lady; is surprisingly unphased by Gregor. This is shown in the novel what the narrator writes,†This elderly widow. With a robust bone structure †¦ wasnt really repelled by Gregor. Just by chance †¦ she opened the door to Gregors room and found herself face to face with him.†(35). T his shows the audience that both of these characters haveShow MoreRelatedA Summary of Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis1244 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ Metamorphosis Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis is a chilling story of a man named Gregor, who wakes one morning to find himself transformed into a giant insect. As expected, his family is shocked, but tries to adjust to the situation. However, over time his family comes to reject him and sees his continued existence as a burden. Wishing him dead, his family gets their wish when Gregor finally dies and his loss is then seen as a blessing. Although the author meant this tale to be symbolic of theRead More The Metamorphosis Essay1716 Words  | 7 PagesThe Metamorphosis The longer story The Metamorphosis, first published in 1971, was written by Franz Kafka. He was born in Prague in 1883 and lived until 1924, and he has written many other stories along with The Metamorphosis. The Metamorphosis appears to be a fantastic piece. After reading The Metamorphosis, I do believe that there are many similarities between magical realism and fantastic literature. Kafka showed many fantastic issues in The Metamorphosis. While reading The MetamorphosisRead MoreEssay on Metamorphosis1359 Words  | 6 PagesMetamorphosis In the short story, Metamorphosis, the narrator describes Gregor’s new life as an insect. He then goes on to describe Gregor’s sister, Grete, with a reflection of Gregor’s opinion in the description. Kafka employs a number of stylistic devices including descriptive imagery, metaphors, and symbolism in the passage to describe the situation. While these devices on their own just provide a more complex method of painting the situation, the way they are assembled in the passage Read MoreThe Metamorphosis notes Essay1339 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿AP/IB English: Major Works Data Sheet Title: The Metamorphosis Author: Franz Kafka Date of Publication:1915 Genre: fiction Biographical information about the author 1833-1924 Born into a middle class German speaking Jewish family in Prague. Antagonistic relationship with his father. Close relationship with sister: Ottla Sent to German Schools, good academically Best friend was , Max Brod Family used him for his money Had clinical depression, social anxiety mental instability and tuberculosis Read MoreSpellbinding Metamorphosis. The Evolution Of The Shawshank1321 Words  | 6 PagesSpellbinding Metamorphosis The evolution of the Shawshank Redemption, from the literary prose of Stephen King to the cinematography of director and screenplay writer Frank Darabont, is nothing short of a spellbinding metamorphosis. Stephen King, diverging from his prolific tales of horror, presented his audience, Different Seasons, a collection of novellas in which, â€Å"Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption†, is included. It is a story of the hope, courage and friendships that, main characterRead More The Pesticide Called Atrazine Acts as an Endocrine Disruptor Promoting Demasculinization and Feminization in Amphibians1026 Words  | 5 PagesThe article reviewed in this summary is Hayes, T.B., Khoury, V., Narayan, A., Nazir, M., Park, A., Brown, T., Adame, L., Chan, E., Buchholz, D., Stueve, T., and Gallipeau, S. 2010. Atrazine induces complete feminization and chemical castration in male African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107: 4612-4617. The authors have assigned key words described throughout this article including amphibian decline, endocrine disruption, pesticide and sex reversalRead MoreLife Cycle Of Butterflies : New Jersey Common Core Standards718 Words  | 3 Pagescomprised of twenty-one 5 and 6 year old students. There are 11 boys and 10 girls. In my class, there are children with ADHD, severe learning disabilities, multiple ESL learners, Cerebral Palsy, Severe Behavior, and other assortment of needs. Unit Summary: This lesson unit focuses on the life cycle of butterflies. Students will learn about the growth cycle of a butterfly and what the stages are by name. Students will particiapate in different activities to support their learning and share what theyRead MoreRn Language1591 Words  | 7 Pagesthe immediate need for the requirement of a common core language required to maintain and protect the elite standard of care expected in the medical profession, as a basic minimum to keep the focus on the patient’s care and medical wellbeing. Metamorphosis of the Professional Identity of Nursing The nursing profession is â€Å"enveloped in metamorphosing their professional identity†(Allan, Chapman, OConnor, amp; Francis, 2007, p. 47-51). The nursing profession experiences daily language challengesRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Musculoskeletal System998 Words  | 4 PagesSkeletons are used for: Supporting that body Protecting the body Moving the body When an animal sheds and exoskeleton and grows a new one because of its size it is called moulting. Metamorphosis is the change in body form as an animal grows. The dramatic change from young to adult is called complete metamorphosis. Summary Bones - Bones provide the structure for our bodies. The adult human skeleton is made up of 206 bones. These include the bones of the skull, spine (vertebrae), ribs, arms andRead MoreGregor Samsa And Depression By Franz Kafka1665 Words  | 7 PagesGregor Samsa and Depression Gregor Samsa is the main character in the book â€Å"The Metamorphosis†written by Franz Kafka and published in early 1915. The book which is primarily centered on Gregor and his family takes readers on a journey into the seemingly disturbing life of Gregor Sasma and how major changes in his life take him on a downward spiral of depression and eventually, death. The changes evident in Gregor did not only affect him, but also affected his immediate family resulting in attitudes
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why Uniforms Should Be Abolished Free Essays
Uniforms Should Be Abolished at WHCI Being in highschool is hard enough as it is with teacher and principal breathing down your neck constantly telling you to wear uniform all the time it like you have no freedom. I think uniform should be abolished at West Humber C. I because it will give the student a little freedom. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Uniforms Should Be Abolished or any similar topic only for you Order Now Reason why i think it should be abolished at West Humber C. I is because you have to buy more than one set of uniformsand you wouldn’t want to wear that one set over and over again plus you have to buy a set of clothing for when your not in school . The price of uniform is very costly because you have to buy the shirt and pant which they are overpriced and it kill’s off the cash you you have just buy purchasing the uniform. The second reason why uniform should be abolished at West Humber is because teachers get annoyed when they constantly tell you to wear your uniform or they send you down to the office to talk with the principal for the uniform infraction. The uniform causes so much trouble for both you and your teachers/principal because it causes confrontation then argument then you’ll be sent home and miss out on class time when you might be missing something important that might be needed for a test. The last reason why uniforms should be abolished at West Humber C. I is because Students who aren’t able to express their own personalities and express themselves as individuals get labled when wearing a uniform and it hard to form peer relationship with other students. Regardless of their negative reputations, cliques allow students to express themselves and find acceptance within their individual peer groups. Having students wear uniforms may prevent students from forming peer relationships that stop social communication between students. How to cite Why Uniforms Should Be Abolished, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Digital Modulation Schemes Evolution Systems -
Question: Discuss about the Digital Modulation Schemes Evolution Systems. Answer: Introduction The case is about the LTE cellular networks which is mainly for handling the mobile communication technology using the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing. It is mainly based on the increased capacity and the speed that makes use of the different interface of the radio with the network improvements. The specifications are related to the working and handling the 4G LTE which relates to the advancements of the WiMAX, evolvement of the high-speed packet access and the LTE to bring the change in the 3G technologies. The LTE Advanced is for the 3GP standards which includes the technological advancements with the higher flexibility of the radio interface that mainly aims to handle and bridge the gap between the 3rd and the 4th generation. The 3GPP works on the requirements which includes the systems that support the peak data rates for 100Mbps in the downlink. The downlink is averaged with the user throughput and the spectrum efficiency. The OFDM is for the utilization of the digita l multi-carrier modulation methods, where the data is transmitted on the different narrow band subcarriers. The LTE downlink make use of OFDM, where the uplink is mainly for the different types of the modulation schemes, which is known as the single-carrier frequency division multiplexity. The OFDM is for the high peak to average the power ratio that requires to work on the linear power amplifier with the overall forms of the lower efficiency. The poor quality is for the operations of the battery handsets with the SC FDMA that has a lower PAPR which is for the portable implementation. The LTE provides the spectral efficiency which is mainly for the higher data rates with the permits that are set for the different multiple users. [3] There are divisions which are for the specific channels and for carrying the spacing in the subcarriers that are orthogonal. It mainly comes with the subcarrier spacing and handling the LTE Channel spacing, where the high speed of the serial data need to be transmitted which is then divided into the slower streams as well with the modulation to one of the subca rriers. OFDM makes the use of the frequency and the time that is mainly for the handling of data spread. With this, there is a need to analyze the higher speeds with the signal reliability. It is based on the subcarriers and how the data is set with different symbols that are for the multiple bits like Q PSK 2 bits, 16QAM 4 bits, and 64QAM 6 bits. [4] The range with the higher-level modulation is set with the higher rate of data. The check is on handling the deals with the assignment of the multiple users with the shared forms of the communication resource. The OFDMA scheme is based on working with the DFT processing and handling the elements which are related to the lower PAPR with the benefits related to the reduced cost of the power amplifier. With this, the analysis is based on the performance gaps which are small and the SC-FDMA advantage is mainly of the lower PAPR that is for the uplink wireless transmission taking hold of the communication system. [5] The constellation symbols are for the sequence of bits which are transmitted like BPSK (Size=1), QPSK (L=M2), and M-Quadrature Amplitude Modulation. There are different transmitter users which are assigned for the different Fourier coefficients to mainly handle the mapping and the de-mapping of the blocks. The receiver side is for the de-mapping block with IDFT and detection for the user signals. The guard intervals with the cyclic repetition are introdu ced with the symbols which are mainly for the time spread factors mainly by the multi-path proportion. In SC-FDMA, the multiple access is mainly among the users which is made possible through the assignment of the different users that tends to take a set for the non-overlapping of the Fourier coefficients and the sub-carriers. [6] The SC-FDMA is mainly to take hold of the single carrier transmit signal with OFDMA that is for the transmission scheme. The subcarrier mapping could be localized and the distributed mapping. The localized mapping is set with the DFT outputs that are set of the consecutive subcarriers mainly to confine to the system fraction. Here, the case is related to the occupied forms of the subcarriers that are spaced over the entire bandwidth. The major advantages of OFDM are the efficient use of the spectrum which is set for the overlapping with divisions of the channel that is set into the narrowband flat fading sub channels. It is mainly resistant to the frequency which is for the selective fading than the single carrier systems. The elimination of the ISI and IFI is mainly using the cyclic prefix, where the use of the adequate channel coding and the interleaving is where one can easily recover the symbols that are lost due to the selectivity of the frequency. The channel equalization is simple with the use of adaptive equalization techniques and the single carrier systems. [7] The possibility is based on handling the reasonable forms of the complexity measures. The OFDM is also for the use of the maximum likelihood with the focus on the use of FFT techniques that are set with the modulation and the demodulation of the functions. It is seen that they are less sensitive to the sampling timing offsets and has been set for the different types of the system carriers. The protection is mainly against any type of co-channel interference with the parasitic noise that is set like the amplitude and the large dynamic range which requires to handle the RF power amplifiers with the higher peak to the average ratio of power. OFDM is the form of the signal modulation which can divide the higher rate of the data that has been set on the modulating stream and is then placed on the slow forms of the modulated narrowband spaced subcarriers. The modulation is mainly adopted with the Wi-Fi Arena where the standards like 802.11a, 802.11n, 802.11ac are equipped with the telecommunication. The broadcasting standards are set with the adoption to the Digital Radio Model which is for the long and the short-wave bands. The system includes the spaced modulated carriers where the modulation is in the form of the data and the voice. It is, then applied to the sidebands which is spread with all the important forms of the receiver to be able to handle the signal with the data demodulation. The signals are then transmitted to the other which are spaced and worked on through the easy processes. The requirements are based on working over the receiving and transmitting systems which are linear. For the non-linearity, there is an interference which is mainly set in between the carriers. This is the result for the inter-modulation distortion designing with introduction of some of the unwanted signals that leads to cause the interference with the impairing of the orthogonality of the transmission. The patterns are based on working over the multi-carrier systems with OFDM focusing on the RF final amplifier where the output of the transmitter can handle the peak with the lower average power. Along with this, the efficiency is also measured based on how the carriers of the signal are measured with easily handling the payload. [8] This reduce the data rate that is taken by each carrier. The major focus is on the interference with the distribution of data that is set with some advantages. The system is based on the handling of the peak data rates which are for 100 Mbps for the downlink and for 50 Mbps which is for the uplink. Here, the downlink and the uplink is for the user throughput per MHz where there are 5% point of the CDF. The requirements are based on the higher degree of commonality of functionality with flexibility to support and work on the different range of the services and the applications in the effective manner. This will help in improving the user-friendly applications, services and the equipment with the worldwide roaming capability and the enhancement in the peak data rates that are set for handling the advancement of the services and the applications. The LTE advanced requirements are based on meeting the increased peak data rates to reach the ITU requirements based on improvement of the cell edge data. The other requirements are based on working over the peak data rates which are related to the latency, system that can support the downlink peak sp ectral efficiency with the configurations based on defining the base of the coverage with inter-site distance of 500m and the pedestrian users. The advancement is set with the features of the downlink and the uplink implementation where the SC-FDMA is for the configuration with the equalization that is at the receiver side, with DFT calculations and handling the frequency selective fading and phase distortion. [9] The major advantage is based on working with the equalization process which is achieved through the receiver side after the calculation of DFT is done. With OFDM, the user requirements are based on the ability to handle the channel conditions and then work on the attenuation for the higher frequency with the long copper wire. The narrowband interference with the frequency selective fading is mainly set due to the multi-path. This is to take hold of the higher spectral efficiency which is then compared to the other kinds of the double sideband modulation schemes. They are important and efficiency based on the implementation using the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform). The accuracy with the frequency synchronization is mainly in between the receiver and the transmitter which includes the cross talk between the sub-carriers. The effects are based on the forms which include the worsening of the speed with the simplified type of the equalization process that is caused by the multipath propagation. [10] The OFDMA is for the multiuser version with the frequency that is defined for the multiple access and to handle the assigning of the subsets to the different individual users. They are mainly to allow the lower data rates that are set from the different users. The focus is on allowing the simultaneous low data rate transmission from the different users with the improvement of the robustness and the fading with the needs of the modification to the air interface. This will also enable the single frequency network coverage with resistance and gain to the frequency selective fading. Conclusion The performance of the systems of LTE is based on the Shannon limit which is based on managing the higher rates of the data. Along with this, there is a need to focus on the signal to noise ratios where the approaches are based on the improvement of the values. One can easily meet the higher peak data rate requirements with the compatibility set through the different LTE carrier components. [4] The implantation could also be helpful for the improvement of the data rates with the use of the different antenna system. The coordination is based on involving the transmission points and then setting the network node paths with the long distances where the other nodes are eliminated, thereby, allowing the higher data rate patterns. References Saleem M, Ali M, Ali A. Location Awareness Impact on Long Term Evolution (LTE) System. Evolution. 2016 Feb;135(3). Krishna P, Kumar TA, Rao KK. M-QAM BER and SER Analysis of Multipath Fading Channels in Long Term Evolutions (LTE). International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition. 2016;9(1):361-8. Zhang G, Pan KJ, Tsai AY, inventors; Interdigital Technology Corporation, assignee. Method and apparatus for synchronization in an ofdma evolved utra wireless communication system. United States patent application US 15/094,720. 2016 Apr 8. Yassin M, AboulHassan MA, Lahoud S, Ibrahim M, Mezher D, Cousin B, Sourour EA. Survey of ICIC techniques in LTE networks under various mobile environment parameters. Wireless Networks. 2017 Feb 1;23(2):403-18. Dhakal S, Farkas J, Hombs B, Nokhodberiz SS, inventors; Collision Communications, Inc., assignee. Methods systems, and computer program products for calibrating amplitude hardware-induced distortion in a long term evolution (LTE) communications system. United States patent US 9,693,319. 2017 Jun 27. Al-Musawi, H.K., Cseh, T., Bohata, J., Pesek, P., Ng, W.P., Ghassemlooy, Z., Udvary, E., Zvanovec, S. and Ijaz, M., 2016, July. Fundamental investigation of extending 4G-LTE signal over MMF/SMF-FSO under controlled turbulence conditions. InCommunication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), 2016 10th International Symposium on(pp. 1-6). IEEE. Das U, Das SP, Kumar S, Kumar Y, Singh S, Nayak D. Performance enhancement of OFDM system by reducing PAPR using DFT spreading technique. InRecent Trends in Electronics, Information Communication Technology (RTEICT), IEEE International Conference on 2016 May 20 (pp. 886-887). IEEE. Joung JS, Choi SC, Lim YH, Jang BK, inventors; Innowireless Co., Ltd., assignee. Apparatus for measuring EVM of PHICH in LTE system. United States patent US 9,603,130. 2017 Mar 21. Birchall J, de Falco PE, Morris K, Beach M. Efficiency enhancement of M2M communications over LTE using adaptive load pull techniques. InRadio and Wireless Symposium (RWS), 2017 IEEE 2017 Jan 15 (pp. 26-28). IEEE. Chandra A, Wang J, Terry SE, inventors; Interdigital Technology Corporation, assignee. Quality of service based resource determination and allocation apparatus and procedure in high speed packet access evolution and long term evolution systems. United States patent application US 15/400,788. 2017 Jan 6.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
International Finance Question Bank free essay sample
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) The currency used to buy imported goods is A) the buyers home currency. C) the currency of a third country. 1) B) the sellers home currency. D) special drawing rights. 2) 2) If portable disk players made in China are imported into the United States, the Chinese manufacturer is paid with A) international monetary credits. B) dollars. C) yuan, the Chinese currency. D) euros, or any other third currency. 3) If the United States sells beef to Japan, the U.S. beef producer is paid with A) euros, or any other third currency. B) dollars. C) yen, the Japanese currency. D) international monetary credits. 4) When Safeway supermarkets in the United States buys strawberries from Mexico, A) it must use dollars to pay Mexican farmers. We will write a custom essay sample on International Finance Question Bank or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page B) it may use any currency it chooses. C) it must use pesos to pay Mexican farmers. D) the transaction shows up in the U. S. capital account. 5) A country records its international finance accounts in its A) balance of payments accounts. B) import/export log accounts. C) trade payments accounts. D) net exports payments account. ) A countrys balance of payments accounts record A) its international trading, borrowing, and lending. B) only its official transactions with other governments. C) the countrys net indebtedness to foreigners. D) the flow of human and nonhuman resources between it and its trading partners. 7) A countrys balance of payments accounts include all of the following EXCEPT A) military account. B) capital account. C) current account. D) official settlements account. 8) The balance of payments accounts include the A) non-performing account. C) current account. 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) B) export bank account. D) exim bank account. 9) 9) In part, a countrys current account measures A) its current debt as opposed to its long-term debt. B) receipts from the sale of goods and services to foreigners and payments for goods and services bought from foreigners. C) net increases and decreases in a countrys holdings of foreign currency. D) borrowing and lending activity between the countrys residents and foreigners. 10) The balance of payments account used to record payments for imported goods and services is the A) exim account. B) current account. C) capital account. D) import account. 1 10) 1) The largest part of the U. S. current account consists of A) net transfer payments between the United States and Mexico. B) Fed transfers of U. S. dollars to other central banks. C) receipts from exports and payments for imports. D) net borrowing between the United States and other countries. 12) In 2003, the U. S. current account had a A) deficit of $559 billion. B) balance with a discrepancy of $40 billi on. C) surplus of $559 billion. D) deficit of $90 billion. 13) The balance of payments account that records foreign investment in the United States is the A) capital account. B) current account. C) exim account D) non-performing account. 14) The U. S. capital account measures A) foreign investment in the United States minus U. S. investment abroad. B) net increases and decreases in the U. S. holdings of foreign currency. C) net transfer payments between U. S. residents and foreigners. D) receipts from goods and services sold and transfers to and from foreigners. 15) If foreign investment in the United States exceeds U. S. investment abroad, there is a ________; and when U. S. investment abroad exceeds foreign investment in the United States, there is a(n) ________. A) current account surplus; current account deficit B) capital account deficit; capital account surplus C) current account surplus; official accounts surplus D) capital account surplus; capital account deficit 16) In 2003, the U. S. capital account had a A) deficit of $559 billion. C) surplus of $559 billion. 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) B) surplus of $115 billion. D) deficit of $115 billion. 17) 17) The official settlements account of a country measures A) the receipts from goods and services bought and sold, and transfers to and from foreigners. B) borrowing and lending between the countrys residents and foreigners. C) net transfer payments between the countrys citizens and foreigners. D) the net increase or decrease in the countrys official reserves. 18) The account used to record changes in the official reserve is the A) capital account. B) current account. C) official settlements account. D) official reserves account. 19) The official settlements account for the United States measures the A) net value of foreign goods purchased by U. S. residents. B) value of U. S. merchandise purchased by foreigners. C) net value of U. S. exports of services. D) net increase or decrease in the governments holdings of foreign currency. 18) 9) 2 20) The change in U. S. official reserves is equal to A) the current account balance minus the capital account balance. B) the current account balance plus the capital account balance. C) borrowing from abroad plus the current account deficit. D) foreign investment in the United States minus U. S. investment abroad. 21) Which of the following statements about the balan ce of payments accounts is correct? A) The official settlements account is typically larger than both the capital and current accounts. B) The sum of all three accounts is always zero. C) The current account must be greater than the capital account. D) Typically the capital account is near zero because it equals the difference between the current account and the official settlements account. 22) Over the last two decades, according to the United States balance of payments, A) the official settlements balance fluctuates greatly from year to year. B) there is no clear relationship between the current account balance and the capital account balance. C) the current account and the capital account balances tend to move in opposite directions. D) the current account and the capital account balances tend to move in the same direction. 23) During most of the 1980s and 1990s, the U. S. has had A) a negative current account and a positive capital account. B) a positive current account and a positive capital account. C) a positive current account and a negative capital account. D) a negative current account and a negative capital account. 24) If a nation during its entire history has borrowed more from the rest of the world than it has lent to the rest of the world, the country is a A) net lender. B) creditor nation. C) net borrower. D) debtor nation. 25) If a country is currently lending more to the rest of the world than it is borrowing from the rest of the world, the country is a A) creditor nation. B) debtor nation. C) net lender. D) net borrower. 26) A net borrower is a country that ________, while a net lender is a country that ________. A) decreases its stock of outstanding foreign debt; lends more than it borrows B) borrows more than it lends; lends more than it borrows C) borrows more than it lends; owes more to foreigners than foreigners owe to it D) lends more than it borrows; borrows more than it lends 27) If a country during its entire history has invested more in the rest of the world than the rest of the world has invested in it, the country is a A) net lender. B) net borrower. C) creditor nation. D) debtor nation. 28) If a country is currently borrowing more from the rest of the world than it is lending to the rest of the world, the country is a A) debtor nation. B) creditor nation. C) net lender. D) net borrower. 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 3 29) A creditor nation is a country that ________ and a debtor nation is a country that ________. A) currently lends more than it borrows; currently borrows more than it lends B) through its history has lent more than it has borrowed; through its history has borrowed more than it has lent C) currently borrows more than it lends; currently lends more than it borrows D) through its history has borrowed more than it has lent; through its history has lent more than it has borrowed 30) A creditor nation means a nation whose A) total investments in the rest of the world exceeds the rest of the worlds investments in that country. B) exports exceed its imports. C) current account is larger than its capital account. D) lending to the rest of the world exceeds its borrowing from the rest of the world. 31) A debtor nation means a nation whose A) total investments in the rest of the world are less than the rest of the worlds investments in that country. B) lending to the rest of the world exceeds its borrowing from the rest of the world. C) current account is less than its capital account. D) imports exceeds its exports. 32) Today, the United States is a I. net borrower II. net lender III. debtor nation IV. creditor nation A) II and III B) II and IV 29) 0) 31) 32) C) I and III D) I and IV 33) 33) If a country has a capital account surplus, that countrys stock of international indebtedness is A) increasing. B) decreasing. C) zero. D) constant. 34) If a country has a capital account deficit, that countrys stock of international indebtedness is A) zero. B) decreasing. C) increasing. D) constant. 35) Since 1983, the United States has been a net ___ _____ and since 1989 has been a ________ nation. A) lender; debtor B) borrower; creditor C) borrower; debtor D) lender; creditor 36) Currently, the United States is a net ________ and a ________ nation. A) lender; creditor B) borrower; creditor C) borrower; debtor D) lender; debtor 37) The main source of fluctuations in the current account balance is A) net interest income. B) net exports. C) net taxes. D) net transfers. 38) The private sector surplus or deficit equals A) net taxes minus government purchases. C) government purchases minus net taxes. 4 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) B) investment minus saving. D) saving minus investment. 39) Net exports equals A) government saving plus private saving. B) imports of goods and services minus exports of goods and services. C) exports of goods and services minus imports of goods and services. D) Both answers A and C are correct. 40) A net exports deficit or surplus equals A) taxes minus savings plus public and private investment. B) net worth plus the government sector surplus or deficit minus the private sector surplus or deficit. C) the government sector surplus or deficit plus the private sector surplus or deficit. D) net lending by both the private and public sector plus savings minus investment. 41) Which of the following is correct? A) The public sector surplus or deficit equals net exports plus the private sector surplus or deficit. B) Net exports equals the government sector surplus or deficit plus the private sector surplus or deficit. C) Net exports equals the current account plus the capital account plus the official settlements account. D) The private sector surplus or deficit equals net exports plus the public sector surplus or deficit. 42) Which of the following statements is true? A) If (private) investment is greater than (private) saving then the private sector has a deficit. B) If (private) saving is greater than (private) investment then the private sector has a surplus. C) If (private) investment is greater than (private) saving then either the government or net export sector must have a surplus. D) All of the above answers are correct. 43) X is exports, M is imports, T is net taxes, G is government purchases, C is consumption expenditure, S is saving, and I is investment. Which of the following equations represents the private sector surplus or deficit? A) S I B) T G C) X M D) C + S + T 44) Suppose X M = net exports; T G = government sector surplus or deficit; and S I = private sector surplus or deficit. Which of the following relationships is correct? A) T G = X M + S I B) S I = X M + T G C) X M = T G + S I D) None of the above answers are correct. 45) Which of the following statements about net exports, the government sector, and the private sector is INCORRECT? A) Net exports equals exports minus imports. B) The government sector balance equals net taxes minus government purchase of goods and services. C) The sum of government sector and private sector balances equals net exports. D) Private sector balance equal private investment minus private saving. 46) If net exports is 100 and the private sector balance is 150, then the government sector balance is A) -50. B) 0. C) 50. D) 250. 39) 40) 41) 42) 43) 44) 45) 46) 5 47) Suppose U. S. net exports are -$400 billion and the U. S. government sector surplus is $200 billion. Then in the private sector, saving minus investment equals A) -$600 billion. B) +$200 billion. C) -$200 billion. D) +$600 billion. 48) Hong Kong has imports of $1,130 billion and exports of $1,255 billion. Hong Kong definitely has ________ in 2000. A) negative net exports of $125 billion B) a government budget surplus C) positive net exports of $125 billion D) Both answers B and C are correct. 47) 48) Component Investment, I Net taxes, T Government purchases, G Exports, X Imports, M Amount (billions of dollars) 700 1,300 1,200 1,500 1,700 49) 49) In the above table, the government sector surplus or deficit (its budget balance) is a A) surplus of $100 billion. B) surplus of $200 billion. C) deficit of $200 billion. D) deficit of $100 billion. 50) In the above table, the net exports is a A) surplus of $100 billion. C) surplus of $200 billion. 50) B) deficit of $100 billion. D) deficit of $200 billion. 51) 51) In the above table, the government sector surplus or deficit is a ________ and net exports is a ________. A) deficit of $100 billion; surplus of $200 billion B) surplus of $100 billion; surplus of $200 billion C) surplus of $100 billion; deficit of $200 billion D) deficit of $100 billion; deficit of $200 billion 52) In the above table, the private sector has a A) deficit of $400 billion. C) surplus of $300 billion. 53) In the above table, saving must be A) -$400 billion. B) $400 billion. 52) B) deficit of $200 billion. D) deficit of $300 billion. 53) C) -$300 billion. D) $300 billion. Item Exports Imports Government purchases Net taxes Investment Saving Billions of dollars 234 277 887 855 760 749 54) 4) The above table gives data for the nation of Sueland. What is the value of net exports? A) $234 billion B) -$43 billion C) $43 billion D) $511 billion 6 55) The above table gives data for the nation of Sueland. What is the government sector surplus or deficit? A) -$43 billion B) $1,772 billion C) -$32 billion D) $32 billion 56) The above table gives data for the nation of Sueland. What is the private sector surplus or deficit? A) -$11 billion B) -$43 billion C) $11 billion D) $43 billion Item Exports Imports Government sector surplus Private sector deficit Dollars 500 400 250 -150 55) 56) 7) The above table describes accounts for the country of Pacifica. Using this information, net exports for Pacifica equals A) -$100. B) $650. C) $900. D) $100. 58) In the foreign exchange market, the ________ of one country is traded for the ________ of another country. A) currency; currency B) currency; financial instruments C) currency; goods D) goods; goods 59) Which of the following apply to exchange rates? I. The exchange rate is a price. II. The exchange rate for a currency depends on which foreign exchange market you use. III. The foreign exchange rate is different from other prices because it is NOT determined by supply and demand. A) I B) II and III C) I, II, and III D) I and II 60) The foreign exchange rate is the price at which the ________ of one country exchanges for the ________ of another country. A) currency; goods B) currency; financial instruments C) currency; currency D) goods; goods 61) By definition, currency depreciation occurs when the value of A) one currency falls relative to another currency. B) one currency rises relative to another currency. C) all currencies fall relative to gold. D) gold falls relative to the value of currencies. 62) Which of the following examples definitely illustrates a depreciation of the U. S. dollar? A) The dollar exchanges for 1 pound and then exchanges for 1. 2 pounds. B) The dollar exchanges for 250 yen and then exchanges for 275 francs. C) The dollar exchanges for 100 francs and then exchanges for 120 yen. D) The dollar exchanges for 120 francs and then exchanges for 100 francs. 57) 58) 59) 60) 61) 62) 7 63) Which of the following examples definitely illustrates a depreciation of the U. S. dollar? A) The dollar exchanges for 200 yen and then exchanges for 250 yen. B) The dollar exchanges for 2,000 pesos and then exchanges for 3,400 pesos. C) The dollar exchanges for 250 yen and then exchanges for 200 francs. D) The dollar exchanges for 120 yen and then exchanges for 100 yen. 64) When the U. S. dollar depreciates against the yen, the yen becomes ________ expensive and the exchange rate ________. A) more; rises B) less; falls C) more; falls D) less; rises 65) When the U. S. dollar depreciates against the yen, the yen ________ and the exchange rate ________. A) appreciates; rises B) depreciates; rises C) depreciates; falls D) appreciates; falls 66) Suppose the exchange rate of the U. S. dollar was 1. 50 British pounds = $1. 00 (U. S. on Wednesday, and on Monday the exchange rate was $. 75 (U. S. ) = 1. 00 British pound. Which of the following best describes what happened between Wednesday and Monday? A) The U. S. dollar appreciated against the British pound. B) The U. S. dollar depreciated against the British pound. C) The British pound appreciated against the U. S. dollar. D) Both answers B and C are correct. 67) By def inition, currency appreciation occurs when A) the value of all currencies fall relative to gold. B) the value of all currencies rise relative to gold. C) the value of one currency rises relative to another currency. D) the value of one currency falls relative to another currency. 68) Which of the following examples definitely illustrates an appreciation of the U. S. dollar? A) The dollar exchanges for 1 pound and then exchanges for 1. 2 pounds. B) The dollar exchanges for 120 francs and then exchanges for 100 francs. C) The dollar exchanges for 200 yen and then exchanges for 250 francs. D) none of the above 69) Which of the following examples definitely illustrates an appreciation of the U. S. dollar? A) The dollar exchanges for 200 yen and then exchanges for 250 yen. B) The dollar exchanges for 1. pounds and then exchanges for 200 yen. C) The dollar exchanges for 120 francs and then exchanges for 100 francs. D) none of the above 70) Suppose the exchange rate of the U. S. dollar was 1. 00 German mark = $0. 50 (U. S. ) on Thursday, and on Friday the exchange rate was $1. 00 (U. S. ) = 2. 10 German marks. Which of the following best describes what happened between Thursday and Friday? A) The U. S. dollar appreciated against the German mark. B) The U. S. dollar depreciated against the German mark. C) The German mark appreciated against the dollar. D) Both answers B and C are correct. 3) 64) 65) 66) 67) 68) 69) 70) 8 71) The law of demand for dollars means that A) the lower the exchange rate, the greater the quantity of dollars demanded. B) the higher the exchange rate, the smaller the quantity of dollars demanded. C) the lower the exchange rate, the smaller the quantity of U. S. exports demanded. D) Both answers A and B are correct. 72) A rise in the U. S. exchange rate will A) decrease the demand for dollars. B) increase the demand for dollars. C) decrease the quantity of dollars demanded. D) increase the quantity of dollars demanded. 73) A fall in the U. S. exchange rate will A) increase the quantity of dollars demanded. B) increase the demand for dollars. C) decrease the quantity of dollars demanded. D) decrease the demand for dollars. 74) The demand curve for U. S. dollars slopes downward because, A) as the dollar appreciates, U. S. goods become less expensive to foreign residents, they purchase fewer U. S. goods, and the quantity of dollars demanded decreases. B) as the dollar appreciates, U. S. goods become more expensive to foreign residents, they purchase fewer U. S. goods, and the quantity of dollars demanded decreases. C) as the dollar depreciates, U. S. goods become more expensive to foreign residents, they purchase fewer U. S. goods, and the quantity of dollars demanded decreases. D) as the dollar depreciates, U. S. goods become less expensive to foreign residents, they purchase fewer U. S. goods, and the quantity of dollars demanded decreases. 75) As the exchange rate ________, the ________ is the value of U. S. ________. A) rises; smaller; imports B) falls; greater; imports C) rises; greater; exports D) falls; greater; exports 76) The greater the demand for U. S. exports, the A) smaller is the demand for U. S. ollars. B) larger is the demand for U. S. dollars. C) larger is the demand for non-U. S. currencies. D) larger is the current account deficit. 77) The ________ the current exchange rate, the ________ is the expected profit from holding dollars, all other things remaining the same. A) lower; larger B) lower; smaller C) higher; larger D) The premise of the question is wrong because the exch ange rate has nothing to do with expected profit from holding dollars. 71) 72) 73) 74) 75) 76) 77) 9 Investor Investor A Investor B Investor C Expected future value of a dollar (francs per dollar) 120 100 85 78) 8) Using the table above, if the current market value of the dollar is 125 francs per dollar, A) investor A expects dollar depreciation, but B and C expect appreciation. B) investor A expects dollar appreciation, but B and C expect depreciation. C) all three investors expect the dollar to appreciate. D) all three investors expect the dollar to depreciate. 79) Using the table above, if the current market value of the dollar is 125 francs, A) investor A holds francs, but B and C hold dollars. B) investor A holds dollars, but B and C hold francs. C) all three investors hold francs. D) all three investors hold dollars. 0) Using the table above, if the current market value of the dollar is 70 francs, A) all three investors expect the dollar to depreciate. B) all three investors expect the dollar to appreciate. C) investor A expects dollar appreciation, but B and C expect depreciation. D) investor A expects dollar depreciation, but B and C expect appreciation. 81) Using the table above, if the current market value of the dollar is 70 francs, A) investor A holds francs, but B and C hold dollars. B) all three investors hold dollars. C) investor A holds dollars, but B and C hold francs. D) all three investors hold francs. 2) Using the table above, if the current market value of the dollar is 90 francs, A) investor A expects dollar appreciation, but B and C expect depreciation. B) all three investors expect the dollar to appreciate. C) investor C expects dollar depreciation, but A and B expect appreciation. D) all three investors expect the dollar to depreciate. 83) Using the table above, if the current market value of the dollar is 110 francs, A) all three investors expect the dollar to depreciate. B) investor C expects dollar depreciation, but A and B expect appreciation. C) investor A expects dollar appreciation, but B and C expect depreciation. D) all three investors expect the dollar to appreciate. 84) Important factors that change the demand for dollars and shift the demand curve for dollars include which of the following? I. Interest rates around the world. II. The current exchange rate. III. The expected future exchange rate. A) I and III B) I, II, and III C) II D) I and II 79) 80) 81) 82) 83) 84) 10 85) If the interest rate on Japanese yen assets falls, the A) quantity of dollars demanded will increase. B) demand for dollars will decrease. C) demand for dollars will increase. D) quantity of dollars demanded will decrease. 6) If the interest rate on Swiss franc assets increases, the A) quantity of dollars demanded will increase. B) quantity of dollars demanded will decrease. C) demand for dollars will increase. D) demand for dollars will decrease. 87) If the interest rate on U. S. dollar assets increases, the A) quantity of dollars demanded will decrease. B) quantity of dollars demanded will increase. C) demand for doll ars will increase. D) demand for dollars will decrease. 88) If the U. S. interest rate rises, the A) there is a movement downward along the demand curve for dollars. B) demand curve for dollars shifts leftward. C) demand curve for dollars shifts rightward. D) None of the above answers are correct. 89) If U. S. interest rates fall, the A) demand curve for dollars shifts rightward. B) there is a movement upward along the demand curve for dollars. C) demand curve for dollars shifts leftward. D) None of the above answers are correct. 90) If Japanese interest rates rise, the A) demand curve for dollars shifts rightward. B) there is a movement upward along the demand curve for dollars. C) demand curve for dollars shifts leftward. D) None of the above answers are correct. 91) If Japanese interest rates fall, the A) demand curve for dollars shifts leftward. B) demand curve for dollars shifts rightward. C) there is a movement downward along the demand curve for dollars. D) None of the above answers are correct. 92) U. S. residents come to believe that the dollar will depreciate in the future, that is, the exchange rate in the future will be lower than the current exchange rate. As a result, A) there is a movement upward along the demand curve for dollars. B) the demand curve for dollars shifts rightward. C) the demand curve for dollars shifts leftward. D) None of the above answers are correct. 85) 86) 87) 88) 89) 90) 91) 92) 11 93) U. S. esidents come to believe that the dollar will appreciate in the future, that is, the exchange rate in the future will be higher than the current exchange rate. As a result, A) the demand curve for dollars shifts leftward. B) the demand curve for dollars shifts rightward. C) there is a movement downward along the demand curve for dollars. D) None of the above answers are correct. 93) 94) In the figure abo ve, the shift in the demand curve for U. S. dollars from D0 to D1 could occur when A) the U. S. interest rate rises. B) the expected future exchange rate decreases. C) people expect that the dollar will depreciate. D) foreign interest rates increase. 95) In the figure above, the shift in the demand curve for U. S. dollars from D0 to D1 could occur when A) foreign interest rates drop. B) the expected future exchange rate falls. C) people expect that the dollar will depreciate. D) the U. S. interest rate drops. 96) In the figure above, the shift in the demand curve for U. S. dollars from D0 to D2 could occur when A) people expect that the dollar will appreciate. B) the U. S. interest rate rises. C) foreign interest rates fall. D) the U. S. interest rate falls. 94) 95) 96) 12 97) In the figure above, the shift in the demand curve for U. S. dollars from D0 to D2 could occur when A) people expect that the dollar will appreciate. B) foreign interest rates fall. C) the U. S. interest rate falls. D) the expected future exchange rate increases. 98) In the figure above, the shift in the demand curve for U. S. dollars from D0 to D2 could occur when A) people expect that the dollar will appreciate. B) foreign interest rates rise. C) the expected future exchange rate increases. D) the U. S. interest rate rises. 99) In the figure above, the shift in the demand curve for U. S. dollars from D0 to D1 could occur when A) the expected future exchange rate increases. B) people expect that the dollar will depreciate. C) foreign interest rates increase. D) the U. S. interest rate falls. 100) In the figure above, the shift in the demand curve for U. S. dollars from D0 to D1 could occur when A) the expected future exchange rate falls. B) people expect that the dollar will appreciate. C) the U. S. interest rate decreases. D) foreign interest rates increase. 101) In the figure above, the shift in the demand curve for U. S. dollars from D0 to D2 could occur when A) foreign interest rates fall. B) the expected future exchange rate increases. C) people expect that the dollar will depreciate. D) the U. S. interest rate rises. 102) Other things remaining the same, the ________ the exchange rate for dollars, the greater the ________ in the foreign exchange market. A) lower; value of U. S. imports B) higher; quantity of dollars supplied C) higher; expected profits from holding dollars D) higher; quantity of dollars demanded 103) As the exchange rate ________, the quantity of dollars ________ on the foreign exchange market ________. A) falls; supplied; increases B) falls; demanded; decreases C) rises; demanded; increases D) rises; supplied; increases 97) 98) 99) 100) 101) 102) 103) 13 04) In the foreign exchange market, the supply curve for dollars slopes upwards because A) as the exchange rate rises, imports become more expensive, and more dollars are supplied to pay for the imports. B) as the exchange rate rises, imports become cheaper, and more dollars are supplied to pay for the increase in the quantity of imports. C) supply curves always slope upwards. D) as the exchange rate rises, more dollars are supplied because the profit from selling dollars falls. 105) In the foreign exchange market, which of the following results in a movement along the supply curve of dollars? A) a change in the U. S. interest rate B) a change in the expected future exchange rate C) a change in the current exchange rate D) None of the above answers are correct. 106) Which of the following is a factor that determines the amount of dollars supplied in the foreign exchange market? A) the exchange rate B) interest rates in foreign countries C) U. S. interest rate D) All of the above affect the number of dollars supplied in the foreign exchange market. 107) Other things remaining the same, the A) larger the value of U. S. imports, the smaller is the quantity of foreign currency demanded. B) higher the exchange rate, the smaller is the expected profit from selling dollars. C) lower the exchange rate, the cheaper are foreign-produced goods and services. D) larger the value of U. S. imports, the greater is the quantity of U. S. dollars supplied to the foreign exchange market. 108) One of the main reasons the supply curve for dollars slopes ________ includes the ________. A) upward; exports effect B) downward; imports effect C) downward; expected profit effect D) upward; imports effect 109) The larger the value of U. S. imports, the greater the quantity of ________ causing the quantity supplied of dollars to ________. A) U. S. dollars demanded; decrease B) U. S. dollars demanded; increase C) foreign currency demanded; increase D) foreign currency demanded; decrease 110) The ________ the exchange rate, the ________ are foreign-produced goods and hence the greater the quantity of dollars supplied. A) higher; more expensive B) lower; cheaper C) lower; more expensive D) higher; cheaper 111) The ________ the exchange rate, the ________ are foreign-produced goods and hence the smaller the quantity of dollars supplied. A) greater; cheaper B) lower; cheaper C) lower; more expensive D) greater; more expensive 04) 105) 106) 107) 108) 109) 110) 111) 14 112) The quantity of dollars supplied will increase if A) U. S. imports increase. B) foreign demand for U. S. exports increases. C) U. S. interest rates are high. D) tourism to the United States increases. 113) The quantity of dollars supplied will decrease if A) the interest rate in the United States falls. C) fewer U. S. residents travel abroad. 112) 113) B) imports into the United States increase. D) the expected future exchange rate falls. 114) 114) One of the main reasons the supply curve for dollars slopes ________ includes the ________. A) upward; expected profits effect B) downward; expected profit effect C) upward; exports effect D) downward; imports effect 115) The ________ the expected profit from holding a foreign currency, the greater is the ________ in the foreign exchange market. A) larger; quantity demanded of dollars B) larger; quantity supplied of dollars C) smaller; quantity demanded of foreign currency D) None of the above is correct because the expected profit has nothing to do with the supply and demand for dollars or foreign currency. 116) Which of the following statements is correct? A) The higher the exchange rate, the larger is the expected profit from demanding dollars in the foreign exchange market. B) The higher the exchange rate, the larger is the expected profit from selling dollars in the foreign exchange market. C) The lower the exchange rate, the larger is the expected profit from selling dollars in the foreign exchange market. D) None of the above because the exchange rate has nothing to do with the expected profit from buying or selling dollars in the foreign exchange market. 117) A change in which of the following will cause a change in the supply of dollars and shift the supply curve of dollars? I. An increase in the exchange rate. II. A change in interest rates. III. A decrease in the expected future exchange rate. A) I, II, and III B) I C) II and III D) I and II 118) The larger the U. S. interest rate differential, the A) smaller the supply of dollars on the foreign exchange market. B) larger the demand for foreign assets. C) larger the supply of dollars on the foreign exchange market. D) smaller the supply of yen on the foreign exchange market. 119) As the expected future exchange rate for dollars increases, A) the supply of U. S. dollars decreases. B) the expected profit from selling U. S. dollars today falls. C) the U. S. interest rate will fall. D) Both answers A and B are correct. 115) 116) 117) 118) 119) 15 120) In the figure above, the shift in the supply curve for U. S. dollars from S0 to S1 could occur when A) the U. S. interest rate differential decreases. B) the expected future exchange rate falls. C) the U. S. interest rate differential increases. D) the current exchange rate falls. 121) In the figure above, the shift in the supply curve for U. S. dollars from S0 to S1 could occur when A) foreign interest rates fall. B) the current exchange rate falls. C) the expected future exchange rate falls. D) the U. S. interest rate falls. 122) In the figure above, the shift in the supply curve for U. S. dollars from S0 to S1 could occur when A) the expected future exchange rate falls. B) the U. S. interest rate rises. C) the current exchange rate rises. D) foreign interest rates rise. 123) In the figure above, the shift in the supply curve for U. S. dollars from S0 to S2 could occur when A) the U. S. interest rate falls. B) the current exchange rate falls. C) the U. S. interest rate differential increases. D) the expected future exchange rate rises. 24) In the figure above, the shift in the supply curve for U. S. dollars from S0 to S2 could occur when A) the U. S. interest rate rises. B) the expected future exchange rate rises. C) the current exchange rate falls. D) foreign interest rates rise. 120) 121) 122) 123) 124) 16 125) In the figure above, the shift in the supply curve for U. S. dollars from S0 to S1 could occur when A) the current e xchange rate falls. B) the U. S. interest rate differential decreases. C) the expected future exchange rate rises. D) the expected future exchange rate falls. 126) In the figure above, the shift in the supply curve for U. S. dollars from S0 to S2 could occur when A) the expected future exchange rate rises. B) the current exchange rate falls. C) the current exchange rate rises. D) the expected future exchange rate falls. 127) In the figure above, the shift in the supply curve for U. S. dollars from S0 to S2 could occur when A) the expected future exchange rate falls. B) the U. S. interest rate differential increases. C) the current exchange rate falls. D) the expected future exchange rate rises. 128) An increase in the U. S. demand for imports will ________ the supply of dollars and lead the dollar to ________. A) increase; depreciate B) decrease; appreciate C) increase; appreciate D) decrease; depreciate 129) An increase in U. S. exports will ________ the demand for dollars and lead the dollar to ________. A) decrease; depreciate B) decrease; appreciate C) increase; appreciate D) increase; depreciate 130) The U. S. dollar will appreciate in value if A) the supply curve of U. S. dollars shifts rightward. B) Americans choose to buy more foreign goods. C) the demand curve for U. S. dollars shifts leftward. D) the demand curve for U. S. dollars shifts rightward. 131) The U. S. dollar will depreciate in value if A) the demand curve for U. S. dollars shifts rightward. B) the demand curve for U. S. dollars shifts leftward. C) the supply curve of U. S. dollars shifts rightward. D) Both answers B and C are correct. 132) An increase in the Japanese interest rate will ________ the demand for dollars and lead the dollar to ________. A) increase; appreciate B) decrease; depreciate C) decrease; appreciate D) increase; depreciate 133) An increase in the Japanese interest rate will ________ the supply of dollars and lead the dollar to ________. A) increase; depreciate B) increase; appreciate C) decrease; appreciate D) decrease; depreciate 125) 26) 127) 128) 129) 130) 131) 132) 133) 17 134) In the figure above, the equilibrium exchange rate is: $1 U. S. equals A) $0. 50 Canadian. B) $1. 50 Canadian. C) $2. 00 Canadian. D) none of the above 135) In the figure above, an increase in the U. S. interest rate relative to that in Canada shifts the demand curve for U. S. dollars ________ and shifts the supply curve of U. S. dollars _____ ___. A) leftward; rightward B) leftward; leftward C) rightward; rightward D) rightward; leftward 134) 135) 136) In the figure above, the demand curve for U. S. dollars is represented in the diagram by A) curve A. B) curve B. C) point C. D) none of the above 136) 18 137) The idea that the value of money is equal across countries is known as A) exchange rate parity. B) the expected profit parity effect. C) interest rate parity. D) purchasing power parity. 138) If the prices in the United States rise faster than those in other countries, A) then interest rate parity must not hold. B) the exchange rate falls. C) the interest rate in the United States falls. D) the exchange rate rises. 139) If prices in Japan have increased more than in the United States, then A) the demand for dollars increases. B) the U. S. exchange rate is expected to rise. C) the supply of dollars increases. D) Both answers A and B are correct. 140) If prices increase in Mexico, but remain constant in the United States, then A) people expect the current value of the dollar is too high. B) the demand for dollars will decrease. C) interest rate parity will not occur. D) people expect the value of the dollar will rise in the future. 141) Adjusted for risk, interest rate parity A) holds only for larger countries. B) holds only between the U. S. and Canada. C) always holds. D) holds only when purchasing parity holds. 42) Suppose a British bank offers a 3 percent interest rate while a U. S. bank offers a 7 percent interest rate. People must expect the U. S. dollar will A) depreciate 10 percent. B) depreciate 4 percent. C) appreciate 10 percent. D) appreciate 4 percent. 143) Suppose a Japanese bank offers a 4 percent interest rate and U. S. banks offer a 2 percent interest rate. People must expect the yen to A) depreciate by 2 percent. B) appreciate by 2 percent. C) appreciate by 6 percent. D) depreciate by 6 percent. 144) Suppose the target exchange rate set by the Fed is 100 yen per dollar. If the demand for dollars temporarily increases, to maintain the target exchange rate, the Fed can A) violate interest rate parity. B) sell dollars. C) buy dollars. D) violate purchasing power parity. 145) Suppose the target exchange rate set by the Fed is 100 guilders per dollar. If the demand for dollars temporarily decreases, to maintain the target exchange rate, the Fed can A) sell dollars. B) increase U. S. exports. C) buy dollars. D) increase U. S. imports. 146) The target exchange rate set by the Fed is 100 pesos per dollar. If the demand for dollars temporarily increases A) the Fed must sell pesos. B) the Fed can meet the target by selling dollars. C) the Fed cannot maintain the target rate. D) the Fed can meet the target by buying dollars. 137) 138) 139) 140) 141) 142) 143) 144) 145) 146) 19 147) Suppose the target exchange rate set by the Fed is 150 yen per dollar. If the demand for dollars permanently decreases the Fed A) cannot permanently maintain the target rate. B) must violate both interest rate parity and purchasing power parity to permanently meet the target. C) can permanently meet the target by selling dollars. D) can permanently meet the target by buying dollars. 147) 48) In the above figure, suppose the demand for dollars temporarily increases so that the demand curve shifts to D1. To maintain the target exchange rate, the Fed A) can buy dollars. B) cannot maintain the target exchange rate. C) must violate interest rate parity but not purchasing power parity. D) can sell dollars. 149) In the figure above, suppose the demand for dollars temporarily decreases so tha t the demand curve shifts to D2. To maintain the target exchange rate, the Fed A) cannot maintain the target exchange rate. B) can buy dollars. C) must violate both interest rate parity and purchasing power parity. D) can sell dollars. 50) In the above figure, suppose the demand for dollars permanently decreases to D2. To maintain the target, the Fed A) cannot permanently maintain the exchange rate target of 150 yen per dollar. B) can buy dollars. C) must decrease the nations net exports. D) can sell dollars. 148) 149) 150) 20 151) Which of the following is one of the balance of payments accounts? A) government spending account B) capital account C) net borrowing account D) reserve account 152) Suppose the United States initially has a trade deficit. Then U. S. firms increase their imports from Canada, financing that increase by borrowing from Canada. The current account deficit is now ________ and the capital account surplus is now ________. A) larger; larger B) smaller; smaller C) larger; smaller D) smaller; larger 151) 152) Component Government purchases, G Net taxes, T Investment, I Savings, S Amount (billions of dollars) 700 600 350 500 153) 153) In the table above, what is the governments sector balance? A) $0 B) a surplus of $600 billion C) a deficit of $100 billion D) a deficit of $700 billion 154) In the table above, what does the private sector surplus equal? A) $150 billion B) $0 C) $500 billion 155) In the table above, what do net exports equal? A) a surplus of $1,750 billion C) a deficit of $350 billion 154) D) $350 billion 155) B) a surplus of $50 billion D) a deficit of $700 billion 156) 156) Suppose the exchange rate between the U. S. dollar and the French franc is 0. 25 francs per dollar. If a television sells for 100 francs in France, what is the dollar price of the television set? A) $200 B) $25 C) $50 D) $400 157) Suppose that the yen-dollar foreign exchange rate changes from 130 yen per dollar to 140 yen per dollar. Then the yen has A) depreciated against the dollar, and the dollar has appreciated against the yen. B) appreciated against the dollar, and the dollar has depreciated against the yen. C) depreciated against the dollar, and the dollar has depreciated against the yen. D) appreciated against the dollar, and the dollar has appreciated against the yen. 158) Suppose the peso-dollar foreign exchange rate changes from 50 pesos per dollar to 30 pesos per dollar. Then the peso has ________ against the dollar and the dollar has ________ against the peso. A) depreciated; appreciated B) depreciated; depreciated C) appreciated; depreciated D) appreciated; appreciated 157) 158) 21 159) If the Fed sells U. S. ollars, the exchange rate A) does not change. B) rises. C) falls. D) changes, but the direction depends on whether the Fed affected the demand for dollars or the supply of dollars. 160) A countrys balance of payments accounts records all of the following items except ________. A) international trading B) international lending C) international taxes D) international borrowing 161) The account t hat records the receipts from the exports of goods and services sold abroad, the payments for imports of goods and services from abroad, net interest income paid abroad, and net transfers is the ________. A) capital account B) current account C) international capital account D) official settlements account 162) The capital account measures ________. A) capital used outside the United States but manufactured inside the United States B) capital produced outside of the United States minus capital produced inside the United States C) capital used inside the United States but manufactured outside the United States D) foreign investment in the United States minus U. S. nvestment abroad 163) The official settlements account records the change in ________. A) foreign investment and domestic investment B) international trade C) U. S. official reserves D) the reserves held by banks and the Fed 164) U. S. official reserves are the ________. A) reserves of U. S. dollars held by the World Bank B) holdings of foreign currency by the public and the banks C) governments holdings of foreign currency D) reserves of U. S. dollars held by foreign banks 165) The value of net exports increases when the val ue of ________. A) imports of goods and services increase B) imports of goods and services decrease C) exports of goods and services minus imports of goods and services decreases D) exports of goods and services decrease 166) A country that borrows more from the rest of the world than it lends to it in a year is called a ________, and a country that lends more to the rest of the world than it borrows from it in a year is called a ________. A) borrower; lender B) gross borrower; gross lender C) net borrower; net lender D) importer; exporter 59) 160) 161) 162) 163) 164) 165) 166) 22 167) A country that during its entire history has borrowed more from the rest of the world than it has lent to it is a ________, and a country that during its entire history has invested more in the rest of the world than other countries have invested in it is a ________. A) debtor nation; creditor nation B) borrower nation; creditor nation C) net borrower nation; net lender nation D) debtor nation; investor nation 168) Th e government sector surplus or deficit is equal to ________. A) tariffs minus imports B) net taxes minus government purchases of goods and services C) exports minus imports D) saving minus investment 169) The private sector surplus or deficit is equal to ________. A) saving minus investment B) income minus consumption C) income minus consumption minus net taxes D) income minus consumption minus investment 170) International borrowing in the United States is financing ________. A) private and public investment B) consumption C) net exports D) government purchases of goods and services 171) The market in which the currency of one country is exchanged for the currency of another country is the ________. A) foreign currency market B) foreign exchange market C) Chicago Money Exchange D) G8 172) Suppose that $1 Canadian can buy $0. 65 U. S. and $1 U. S. can buy $1. 54 Canadian. These are examples of ________. A) foreign exchange rates B) purchasing power of parity C) currency appreciation D) changes in the prices of net exports 173) Between 1998 and 2000, the U. S. dollar ________ against the Japanese yen, and in 2001 and 2002, the U. S. dollar ________ against the Japanese yen. A) value changed little; value changed a lot B) appreciated; depreciated C) trended upward; trended downward D) depreciated; appreciated 174) The U. S. interest rate minus the foreign interest rate is called the ________. A) U. S. stock yield differential B) U. S. interest rate differential C) foreign interest rate differential D) U. S. bond rate differential 175) If the exchange rate rises, there is a ________ the demand curve for U. S. dollars, and if the expected future exchange rate rises, there is a ________ the demand curve for U. S. dollars. A) movement up along; leftward shift of B) leftward shift of; leftward shift of C) movement up along; rightward shift f D) movement down along; rightward shift of 167) 168) 169) 170) 171) 172) 173) 174) 175) 23 176) The supply curve of U. S. dollars shifts leftward. This could have been influenced by ________. A) a decrease in the U. S. exchange rate B) a rise in the U. S. interest rate differential C) an increase in the U. S. exchange rate D) a fall in the expected future exchange rate 177) Suppose that $1 U. S. costs $1. 50 Canadian. If in St. Louis a CD costs $10 U. S. and in Montre al it costs $15 Canadian, then ________. A) purchasing power parity exists B) Americans will buy CDs in Montreal C) Virgin Records will have an incentive to build more stores in North America D) Canadians will buy CDs in St. Louis 178) If in Chicago the interest rate is 5 percent a year and in Vancouver it is 4 percent a year, ________. A) the quantity of Canadian dollars purchased will increase B) the Canadian dollar is expected to depreciate C) the U. S. dollar is expected to depreciate D) interest rate parity does not exist 179) If the Fed wants to depreciate the U. S. dollar against the British pound, it will ________. A) sell U. S. dollars B) sell British pounds C) sell foreign exchange D) decrease the money supply 180) The country of Pimm exports $500 billion worth of goods and services and imports $400 billion worth of goods and services. Net interest income paid abroad is $50 billion and net transfers are $0. The current account balance is ________. A) $25 billion B) $50 billion C) $175 billion D) $975 billion 181) If the current account balance is $30 billion, and the capital account balance is $35 billion, then the official settlements account balance is ________ billion, and the official reserves ________. A) -$5 billion; increase B) $5 billion; increase C) -$5 billion; decrease D) $5 billion; decrease 182) If, this year, a country has loaned more to the rest of the world than it borrowed from the rest of the world and has loaned more to the rest of the world than it has borrowed from the rest of the world during its entire history, then the country is currently a ________ and also a ________. A) net lender; creditor nation B) debtor nation; net lender C) net borrower; creditor nation D) net borrower; debtor nation 183) A country has a government sector deficit and a private sector surplus. If the government sector deficit increases, and the private sector surplus decreases, ________. A) net exports increase B) net exports decrease or remain constant C) net exports increase, decrease, or remain constant D) net exports decrease 176) 177) 178) 179) 180) 181) 182) 183) 24 Item Imports of goods and services, M Net taxes, T Government purchases, G Savings, S Investment, I Billions of dollars 275 300 250 125 100 184) 184) The table above gives some of the entries in the national income and product accounts. The government sector has a ________, and the private sector has a ________. A) surplus of $50 billion; deficit of $25 billion B) deficit of $50 billion; deficit of $25 billion C) deficit of $50 billion; surplus of $25 billion D) surplus of $50 billion; surplus of $25 billion 185) The table above gives some of the entries in the national income and product accounts. What is the value of exports? A) $300 billion B) -$25 billion C) $25 billion D) $350 billion 186) If the pound-dollar exchange rate changes from ? 0. 60 per dollar to ? 0. 5 per dollar, then the pound has ________ against the dollar and the dollar has ________ against the pound. A) depreciated; depreciated B) depreciated; appreciated C) appreciated; appreciated D) appreciated; depreciated 187) Suppose that a dollar buys 120 yen. If a VCR sells for 18,600 yen in Japan, the price of the VCR in dollars is ________. A) $120. 00 B) $186. 00 C) $223. 20 D) $155. 00 188) If the exchange rate between the dollar and Japanese yen i s below the equilibrium exchange rate, there will be a ________ of dollars, and the exchange rate will ________. A) surplus; fall to the equilibrium level B) shortage; rise to the equilibrium level C) shortage; change only when the supply curve shifts leftward D) surplus; rise to the equilibrium level 189) If the expected future exchange rate falls, the exchange rate ________, and the equilibrium quantity of dollars ________. A) remains constant; barely changes B) remains constant; increases C) falls; increases D) falls; barely changes 185) 186) 187) 188) 189) 25 Item Imports of goods and services Exports of goods and services Borrowing from the rest of the world Net investment income paid to foreigners Net transfers paid to foreigners Millions of crumbs 2,000 3,000 1,500 60 60 190) 190) The table above shows the transactions made during 2003 by the citizens of Biscuit, whose currency is the crumb. During 2003, the official reserves increased by 380 million crumbs. Calculate the current account balance. A) -1,000 million crumbs B) -880 million crumbs C) 880 million crumbs D) 1,000 million crumbs 191) The table above shows the transactions made during 2003 by the citizens of Biscuit, whose currency is the crumb. During 2003, the official reserves increased by 380 million crumbs. How many million crumbs did Biscuit lend to the rest of the world in 2003? A) -500 B) 2,000 C) 240 D) 500 192) On the island country of Sunshine where the unit of currency is fish, net exports are 50 fish, saving is 250 fish, net taxes are 100 fish, and the government budget deficit is 175 fish. What is the value of investment? A) -25 fish B) -375 fish C) 25 fish D) 375 fish 193) On the island country of Sunshine where the unit of currency is fish, net exports are 50 fish, saving is 250 fish, net taxes are 100 fish, and the government budget deficit is 175 fish. The private sector has a ________. A) surplus of 225 fish B) deficit of 125 fish C) deficit of 225 fish D) surplus of 125 fish 191) 192) 193) Currency Euro Japanese yen Canadian dollar 1999 exchange rate (per U. S. dollar) 0. 9954 102. 20 1. 44 2000 exchange rate (per U. S. dollar) 1. 0747 114. 90 1. 50 194) 194) The table above shows the exchange rates between various currencies and the U. S. dollar. Between 1999 and 2000, the U. S. dollar ________ against the euro and ________ against the Japanese yen. A) depreciated; appreciated B) appreciated; appreciated C) appreciated; depreciated D) depreciated; depreciated 26 195) The table above shows the exchange rates between various currencies and the U. S. dollar. Between 1999 and 2000, the Japanese yen ________ against the U. S dollar and the euro ________ against the U. S. dollar. A) depreciated; depreciated B) appreciated; depreciated C) appreciated; appreciated D) depreciated; appreciated 196) Epsilon is a country whose unit of currency is the omega. New information leads people to expect that the omega will appreciate next year. The demand curve for omegas shifts ________, the supply curve of omegas shifts ________, and the omega ________. A) leftward; rightward; depreciates B) rightward; leftward; appreciates C) rightward; rightward; neither depreciates nor appreciates D) leftward; leftward; neither depreciates nor appreciates 197) Epsilon is a country whose unit of currency is the omega. New information leads people to expect that the omega will appreciate next year. To keep the foreign exchange value of the omega fairly steady, the Bank of Epsilon will ________ enough omegas on the foreign exchange market so that the________ omegas will ________. A) sell; supply of; increase B) buy; demand for; decrease C) buy; demand for; increase D) buy; supply of; decrease 198) In France, the price of a computer is 1,227. 6 euros. In Japan, the price of the same computer is 137,920 yen. If a U. S. dollar can buy 1. 023 euros or 119. 93 yen, then purchasing power parity ________. A) does not hold and the computer is cheaper in France B) is equal to interest rate parity and the computer is cheaper in North America C) holds and the computer is the same price everywhere D) does not hold and the computer is cheaper in Japan Quantity of dollars demanded (billions) 200 220 240 260 280 Quantity of dollars demanded (billions) 230 220 210 200 190 195) 196) 197) 198) Exchange rate (yen per dollar) 180 160 140 120 100 199) The table above gives the supply and demand schedules of U. S. dollars. Suppose that the Fed spends $30 billion and buys foreign securities.
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