Saturday, May 23, 2020
Grow Your Own Seed Crystal Instructions
A seed crystal is a small single crystal that you put in a saturated or supersaturated solution to grow a large crystal. Heres how to grow a seed crystal for any chemical that dissolves in water. Materials Needed to Grow a Seed Crystal The chemical you want to crystallize (here are some recommended recipes)Distilled water (tap water is usually OK)Shallow dish (such as a petri dish or a saucer)Heat source (stove, microwave, or hot plate)Nylon line (such as a fishing line) Make a Crystal Growing Solution Ideally, you would know the solubility of your chemical at different temperatures so that you could estimate how much of the chemical is needed to make a saturated solution. Also, this information is useful in figuring out what to expect when you cool your solution. For example, if the substance is much more soluble at a higher temperature than at a lower temperature, then you can expect crystals to form very quickly as you cool the solution (such as sugar crystals). If the solubility doesnt change much over your temperature range, you will have to rely more on evaporation to cause your crystals to grow (for example, salt crystals). In the one case, you cool your solution to stimulate crystal growth. In the other, you keep the solution warm to speed evaporation. If you know your solubility, use that data to make a solution. Otherwise, heres what to do: Heat about 1/4 cup (50 milliliters) of water in a glass container. A metal container may react with your chemical; a plastic container may melt. Suggestion: boil water in the microwave in oven-safe glassware such as a Pyrex measuring cup. (Be careful not to superheat your water. It tends not to be a problem with microwaves that rotate the container, but be careful anyway.) For crystals that fall out of solution easily, you may only need water heated to coffee pot temperatures or even hot tap water. When in doubt, boil the water.Stir in your chemical. Keep adding it until it stops dissolving and a little accumulates in the container. Give it a couple of minutes. Stir the solution again and add more solute (the stuff you are dissolving) if needed.Pour some solution into a petri dish or saucer. Only pour the clear solution into the dish, not any of the undissolved material. You may wish to filter the solution through a coffee filter.Crystals will form as the solution evaporates. You may remove a crystal before the solution fully evaporates if desired. To do this, pour off the solution and carefully scrape off the crystal. Otherwise, you can wait until the solution has evaporated. Select the best crystal and carefully remove it from the dish. Using Your Seed Crystal to Grow Big Crystals Now that you have the seed crystal, its time to use it to grow a big crystal: Tie the crystal onto a nylon fishing line with a simple knot. You want nylon and not normal thread or string because it is porous, so it will act as a wick for your solution, and because it is rough and will attract crystal growth away from your seed crystal. If the container you use to grow your crystals is completely clean and smooth and the line is nylon, your seed crystal should be the most likely surface for crystal growth. You may need to scrape small grooves in your seed crystal so that it wont slip off of the nylon line. Nylon is not the easiest material to use to tie a knot. Suspend your seed crystal in a saturated or supersaturated crystal solution so that it is completely covered. You dont want the crystal to touch the sides or bottom of the container. If your crystal solution isnt concentrated enough, your seed crystal will dissolve. You made a saturated solution for your seed crystal, so you can use that procedure (except with more water and crystal-chemical) to grow the real crystal. To supersaturate a solution, you make a saturated solution at a high temperature, then slowly cool it (with some exceptions). For example, if you dissolve as much sugar as possible in boiling water, the solution will be supersaturated by the time it gets to room temperature. A supersaturated solution will produce crystals quickly (often over the course of a couple of hours). A saturated solution may require days or weeks to produce a crystal. Let your crystal grow in an undisturbed location. You may wish to cover the solution with a coffee filter or paper towel to keep dust or whatever from contaminating the solution. Once you are happy with your crystal, remove it from the solution and allow it to dry.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Summary Of The Metamorphosis - 853 Words
The novel The Metamorphosis, by franz kafka, is centered around the basic plot that the main character, gregor, becoming a giant insect. With such a strange topic coming into play, the many characters who do confronts with a transformed gregor all fit into three categories of the reactions the showed. These include either, being completely disgusted, and disturbed by him, care enough to acknowledge that this is gregor but not care enough, and caring for acknowledging that gregor was once as person as well. Throughout the novella, the treatment of gregor slowly begins to degrade, which personally it isnt right, but the many problems that were caused by him led to this treatment by desperation. Each of the major characters all reacted to†¦show more content†¦The demonstrates her acknowledges that the vermin is her son but also shows displeasure. The same can go with the father as in the text it says,†These, little red apples†¦ lodged into his back.†(31).The demonstrated the reactions of the parents on how, even if it still negative, as the father attempts to hurt Gregor it is a little better than the reaction the previous characters had, as he does this to assert himself. The final of of reactions by characters in the novel towards gregor include Gretes and the charwoman’s reactions. both of these women in the novel seem to at first be acceptant t the fact of the transformation and state that Gregor is stuck in.In the novel, the author writes,†This is how gregor received his food each day now, once in the morning†¦ after everyone had eaten their meal at midday..send the maid away on some errand.†(21). This shows Gretes acceptance of the situations and at first put in a genuine effort to care for her brother. This shows how she had one of the better reactions of the characters. Unlike, Grete, the charwoman, the family;s cleaning lady; is surprisingly unphased by Gregor. This is shown in the novel what the narrator writes,†This elderly widow. With a robust bone structure †¦ wasnt really repelled by Gregor. Just by chance †¦ she opened the door to Gregors room and found herself face to face with him.†(35). T his shows the audience that both of these characters haveShow MoreRelatedA Summary of Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis1244 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ Metamorphosis Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis is a chilling story of a man named Gregor, who wakes one morning to find himself transformed into a giant insect. As expected, his family is shocked, but tries to adjust to the situation. However, over time his family comes to reject him and sees his continued existence as a burden. Wishing him dead, his family gets their wish when Gregor finally dies and his loss is then seen as a blessing. Although the author meant this tale to be symbolic of theRead More The Metamorphosis Essay1716 Words  | 7 PagesThe Metamorphosis The longer story The Metamorphosis, first published in 1971, was written by Franz Kafka. He was born in Prague in 1883 and lived until 1924, and he has written many other stories along with The Metamorphosis. The Metamorphosis appears to be a fantastic piece. After reading The Metamorphosis, I do believe that there are many similarities between magical realism and fantastic literature. Kafka showed many fantastic issues in The Metamorphosis. While reading The MetamorphosisRead MoreEssay on Metamorphosis1359 Words  | 6 PagesMetamorphosis In the short story, Metamorphosis, the narrator describes Gregor’s new life as an insect. He then goes on to describe Gregor’s sister, Grete, with a reflection of Gregor’s opinion in the description. Kafka employs a number of stylistic devices including descriptive imagery, metaphors, and symbolism in the passage to describe the situation. While these devices on their own just provide a more complex method of painting the situation, the way they are assembled in the passage Read MoreThe Metamorphosis notes Essay1339 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿AP/IB English: Major Works Data Sheet Title: The Metamorphosis Author: Franz Kafka Date of Publication:1915 Genre: fiction Biographical information about the author 1833-1924 Born into a middle class German speaking Jewish family in Prague. Antagonistic relationship with his father. Close relationship with sister: Ottla Sent to German Schools, good academically Best friend was , Max Brod Family used him for his money Had clinical depression, social anxiety mental instability and tuberculosis Read MoreSpellbinding Metamorphosis. 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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107: 4612-4617. The authors have assigned key words described throughout this article including amphibian decline, endocrine disruption, pesticide and sex reversalRead MoreLife Cycle Of Butterflies : New Jersey Common Core Standards718 Words  | 3 Pagescomprised of twenty-one 5 and 6 year old students. There are 11 boys and 10 girls. In my class, there are children with ADHD, severe learning disabilities, multiple ESL learners, Cerebral Palsy, Severe Behavior, and other assortment of needs. Unit Summary: This lesson unit focuses on the life cycle of butterflies. Students will learn about the growth cycle of a butterfly and what the stages are by name. 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The dramatic change from young to adult is called complete metamorphosis. Summary Bones - Bones provide the structure for our bodies. The adult human skeleton is made up of 206 bones. These include the bones of the skull, spine (vertebrae), ribs, arms andRead MoreGregor Samsa And Depression By Franz Kafka1665 Words  | 7 PagesGregor Samsa and Depression Gregor Samsa is the main character in the book â€Å"The Metamorphosis†written by Franz Kafka and published in early 1915. The book which is primarily centered on Gregor and his family takes readers on a journey into the seemingly disturbing life of Gregor Sasma and how major changes in his life take him on a downward spiral of depression and eventually, death. The changes evident in Gregor did not only affect him, but also affected his immediate family resulting in attitudes
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why Uniforms Should Be Abolished Free Essays
Uniforms Should Be Abolished at WHCI Being in highschool is hard enough as it is with teacher and principal breathing down your neck constantly telling you to wear uniform all the time it like you have no freedom. I think uniform should be abolished at West Humber C. I because it will give the student a little freedom. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Uniforms Should Be Abolished or any similar topic only for you Order Now Reason why i think it should be abolished at West Humber C. I is because you have to buy more than one set of uniformsand you wouldn’t want to wear that one set over and over again plus you have to buy a set of clothing for when your not in school . The price of uniform is very costly because you have to buy the shirt and pant which they are overpriced and it kill’s off the cash you you have just buy purchasing the uniform. The second reason why uniform should be abolished at West Humber is because teachers get annoyed when they constantly tell you to wear your uniform or they send you down to the office to talk with the principal for the uniform infraction. The uniform causes so much trouble for both you and your teachers/principal because it causes confrontation then argument then you’ll be sent home and miss out on class time when you might be missing something important that might be needed for a test. The last reason why uniforms should be abolished at West Humber C. I is because Students who aren’t able to express their own personalities and express themselves as individuals get labled when wearing a uniform and it hard to form peer relationship with other students. Regardless of their negative reputations, cliques allow students to express themselves and find acceptance within their individual peer groups. Having students wear uniforms may prevent students from forming peer relationships that stop social communication between students. How to cite Why Uniforms Should Be Abolished, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Digital Modulation Schemes Evolution Systems -
Question: Discuss about the Digital Modulation Schemes Evolution Systems. Answer: Introduction The case is about the LTE cellular networks which is mainly for handling the mobile communication technology using the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing. It is mainly based on the increased capacity and the speed that makes use of the different interface of the radio with the network improvements. The specifications are related to the working and handling the 4G LTE which relates to the advancements of the WiMAX, evolvement of the high-speed packet access and the LTE to bring the change in the 3G technologies. The LTE Advanced is for the 3GP standards which includes the technological advancements with the higher flexibility of the radio interface that mainly aims to handle and bridge the gap between the 3rd and the 4th generation. The 3GPP works on the requirements which includes the systems that support the peak data rates for 100Mbps in the downlink. The downlink is averaged with the user throughput and the spectrum efficiency. The OFDM is for the utilization of the digita l multi-carrier modulation methods, where the data is transmitted on the different narrow band subcarriers. The LTE downlink make use of OFDM, where the uplink is mainly for the different types of the modulation schemes, which is known as the single-carrier frequency division multiplexity. The OFDM is for the high peak to average the power ratio that requires to work on the linear power amplifier with the overall forms of the lower efficiency. The poor quality is for the operations of the battery handsets with the SC FDMA that has a lower PAPR which is for the portable implementation. The LTE provides the spectral efficiency which is mainly for the higher data rates with the permits that are set for the different multiple users. [3] There are divisions which are for the specific channels and for carrying the spacing in the subcarriers that are orthogonal. It mainly comes with the subcarrier spacing and handling the LTE Channel spacing, where the high speed of the serial data need to be transmitted which is then divided into the slower streams as well with the modulation to one of the subca rriers. OFDM makes the use of the frequency and the time that is mainly for the handling of data spread. With this, there is a need to analyze the higher speeds with the signal reliability. It is based on the subcarriers and how the data is set with different symbols that are for the multiple bits like Q PSK 2 bits, 16QAM 4 bits, and 64QAM 6 bits. [4] The range with the higher-level modulation is set with the higher rate of data. The check is on handling the deals with the assignment of the multiple users with the shared forms of the communication resource. The OFDMA scheme is based on working with the DFT processing and handling the elements which are related to the lower PAPR with the benefits related to the reduced cost of the power amplifier. With this, the analysis is based on the performance gaps which are small and the SC-FDMA advantage is mainly of the lower PAPR that is for the uplink wireless transmission taking hold of the communication system. [5] The constellation symbols are for the sequence of bits which are transmitted like BPSK (Size=1), QPSK (L=M2), and M-Quadrature Amplitude Modulation. There are different transmitter users which are assigned for the different Fourier coefficients to mainly handle the mapping and the de-mapping of the blocks. The receiver side is for the de-mapping block with IDFT and detection for the user signals. The guard intervals with the cyclic repetition are introdu ced with the symbols which are mainly for the time spread factors mainly by the multi-path proportion. In SC-FDMA, the multiple access is mainly among the users which is made possible through the assignment of the different users that tends to take a set for the non-overlapping of the Fourier coefficients and the sub-carriers. [6] The SC-FDMA is mainly to take hold of the single carrier transmit signal with OFDMA that is for the transmission scheme. The subcarrier mapping could be localized and the distributed mapping. The localized mapping is set with the DFT outputs that are set of the consecutive subcarriers mainly to confine to the system fraction. Here, the case is related to the occupied forms of the subcarriers that are spaced over the entire bandwidth. The major advantages of OFDM are the efficient use of the spectrum which is set for the overlapping with divisions of the channel that is set into the narrowband flat fading sub channels. It is mainly resistant to the frequency which is for the selective fading than the single carrier systems. The elimination of the ISI and IFI is mainly using the cyclic prefix, where the use of the adequate channel coding and the interleaving is where one can easily recover the symbols that are lost due to the selectivity of the frequency. The channel equalization is simple with the use of adaptive equalization techniques and the single carrier systems. [7] The possibility is based on handling the reasonable forms of the complexity measures. The OFDM is also for the use of the maximum likelihood with the focus on the use of FFT techniques that are set with the modulation and the demodulation of the functions. It is seen that they are less sensitive to the sampling timing offsets and has been set for the different types of the system carriers. The protection is mainly against any type of co-channel interference with the parasitic noise that is set like the amplitude and the large dynamic range which requires to handle the RF power amplifiers with the higher peak to the average ratio of power. OFDM is the form of the signal modulation which can divide the higher rate of the data that has been set on the modulating stream and is then placed on the slow forms of the modulated narrowband spaced subcarriers. The modulation is mainly adopted with the Wi-Fi Arena where the standards like 802.11a, 802.11n, 802.11ac are equipped with the telecommunication. The broadcasting standards are set with the adoption to the Digital Radio Model which is for the long and the short-wave bands. The system includes the spaced modulated carriers where the modulation is in the form of the data and the voice. It is, then applied to the sidebands which is spread with all the important forms of the receiver to be able to handle the signal with the data demodulation. The signals are then transmitted to the other which are spaced and worked on through the easy processes. The requirements are based on working over the receiving and transmitting systems which are linear. For the non-linearity, there is an interference which is mainly set in between the carriers. This is the result for the inter-modulation distortion designing with introduction of some of the unwanted signals that leads to cause the interference with the impairing of the orthogonality of the transmission. The patterns are based on working over the multi-carrier systems with OFDM focusing on the RF final amplifier where the output of the transmitter can handle the peak with the lower average power. Along with this, the efficiency is also measured based on how the carriers of the signal are measured with easily handling the payload. [8] This reduce the data rate that is taken by each carrier. The major focus is on the interference with the distribution of data that is set with some advantages. The system is based on the handling of the peak data rates which are for 100 Mbps for the downlink and for 50 Mbps which is for the uplink. Here, the downlink and the uplink is for the user throughput per MHz where there are 5% point of the CDF. The requirements are based on the higher degree of commonality of functionality with flexibility to support and work on the different range of the services and the applications in the effective manner. This will help in improving the user-friendly applications, services and the equipment with the worldwide roaming capability and the enhancement in the peak data rates that are set for handling the advancement of the services and the applications. The LTE advanced requirements are based on meeting the increased peak data rates to reach the ITU requirements based on improvement of the cell edge data. The other requirements are based on working over the peak data rates which are related to the latency, system that can support the downlink peak sp ectral efficiency with the configurations based on defining the base of the coverage with inter-site distance of 500m and the pedestrian users. The advancement is set with the features of the downlink and the uplink implementation where the SC-FDMA is for the configuration with the equalization that is at the receiver side, with DFT calculations and handling the frequency selective fading and phase distortion. [9] The major advantage is based on working with the equalization process which is achieved through the receiver side after the calculation of DFT is done. With OFDM, the user requirements are based on the ability to handle the channel conditions and then work on the attenuation for the higher frequency with the long copper wire. The narrowband interference with the frequency selective fading is mainly set due to the multi-path. This is to take hold of the higher spectral efficiency which is then compared to the other kinds of the double sideband modulation schemes. They are important and efficiency based on the implementation using the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform). The accuracy with the frequency synchronization is mainly in between the receiver and the transmitter which includes the cross talk between the sub-carriers. The effects are based on the forms which include the worsening of the speed with the simplified type of the equalization process that is caused by the multipath propagation. [10] The OFDMA is for the multiuser version with the frequency that is defined for the multiple access and to handle the assigning of the subsets to the different individual users. They are mainly to allow the lower data rates that are set from the different users. The focus is on allowing the simultaneous low data rate transmission from the different users with the improvement of the robustness and the fading with the needs of the modification to the air interface. This will also enable the single frequency network coverage with resistance and gain to the frequency selective fading. Conclusion The performance of the systems of LTE is based on the Shannon limit which is based on managing the higher rates of the data. Along with this, there is a need to focus on the signal to noise ratios where the approaches are based on the improvement of the values. One can easily meet the higher peak data rate requirements with the compatibility set through the different LTE carrier components. 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